Overview: Global Resiliency with BIG-IP Next DNS¶
About Global Resiliency¶
F5® BIG-IP® Next Global Resiliency with BIG-IP Next DNS can be quickly configured in BIG-IP Next Central Manager. It optimizes the distribution of application traffic across different servers and deployment instances. By using a combination of DNS services and dynamic load-balancing decisions, it is ensured that users always connect to the best-performing instance of an application, regardless of where that application is located.
When Global Resiliency is enabled, it will automatically respond to changes in network condition, server availability, and application performance, no matter where those applications are located. This ensures that users always have the best possible digital experience, regardless of the current state of the network. This means strengthening the application network to ensure that applications are available, reliable, and operating at peak performance for their users.
Global Resiliency not only enables resilient app performance, but it also seamlessly integrates with applications deployed through BIG-IP Next. This means that building a globally resilient app network no longer requires individuals to spend hours setting up server groups – configuring one box at a time before deploying. With Global Resiliency, users can set up a configuration framework through the Central Manager user interface and then apply it to all of the groups, which significantly reduces the number of instances that need to be managed.
A Wide IP maps a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to one or more pools of virtual servers that host the content of a domain. When an LDNS issues a DNS name resolution for a Wide IP, the configuration of the Wide IP indicates which pools of virtual servers are eligible to respond to the request, and which load-balancing methods BIG-IP DNS uses to select the pool.
The Global Resiliency feature is supported on BIG-IP Virtual Edition (VE) for KVM and VMware.
Core capabilities¶
The F5 Global Resiliency solution provides faster app routing, more efficient cloud scaling, and optimized cloud migration. Control of global network traffic means that your applocations’ health, optimization, and protection can be maximized by specifying virtual servers that you want to handle most of the requests.
Intelligent load balancing: Support application requirements across data center and cloud environments while keeping applications available.
Always-on availability: Distribute app traffic to keep pace with changing network and user volumes.
Automated failover: Gives you the flexibility to shift traffic to a backup data center and fail over an entire site, or just control the affected applications.
Infrastructure monitoring: Monitors entire infrastructure health, eliminating single points of failure and routing app traffic away from poorly performing sites.
Robust container applications: Monitor and target specific container cluster applicationss with global load balancing between clusters across multi-cloud and on premises.