


Trust domain configuration

REST Endpoints

Collection URI
Collection Methods
Resource URI
/mgmt/tm/cm/add-to-trust/~resource id
Resource Methods
Resource Natural Key


Name Type Default Value Required Access Description
caDevice boolean   optional read/write Option used to specify that the device is a certificate authority.
device string   required read/write Option used to specify the FQDN or management-ip of the new device.
deviceName string   required read/write Option used to specify the name of the new device.
md5Fingerprint string   optional read/write Deprecated since v13.0.0. Use sha1-fingerprint instead. The SSL certificate md5 fingerprint.
nonCaDevice boolean   optional read/write Option used to specify that the device is not a certificate authority.
password string   required read/write Option used to specify the password when adding the new device.
port integer   optional read/write Option used to specify the port of the new device if other than default HTTPS 443.
serial string   optional read/write Deprecated since v13.0.0. Use sha1-fingerprint instead. The SSL certificate serial number.
sha1Fingerprint string   optional read/write The ssl certificate sha1 fingerprint.
signature string   optional read/write Deprecated since v13.0.0. Use sha1-fingerprint instead. The SSL certificate signature.
username string   required read/write Option used to specify the username when adding the new device.
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