
Introduced : BIG-IP_v9.0
This interface has been deprecated (as of 11.0.0). Please use Management::Folder and System::Session in its stead. (Please note that the system does not supply recommended replacement functionality for the methods {set,get}_default_route_domain yet.) The Partition interface enables you to manage AuthZ Administrative Partitions, as well as relationship between users, roles, and their associated partitions.


Method Description Introduced
create_partition Creates the specified AuthZ partitions. BIG-IP_v9.4.0
delete_all_partitions Deletes all AuthZ partitions, except for the “Common” partition. BIG-IP_v9.4.0
delete_partition Deletes the specified AuthZ partitions. It&aposs recommended that if a partition to be deleted is also the current active partition, the user should change the active partition to something else first (using set_active_partition). Otherwise, in the event that the partition to be deleted is the current active partition, iControl will automatically default the new active partition to the “Common” partition. BIG-IP_v9.4.0
get_active_partition Gets the active partition for the current user. The active partition is the administrative partition where all configuration will take place until a new active partition is selected. Each user can only be in one active partition at any given time. By default, if not explicitly set, the active partition for a user will be “Common”. BIG-IP_v9.4.0
get_default_route_domain Gets the default route domain for a set of partitions. BIG-IP_v11.2.0
get_description Gets the description for a set of partitions. BIG-IP_v11.2.0
get_partition_list Gets a list of all AuthZ partitions. BIG-IP_v9.4.0
get_version Gets the version information for this interface. BIG-IP_v9.4.0
set_active_partition This method is deprecated; please use System::Session::set_active_folder instead. Sets the active partition for the current user. The active partition is the administrative partition where all configuration will take place until a new active partition is selected. Each user can only be in one active partition at any given time. By default, if not explicitly set, the active partition for a user will be “Common”. Note: Please note that this method is deprecated. If you set the partition to “[All]”, this maps to the System::Session interface method set_active_folder(“/”) and in this case this method automatically performs set_recursive_query_state(STATE_ENABLED) as well. The method uses set_active_folder, so if the partition you specify maps to no existing top-level folder it will tell you the folder doesn&apost exist and behave in all respects as set_active_folder does. BIG-IP_v9.4.0
set_default_route_domain Sets the default route domain for a set of partitions. This is the route domain that is associated with IP addresses that are created in the partition. (Please note that the system does not supply recommended replacement functionality for the methods {set,get}_default_route_domain yet. Also, the default route domain is keyed by numeric id here rather than string (string, as in RouteDomainV2). The methods here are deprecated but provided for completeness; as soon as replacement functionality exists they may become nonfunctional earlier than normal.) BIG-IP_v11.2.0
set_description This function is supplied for completeness but is deprecated; please use set_description on a top-level folder instead (see Management::Folder). Sets the description for a set of partitions. This is an arbitrary field which can be used for any purpose. BIG-IP_v11.2.0





A struct that describes an AuthZ partition.


Enumeration Description


Exception Description


Constant Type Value Description


Alias Type Description
AuthZPartitionSequence AuthZPartition [] A sequence of AuthZPartition.

See Also


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Sample Code

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