Determine if a profile is configured on a virtual server
Deprecated in BIG-IP Next v20.0.1
PROFILE::exists [auth | clientssl | fastL4 | ftp | http | httpclass | oneconnect | persist | serverssl | stream | tcp | udp | xml]
PROFILE::exists [auth | clientssl | fastL4 | ftp | http | httpclass | oneconnect | persist | serverssl | stream | tcp | udp | xml]¶
- Returns 1 if the profile is configured on the current virtual server. Returns 0 if the profile is not configured on the current virtual server.
- Note that the results of the PROFILE::exists “profile type” command is specific to the context of the event. For example, with a client SSL profile associated with the virtual server, PROFILE::exists clientssl will return 1 in clientside events and 0 in serverside events. Likewise, PROFILE::exists serverssl will return 0 in clientside events and 1 in serverside events.
PROFILE::exists persist [cookie | source_addr | simple | dest_addr | sticky | msrdp | ssl | uie | universal | hash]¶
- Returns 1 if the profile is configured on the current virtual server. Returns 0 if the profile is not configured on the current virtual server.
if { [PROFILE::exists clientssl] == 1} {
log local0. "client SSL profile enabled on virtual server"
if { [PROFILE::exists serverssl] == 1} {
log local0. "server SSL profile enabled on virtual server"