PEM protocol profile for Diameter Gx protocol
REST Endpoints
- Collection URI
- Collection Methods
- Resource URI
/mgmt/tm/pem/protocol/profile/gx/~resource id
- Resource Methods
- Resource Natural Key
name, partition, subPath
Name | Type | Default Value | Required | Access | Description |
appService |
string | optional | read/write | The application service that the object belongs to. | |
description |
string | optional | read/write | User defined description. | |
tmPartition |
string | Common | optional | read/write |
Name | Type | Default Value | Required | Access | Description |
/subscriber-id |
array_structure | optional | read/write | ||
/subscriber-id/avp |
string | optional | read/write | Specifies subscription ID comes with type and data in diameter. This field specifies the avp in the message that should be matched to get subscriber ID data in raw format. | |
/subscriber-id/type |
string | e164 | optional | read/write | Specifies the subscriber ID type that PEM will use for the session for the ID read by avp. |
/subscriber-id/type-avp |
string | optional | read/write | Specifies subscription ID comes with type and data in diameter. This field specifies avp in message that should be matched. | |
/subscriber-id/avp |
string | optional | read/write | Specifies subscription ID comes with type and data in diameter. This field specifies the avp in the message that should be matched to get subscriber ID data in raw format. | |
/subscriber-id/type |
string | e164 | optional | read/write | Specifies the subscriber ID type that PEM will use for the session for the ID read by avp. |
/subscriber-id/type-avp |
string | optional | read/write | Specifies subscription ID comes with type and data in diameter. This field specifies avp in message that should be matched. |
Array Structures
Name | Type | Default Value | Required | Access | Description |
/messages |
array_structure | optional | read/write | PEM protocol message definition for Gx protocol | |
/messages/app-service |
string | optional | read/write | Specifies the application service that the object belongs to. | |
/messages/direction |
string | any | optional | read/write | Specifies the direction of the Gx message. |
/messages/message-type |
string | ccr-i | optional | read/write | Specifies the message type of the Gx message. |
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