Open a handle for High Speed Logging communication. After creating the
connection, send data on the connection using
When using HSL::open to directly reference a syslog pool, the virtual
server might show an available status even though the default pool
might be down.This is because the virtual server would be using the
status of the syslog pool referenced in the HSL::open command. To
work around this issue, place the syslog pool in a variable and
reference the variable. For more information see Solution
HSL::open -proto <UDP|TCP> -pool <poolname>
HSL::open -publisher <publisher>
HSL::open -proto <UDP|TCP> -pool <poolname>¶
- Opens and returns a handle for High Speed Logging communication. The handle can be used with HSL::send to send data over a particular protocol (TCP or UDP) to a pool comprised of one or more logging servers.
HSL::open -publisher <publisher>¶
- Opens and returns a handle for High Speed Logging communication for a log publisher configured in System->Logs->Configuration->Log Publishers. The handle should be used with the HSL::send command to send data to the publisher. introduced in v11.3
Note: The protocol is case sensitive and must be specified in all
uppercase letters. Prior to 11.1 the protocol value is not validated
when an iRule is saved, but will cause a run-time error when executed
for a connection if the protocol is not valid (UDP or TCP).
The pool name is not validated when an iRule is saved but will cause
a run-time error when executed if the pool does not exist.
set hsl [HSL::open -proto UDP -pool syslog_server_pool]
# Log HTTP request via syslog protocol as local7.info; see RFC 3164 for more info
HSL::send $hsl "<190> [IP::local_addr] [HTTP::uri]\n"
set hsl [HSL::open -publisher /Common/lpAll]
HSL::send $hsl "<190> [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]->[IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port]; [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]"
When deciding on a publisher for your log messages, bear in mind that
HSL::send will not work if the publisher is configured with some
formatted destinations like arcsight or splunk. If the log server
expects CEF or Splunk formatted messages, the iRule should craft the
data the way the server expects it to be formatted and send to a
publisher configured with an unformatted destination, such as