BIG-IP LTM v9.0.3

Commands Introduced in BIG-IP LTM 9.0.3

  • CACHE::age - Returns the age of the document in the cache.
  • CACHE::disable - Disables the caching for this request.
  • CACHE::enable - Forces the document to be cached.
  • CACHE::expire - Forces the document to be revalidated from the server.
  • CACHE::fresh - Returns state of freshness flag for request
  • CACHE::hits - Returns the document cache hits.
  • CACHE::trace - Dump the list of cached objects for a HTTP profile where RAM cache is enabled.
  • IP::hops - Gives you the estimated number of hops the peer takes to get to you.
  • PROFILE::exists - Determine if a profile is configured on a virtual server
  • PROFILE::fasthttp - Returns the value of a Fast HTTP profile setting.
  • PROFILE::xml - Returns the value of an XML profile setting.
  • SSL::profile - Switch between different SSL profiles
  • timing - Enable and disable iRule timing statistics.
  • XML::address - Queries the elements of a WS-Addressing header within a SOAP message.
  • XML::collect - Collects and parses incoming XML data.
  • XML::element - Returns the name of the current in-scope XML element.
  • XML::event - Returns the event name of the current context.
  • XML::eventid - Returns the key used to register the current XML event.
  • XML::parse - Disables all future XML parsing.
  • XML::release - Releases the collected XML data.
  • XML::soap - Returns information about the current SOAP message.
  • XML::subscribe - Subscribes to a specified category of XML events.

Events Introduced in BIG-IP LTM 9.0.3

  • CACHE_REQUEST - Triggered when the system receives a request for a cached object.
  • XML_BEGIN_DOCUMENT - Triggered before the XML document gets parsed.
  • XML_BEGIN_ELEMENT - Triggered when the parser has encountered the start of an element.
  • XML_CDATA - Triggered when the parser has encountered character data (CDATA).
  • XML_END_ELEMENT - Triggered when the parser has encountered the end of an element.
  • XML_EVENT - A generic “catch-all” event that is triggered for all XML events.

Operators Introduced in BIG-IP LTM 9.0.3

Commands Deprecated or Removed in BIG-IP LTM 9.0.3

Events Deprecated or Removed in BIG-IP LTM 9.0.3

Operators Deprecated or Removed in BIG-IP LTM 9.0.3

The BIG-IP API Reference documentation contains community-contributed content. F5 does not monitor or control community code contributions. We make no guarantees or warranties regarding the available code, and it may contain errors, defects, bugs, inaccuracies, or security vulnerabilities. Your access to and use of any code available in the BIG-IP API reference guides is solely at your own risk.