

AUTH::subscribe registers interest in auth query results. AUTH::response_data will only return data from query results for which a subscription has been made prior to calling AUTH::authenticate. As a convenience when using the built-in system auth rules, these rules will call AUTH::subscribe if the variable tmm_auth_subscription is set. Instead of calling AUTH::subscribe directly, we recommend setting tmm_auth_subscription to “*” when using the built-in system auth rules in the interest of forward-compatibility. Also see AUTH::unsubscribe.


AUTH::subscribe <authid>

AUTH::subscribe <authid>

  • Registers interest in auth query results.


The rule below demonstrates how multi-pass auth might be performed. Additional error checking of the group name would be necessary in a production-ready rule.
rule multi_pass_auth {
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if {not [info exists auth_pass]} {
            set auth_sid [AUTH::start pam auth_method_user]
            AUTH::subscribe $auth_sid
            set auth_username [HTTP::username]
            set auth_password [HTTP::password]
            AUTH::username_credential $auth_sid $auth_username
            AUTH::password_credential $auth_sid $auth_password
            AUTH::authenticate $auth_sid
            set auth_pass 1
    when AUTH_RESULT {
        if {[AUTH::status] != 1} {
            if {$auth_pass == 1} {
                HTTP::respond 401
            } else {
        if {$auth_pass == 1} {
            array set auth_response_data [AUTH::response_data]
            set auth_group [lindex [array get auth_response_data ldap<!--:attr:isMemberOf] 1]-->
            AUTH::abort $auth_sid
            set auth_sid [AUTH::start pam $auth_group]
            AUTH::username_credential $auth_sid $auth_username
            AUTH::password_credential $auth_sid $auth_password
            AUTH::unsubscribe $auth_sid
            AUTH::authenticate $auth_sid
            set auth_pass 2
        } else {
            set auth_pass 3