Reference: Application service data metrics

When you select an application service to view its details, you can drill down into to view traffic data over time, and based on the application service components.

You can view data by the application service, virtual service, pool, and pool member. Using the observability of your traffic you can assess the status of the application service and recognize anomalous traffic trends.

For more information about monitoring your application services, see How to: Monitor application service health, configuration, and performance. For information about creating or managing applications, see How to: Manage applications using BIG-IP Next Central Manager and FAST templates.

Time settings

The traffic data metrics can be customized according to a selected time period. Each time period displays data from the selected time to the most current data. The charts Ensure you have selected the correct time period for reviewing application service data:


When viewing traffic data, ensure that the refresh settings are customized to your needs. You can either choose to refresh manually or select an automatic refresh interval, as shown below:


Application Service data

HTTP traffic metrics reflect the average quantity, volume and speed of the HTTP traffic processed by all the endpoints to an application service.

To view endpoint data metrics go to: Applications → My Apps → App NameData Metrics

Data metrics provided for application services:

Traffic Data Metrics

HTTP traffic metrics reflect the quantity, volume and speed of the HTTP traffic processed by each pool member in an application service, virtual server, or pool. Data metrics represent the endpoint traffic collected over the selected time period.

Data metrics provided per selected application service component’s pool member traffic data:

HTTP Transactions

The average outcome assigned by BIG-IP Next to the request and response exchange between the client and endpoint server.

Chart Unit : Average transactions per second


Passthrough: HTTP transactions that completed the request and response exchange.
Incomplete: HTTP transactions that did not complete the entire request and response exchange.
Cached by BIG-IP: Requests stored by BIG-IP Next to reduce the traffic load on back-end servers.
BIG-IP Response: HTTP requests that received a response directly from the BIG-IP Next.

Example of HTTP transactions where all transactions to the endpoint passed through to the application without issue:

New Connections

The application average number of newly initiated connections per second with the server.

Chart Unit : Average new connections per second


Server Side: New connections initiated on the server side.

Example of a steady number of new connections with the server side endpoint over the past hour:

Concurrent Connections

The average number of active connections per second, either on the client or server side.

Unit: Number of connections


Client Side: Concurrent connection count on the client side.

Server Side: Concurrent connection count on the server side.

Example of concurrent connections on the client and server side over the past hour:

Throughput In/Out

The average throughput per second in and out of a BIG-IP Next instance to/from the application endpoint.

This is represented in two separate charts that allow you to observe throughput in units of either Bytes or packets.

Unit: The average number of Bytes or packets observed by the BIG-IP Next instance per second.


Out: The traffic passed through the BIG-IP Next instance that goes out to the endpoint server.

In: The traffic passed through the BIG-IP Next instance that comes in from the endpoint server.

Example of traffic in Bytes out to/in from an endpoint over the past hour:

Throughput Packets/Bytes

The average throughput per second of packets or bytes to and from a BIG-IP Next instance to the application service.

Unit: The average number of Bytes or packets observed by the BIG-IP Next instance per second.


Server Out: The average number of packets or bytes passed through the BIG-IP Next instance that goes out to the application’s endpoint servers.

Server In: The average number of packets or bytes passed through the BIG-IP Next instance that goes into to the application’s endpoint servers.

Client Out: The average number of packets or bytes passed through the BIG-IP Next instance that goes out the request client.

Client In: The average number of packets or bytes received by the BIG-IP Next instance that comes from the request client.

Example of average traffic data in packets out to/in from an all application service endpoints over the past hour: