


Virtual server Financial Information eXchange(FIX) profile configuration

REST Endpoints

Collection URI
Collection Methods
Resource URI
/mgmt/tm/ltm/profile/fix/~resource id
Resource Methods
Resource Natural Key
name, partition, subPath


Name Type Default Value Required Access Description
appService string   optional read/write The application service to which the object belongs.
defaultsFrom string   optional read/write Specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile. Your new profile inherits all settings and values from the parent profile specified.
description string   optional read/write User defined description.
errorAction string dont-forward optional read/write Specifies the error handling method
fullLogonParsing string true optional read/write Enable or disable logon message is always fully parsed
messageLogPublisher string   optional read/write Specifies the publisher for message logging
tmPartition string Common optional read/write Displays the administrative partition within which this profile resides.
quickParsing string false optional read/write Enable or disable quick parsing which parses the basic standard fields and validates message length and checksum
reportLogPublisher string   optional read/write Specifies the publisher for error message and status report
responseParsing string false optional read/write Enable or disable response parsing which parses the messages from FIX server
senderTagClass string   optional read/write Specifies the tag substitution map between sender id and tag substitution data group
statisticsSampleInterval integer 20 optional read/write Specifies the sample interval in seconds of the message rate
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