

AUTH::response_data returns the a set of name/value query results from the most recent query. This command would normally be called from the AUTH_RESULT event. The format of the data returned is suitable for setting as the value of a TCL array.
AUTH::subscribe must first be called to register interest in query results prior to calling AUTH::authenticate. As a convenience when using the builtin system auth rules, these rules will call AUTH::subscribe if the variable tmm_auth_subscription is set. Instead of calling AUTH::subscribe directly, we recommend setting tmm_auth_subscription to “” as a local variable when using the builtin system auth rules in the interest of forward-compatibility. This can be done in a non- RULE_INIT event like CLIENT_ACCEPTED using ‘set tmm_auth_subscription “*”’.
Typically, response data is only useful if the result of the auth query was success. As of v9.4.0, the following modules provide response data:

LDAP (username/password-based):

All name/value pairs from the LDAP query response returned by the server from a successful query, returned in the form of ldap:attr:<name> <value>. Unsuccessful LDAP queries will not return response data.


All name/value pairs from the RADIUS query response returned by the server from a successful query, returned in the form of radius:attr:<name> <value>. Unsuccessful RADIUS queries will not return response data.


All name/value pairs from the TACACS query response returned by the server from a successful query, returned in the form of tacplus:attr:<name> <value>. Unsuccessful TACACS queries will not return response data.


All name/value pairs from the Kerberos query response returned by the server from a successful query, returned in the form of krbdelegate:attr:<name> <value>. Unsuccessful Kerberos queries will not return response data.

LDAP (client certificate-based):

ccldap:reply:status <status>
where <status> is one of the following strings (without quotation marks):
"Error (No such user)"
"Error (Non-unique user (db integrity))"
"Error (Internal Error)"
"Error (LDAP Error)"
"Error (No Certificate Supplied)"
"Error (Error Accessing Certificate)"
"Error (User not in required group(s))"
"Error (User does not have required role(s))"
"Error (In Deny-All mode)"
"Error (Error out of range)"

OCSP (client certificate-based):

ocsp:reply:status <status>
where <status> is one of the following strings (without quotation marks):
"Error (Could not connect to server)"
"Error (Unknown client certificate)"

ccldap:reply:username <username>
where <username> is the query username corresponding to the BIG-IP 4.x “set auth hdr enable” feature.


AUTH::response_data [<authid>]

  • Returns the a set of name/value query results from the most recent query.


Example 1
The rule below mimics the behavior of a BIG-IP 4.x authz configuration “set auth hdr enable” and “onfailure username defaultuser”. This rule would be used in conjunction with client certificate LDAP auth.
rule http_insert_cc_ldap_username {
        set cc_ldap_username “defaultuser”
        set tmm_auth_subscription "*"
    when AUTH_RESULT {
        array set auth_response_data [AUTH::response_data]
        set username [lindex [array get auth_response_data ccldap<!--:reply:username] 1]-->
        if {username ne ""} {
            set cc_ldap_username $username
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        HTTP::header insert “Authorization: [b64encode $cc_ldap_username:password]”

Similar rule logic to the above example would be used with this data to mimic the 4.x authz configuration “insert client status enable”.
Example 2
The rule below demonstrates how group membership might be used to influence a load balancing decision. This rule would be used in conjunction with username/password LDAP auth.
rule http_lb_ldap_group {
        set tmm_auth_subscription "*"
    when AUTH_RESULT {
        array set auth_response_data [AUTH::response_data]
        set ldap_group [lindex [array get auth_response_data ldap<!--:attr:isMemberOf] 1]-->
        if {ldap_group eq "admin"} {
            use pool admin_pool

Example 3
The rule below demonstrates how multi-pass auth might be performed. Additional error checking of the group name would be necessary in a production-ready rule.
rule multi_pass_auth {
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if {not [info exists auth_pass]} {
            set auth_sid [AUTH::start pam auth_method_user]
            AUTH::subscribe $auth_sid
            set auth_username [HTTP::username]
            set auth_password [HTTP::password]
            AUTH::username_credential $auth_sid $auth_username
            AUTH::password_credential $auth_sid $auth_password
            AUTH::authenticate $auth_sid
            set auth_pass 1
    when AUTH_RESULT {
        if {[AUTH::status] != 1} {
            if {$auth_pass == 1} {
                HTTP::respond 401
            } else {
        if {$auth_pass == 1} {
            array set auth_response_data [AUTH::response_data]
            set auth_group [lindex [array get auth_response_data ldap<!--:attr:isMemberOf] 1]-->
            AUTH::abort $auth_sid
            set auth_sid [AUTH::start pam $auth_group]
            AUTH::username_credential $auth_sid $auth_username
            AUTH::password_credential $auth_sid $auth_password
            AUTH::unsubscribe $auth_sid
            AUTH::authenticate $auth_sid
            set auth_pass 2
        } else {
            set auth_pass 3

Example 4
The rule below demonstrates how to grant access based on a combination of source network and LDAP group membership. This rule would need to be used in conjunction with an LDAP auth profile.
rule ldap_auth_by_net_and_group {
   when RULE_INIT {
      array set ::auth_conf {
         {default_mask}       {}
         {group_attribute}    {ldap<!--:attr:isMemberOf}-->
      array set ::auth_class {
         {}        {Marketing Sales}
         {}        {Engineers Developers}
         {}        {Engineers}
      set tmm_auth_subscription "*"
      set auth_client_addr [IP::addr [IP::client_addr] mask $::auth_conf(default_mask)]
   when AUTH_RESULT {
      if { [AUTH::status] != 0 } {
         HTTP::respond 401
      if { not [info exists ::auth_class($auth_client_addr)] } {
         HTTP::respond 401
      array set auth_data [AUTH::response_data]

      foreach group $::auth_class($auth_client_addr) {
         if { $auth_data($::auth_conf(group_attribute)) eq $group } {
            use pool validated
      HTTP::respond 401