


Datasync Global Profile which is synced across all devices.

REST Endpoints

Collection URI
Collection Methods
Resource URI
/mgmt/tm/security/datasync/global-profile/~resource id
Resource Methods
Resource Natural Key
name, partition, subPath


Name Type Default Value Required Access Description
activationEpoch string 2147483647 optional read/write Specifies the epoch at which the profile becomes active, in UNIX-time.
appService string   optional read/write The application service that the object belongs to.
createTimestamp integer 0 optional read/write Displays the timestamp at which the profile was created, in UNIX-time.
deactivationEpoch string 2147483647 optional read/write Specifies the epoch at which the profile becomes inactive, in UNIX-time.
graceTime string 2147483647 optional read/write Specifies the grace time during which new buffers are supported, but not yet activated, in seconds.
hashAlg string default optional read/write Specifies the hashing algorithm to use.
macAlg string default optional read/write Specifies the MAC algorithm to use.
masterKey string auto optional read/write Specifies the secured master key upon which all cryptography is based. Use “auto” to generate a random key.
maxRows string 2147483647 optional read/write Specifies the maximum number of rows to generate.
minRows string 2147483647 optional read/write Specifies the minimum number of rows to generate before going online.
modeOfOp string default optional read/write Specifies the scrambling mode-of-operation to use.
params string   optional read/write Specifies additional internal parameters.
tmPartition string Common optional read/write Displays the administrative partition within which this profile resides.
regenInterval string 2147483647 optional read/write Specifies the time interval at which regeneration will be done, in seconds.
regenTimeOffset string 2147483647 optional read/write Specifies the time offset at which regeneration will be done, in seconds.
rsaBits string 2147483647 optional read/write Specifies the number of bits to use for RSA keys.
rsaExp string default optional read/write Specifies the RSA exponent.
scrambleAlg string default optional read/write Specifies the scrambling algorithm to use.
table string error required read/write Specifies the table to which the profile belongs.
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