
Introduced : BIG-IP_v9.0
The Monitor interface enables you to manipulate a local load balancer&aposs monitor templates and instances. For example, use the Monitor interface to enable or disable a monitor instance, or to create a monitor template, or to get and set different attributes of a monitor template.


Method Description Introduced
create_template Creates monitor templates with some basic attributes. If the “parent_template” attribute in “template_attributes” is empty, then the new template is based on the template type field given in “templates”. If the “parent_template” attribute in “template_attributes” is specified, then the new template is derived from the “parent_template”, and template type field in “templates” is ignored. If “parent_template” is empty, and the template type field in “templates” is not specified, then the new template is a root template. BIG-IP_v9.0
delete_all_templates Deletes all user-defined (non-root) monitor templates. BIG-IP_v9.0
delete_template Deletes the specified monitor templates. BIG-IP_v9.0
get_adaptive_divergence_type Gets the monitor templates&apos adaptive divergence type. BIG-IP_v11.6.0
get_adaptive_divergence_value Gets the monitor templates&apos adaptive divergence value. BIG-IP_v11.6.0
get_adaptive_limit Gets the monitor templates&apos adaptive limit. BIG-IP_v11.6.0
get_adaptive_sampling_timespan Gets the monitor templates&apos adaptive sampling timespan. BIG-IP_v11.6.0
get_adaptive_state Gets the monitor templates&apos adaptive state. BIG-IP_v11.6.0
get_description Gets the descriptions for a set of monitor templates. BIG-IP_v11.0.0
get_instance_state Gets the enabled/disabled states of the monitor instances. BIG-IP_v9.0
get_manual_resume_state Gets the monitor templates&apos manual resume states. When enabled and a monitor has marked an object down, that object will not be marked up by the monitor, i.e. the object will be manually marked up. BIG-IP_v9.4.0
get_parent_template Gets the parent monitor templates from which the specified monitor templates are derived. A user-defined monitor template will get its defaults from its parent monitor template. BIG-IP_v9.0
get_template_address_type Gets the destination address types of the monitor templates. This allows the user to determine what node IP:port can be associated with this monitor when creating a monitor instance. BIG-IP_v9.0
get_template_destination Gets the destination IP:port values of the specified monitor templates. BIG-IP_v9.0
get_template_integer_property Gets the integer property values of the specified monitor templates. BIG-IP_v9.0
get_template_list Gets the list of monitor templates. BIG-IP_v9.0
get_template_reverse_mode Gets the reverse mode states of the specified monitor templates. BIG-IP_v9.0
get_template_state Gets the enabled/disabled states of the specified monitor templates. BIG-IP_v9.0
get_template_string_property Gets a string property values of the specified monitor templates. BIG-IP_v9.0
get_template_transparent_mode Gets the transparent mode states of the specified monitor templates. BIG-IP_v9.0
get_template_type Gets the template types of the specified monitor templates. BIG-IP_v9.0
get_template_user_defined_string_property Gets the user-defined string property values of the specified monitor templates. BIG-IP_v9.0
get_version Gets the version information for this interface. BIG-IP_v9.0
is_template_directly_usable Determines if the specified monitor templates can be used directly, or a user-defined monitor based on each monitor must be created first before it can be used. BIG-IP_v9.0
is_template_read_only Determines if the specified monitor templates are read-only. The user can only modify properties for read/write monitor templates. BIG-IP_v9.0
is_template_root Determines if the specified monitor templates are of the base monitor templates. BIG-IP_v9.0
set_adaptive_divergence_type Sets the monitor templates&apos adaptive type. When enabled, the monitor will calculate the health based on response time. The behavior of the monitoring and health calculation can be further configured via set_adaptive_divergence_type, set_adaptive_allowed_divergence, set_adaptive_limit, and set_adaptive_sampling_timespan. BIG-IP_v11.6.0
set_adaptive_divergence_value Sets the monitor templates&apos adaptive divergence value. When enabled, the monitor will calculate the health based on response time. The behavior of the monitoring and health calculation can be further configured via set_adaptive_divergence_type, set_adaptive_allowed_divergence, set_adaptive_limit, and set_adaptive_sampling_timespace BIG-IP_v11.6.0
set_adaptive_limit Sets the monitor templates&apos adaptive limit. When enabled, the monitor will calculate the health based on response time. The behavior of the monitoring and health calculation can be further configured via set_adaptive_divergence_type, set_adaptive_allowed_divergence, set_adaptive_limit, and set_adaptive_sampling_timespan BIG-IP_v11.6.0
set_adaptive_sampling_timespan Sets the monitor templates&apos adaptive sampling timespan. When enabled, the monitor will calculate the health based on response time. The behavior of the monitoring and health calculation can be further configured via set_adaptive_divergence_type, set_adaptive_allowed_divergence, set_adaptive_limit, and set_adaptive_sampling_timespace BIG-IP_v11.6.0
set_adaptive_state Sets the monitor templates&apos adaptive state. When enabled, the monitor will calculate the health based on response time. The behavior of the monitoring and health calculation can be further configured via set_adaptive_divergence_type, set_adaptive_allowed_divergence, set_adaptive_limit, and set_adaptive_sampling_timespace BIG-IP_v11.6.0
set_description Sets the description for a set of monitor templates. This is an arbitrary field which can be used for any purpose. BIG-IP_v11.0.0
set_instance_state Sets the enabled/disabled states of the monitor instances. BIG-IP_v9.0
set_manual_resume_state Sets the monitor templates&apos manual resume states. When enabled and a monitor has marked an object down, that object will not be marked up by the monitor, i.e. the object will be manually marked up. BIG-IP_v9.4.0
set_template_destination Sets the destination IP:port values for the specified templates. NOTE: This should only be done when the monitor templates in “template_names” have NOT been associated to any node addresses or pool members. BIG-IP_v9.0
set_template_integer_property Sets an integer property values of the specified monitor templates. BIG-IP_v9.0
set_template_reverse_mode Sets the reverse mode states of the specified monitor templates. When in reverse mode, a successful test marks the node down instead of up. BIG-IP_v9.0
set_template_state Sets the monitor templates&apos enabled/disabled states. This will enable/disable all instances that use the specified templates. This serves as a quick and convenient method to enable/disable all instances, but if you want only to enable/disable a specific instance, use set_instance_enabled. BIG-IP_v9.0
set_template_string_property Sets a string property values of the specified monitor templates. BIG-IP_v9.0
set_template_transparent_mode Sets the transparent mode states of the specified monitor templates. Transparent mode is used when a user has to go through a firewall to do monitoring. BIG-IP_v9.0
set_template_user_defined_string_property Sets the user-defined string property values of the specified monitor templates. The user-defined string property is an arbitrary name/value pair used as configuration information for the monitor. Only certain monitors accept such user-defined properties and the meaning of these name/value pairs is dependent on the specific monitor. BIG-IP_v9.0





A struct that describes some common attributes of a monitor template.


A struct that describe a integer type and value.


A struct that describes a monitor template.


A struct that describe a string type and value.


A struct that describe an user-defined string name and value.


Enumeration Description
AdaptiveType A list of adaptive monitor types.
IntPropertyType A list of monitor template&aposs integer property types.
StrPropertyType A list of monitor template&aposs string property types.
TemplateType A list of template types.


Exception Description


Constant Type Value Description


Alias Type Description
AdaptiveTypeSequence AdaptiveType []  
CommonAttributesSequence CommonAttributes [] A sequence of CommonAttributes&aposs.
IntPropertyTypeSequence IntPropertyType [] A sequence of integer property types.
IntegerValueSequence IntegerValue [] A sequence of integer values.
MonitorTemplateSequence MonitorTemplate [] A sequence of monitor templates.
StrPropertyTypeSequence StrPropertyType [] A sequence of string property types.
StringValueSequence StringValue [] A sequence of string values.
TemplateTypeSequence TemplateType [] A sequence of monitor templates.
UserDefinedStringValueSequence UserDefinedStringValue [] A sequence of user-defined string names and values.

See Also


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Sample Code

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