This section contains the specifics of the REST APIs supported by F5 ACI ServiceCenter application.

The REST calls can be made to the following APIC endpoint


Copy to clipboard

Download the API POSTMAN collection.

Request Headers

For all the F5 ACI ServiceCenter API calls, the following request header parameters are required:

Header: DevCookie

Can be retrieved as follows:

  1. POST a request to the following API endpoint
Copy to clipboard
  1. Body for the POST request
<aaaUser name="apic-username" pwd="apic-password"/>
Copy to clipboard
  1. From the result of the POST, save the token returned
  2. In the Headers section of any further REST API requests, add a key-value pair. Key name is DevCookie, and its value should be the token obtained in the previous step
Key         Value
DevCookie : < token value >
Copy to clipboard

Header: Content-Type

Key           Value
Content-Type: application/json
Copy to clipboard

Input Parameters

There are multiple F5 ACI ServiceCenter APIs which require input parameters to be retrieved for the APIC Logical Device. These input parameters can be retrieved from the APIC object browser known as visore.html

APIC managed objects can be accessed at https://<APIC_IP>/visore.html.

Below is a table of such parameters and steps on how to retrieve them. These parameters will be required for the L2-L3 Stitching tab.

Input Key Input Value Input Value Example
  1. Go to APIC GUI → Tenant→ Services→ L4-L7→ Devices→ <Your L4-L7 Device>
  2. Right click the <Your L4-L7 Device> and click Open in Object Store Browser
  3. Use the dn property from the object browser for the input parameter ldev.
  1. Go to APIC GUI → Tenant→ Services→ L4-L7→ Devices→ <Your L4-L7 Device> → Cluster Interfaces→ <Your Interface of Interest>
  2. Right click the logical interface and click Open in Object Store Browser
  3. Use the dn property from the object browser for input parameter “lif”
  • This value is null for PHYSICAL type of ADC devices
  • This value can be retrieved from visore for VIRTUAL ADC Devices:
  1. Go to APIC GUI → Tenant→ Services→ L4-L7→ Devices→ <Your L4-L7 Device> → Cluster Interfaces→ <Your Interface of Interest>
  2. Right click the logical interface and click Open in Object Store Browser
  3. Click the > arrow of the dn property to see its children
  4. Search for vnsRtEPgDefToLIf, and use the tDn property of that entry for lIfCtxDn

The other way to retrieve the values is to call the getldevinfo.json API and use the returned values for lif, lIfCtxDn, ldev and use them as input parameters in the L2-L3 Stitching APIs.

Login, Status and Miscellaneous APIs


Title Adds a BIG-IP device on F5 ACI ServiceCenter application
URL /loginbigip.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“user”: “<Username>”,

“password”: “<Password>”,

“velosController”: “<VELOS Controller IP or Empty String>”


Example Request


“url”: “”,

“user”: “admin”,

“password”: “admin”

“velosController”: “”


Success Response Code: 200
Example Response


“code”: 200,

“message”: {

“clustername”: “none”,

“peerHostnameRequired”: false,

“type”: “PHYSICAL”,

“packageVersionJson”: {

“installRequired”: false,

“message”: “Current version of f5-appscvs package is 3.7.0”,

“role”: “admin”


“urls”: [





Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Logs out from a BIG-IP device
URL /logoutbigip.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request


“url”: “”


Success Response

Code: 200

Content: Logged out successfully from <BIG-IP URL>

Example Response


“code”: 200,

“message”: “Logged out successfully from”


Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Get VELOS Chassis Partition Informtion
URL /getveloschassispartitions.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,


Example Request


“url”: “”,


Success Response Code: 200
Example Response


“code”: 200,

“message”: [


“address”: “”,

“gateway”: “”,

“name”: “PHYSICAL”,

“prefix-length”: 24



“address”: “”,

“gateway”: “”,

“name”: “PHYSICAL”,

“prefix-length”: 24




Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Refresh Auth Token for Big-IP
URL /refreshbigiptoken.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,


Example Request


“url”: “”,


Success Response Code: 200
Example Response


“code”: 200,

“message”: {

“code”: 200,

“message”: BIG-IP Token refreshed successfully,



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Deletes a BIG-IP device from the F5 ACI ServiceCenter Application (Note: The device is soft deleted, and once added back to the app, all the data for it is restored)
URL /deletebigip.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request


“url”: “”




“code”: 200,

“message”: “Deleted BIG-IP successfully”


Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Sets cluster name for a high availability pair of BIG-IP devices
URL /setclustername.json
Method POST
Example Request


“clustername”: “cluster20_21”,

“urls”: [




“peerhostname”: “bigip21”,

“peerusername”: “admin”,

“peerpassword”: “admin”


Success Response Code: 200
Example Response null
Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}


peerhostname, peerusername and peerpassword request parameters

are required only for hostname HA clusters.


Title Gets list of BIG-IP devices which are added to the F5 ACI ServiceCenter. Also returns user and login status for each BIG-IP.
URL /getbigiplist.json
Method GET
Success Response

Code: 200




“clustername”: “<cluster_name>”,

“urls”: [


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“login”: “<boolean_value>”,

“user”: “<string>”



“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“login”: “<boolean_value>”,

“user”: “<string>”





Example Response



“standalone”: [


“clustername”: “none”,

“urls”: [


“url”: “”,

“login”: true,

“user”: “admin”,

“type”: “PHYSICAL”,

“bigipVersion”: “BIG-IP Build 0.0.6 Point Release 1”,

“promptLogin”: false,

“failoverstate”: {

“color”: “green”,

“status”: “ACTIVE”


“syncstatus”: {

“color”: “green”,

“mode”: “standalone”,

“status”: “Standalone”,

“details”: [

“Optional action: Add a device to the trust domain”







“ha”: [


“clustername”: “HA_Vcmp”,

“urls”: [


“url”: “”,

“login”: true,

“user”: “admin”,

“type”: “vCMP Guest”,

“bigipVersion”: “BIG-IP 16.1.0 Build 0.0.19 Final”,

“promptLogin”: false,

“failoverstate”: {

“color”: “gray”,

“status”: “STANDBY”


“syncstatus”: {

“color”: “green”,

“mode”: “high-availability”,

“status”: “In Sync”,

“details”: [

“ connected”,

“device_trust_group (In Sync): All devices in the device group are in sync”,

“dg1 (In Sync): All devices in the device group are in sync”





“url”: “”,

“login”: false,

“user”: null,

“type”: null,

“bigipVersion”: null,

“promptLogin”: true,

“failoverstate”: null,

“syncstatus”: null





“vcmp”: [


“clustername”: “Host:”,

“urls”: [


“url”: “”,

“login”: false,

“user”: null,

“type”: “vCMP Host”,

“bigipVersion”: null,

“promptLogin”: false,

“failoverstate”: null,

“syncstatus”: null



“url”: “”,

“login”: false,

“user”: null,

“type”: null,

“bigipVersion”: null,

“promptLogin”: false,

“failoverstate”: null,

“syncstatus”: null



“url”: “”,

“login”: false,

“user”: null,

“type”: null,

“bigipVersion”: null,

“promptLogin”: false,

“failoverstate”: null,

“syncstatus”: null



“url”: “”,

“login”: false,

“user”: null,

“type”: null,

“bigipVersion”: null,

“promptLogin”: false,

“failoverstate”: null,

“syncstatus”: null






Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Discover F5 BIG-IP devices attached to the ACI Fabric
URL /getlldpneighbors.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or Hostname. Field is optional>”,

“topology”: true,


Example Request


“url”: “”,

“topology”: true,


Success Response

“code”: 200,



“links”: [


“aciInfo”: {“allowedVlans”: “”,

“operMode”: “trunk”,

“operSpeed”: “10G”,

“operSt”: “up”,


“aciPort”: “eth1/25”,

“bigipPort”: “1.1”,

“node”: “pod-1/node-101”,



“mgmtIp”: “”,

“present”: true



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes Does not discover BIG-IP VE and BIG-IP vCMP Guests


Title Check whether currently logged in BIG-IP device is in active or standby mode.
URL /checkbigipfailoverstate.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request


“url”: “”


Success Response Code: 200
Example Response


“code”: 200,

“message”: {

“color”: “green”,

“status”: “ACTIVE”



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Check current BIG-IP’s sync status (For example: Standalone, In sync, Awaiting Sync)
URL /checkbigipsyncstatus.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request


“url”: “”


Success Response Code: 200
Example Response


“code”: 200,

“message”: {

“failoverstate”: {

“color”: “green”,

“status”: “ACTIVE”,


“syncstatus”: {

“color”: “green”,

“details”: [

“Optional action: Add a device to the trust domain”


“mode”: “standalone”,

“status”: “Standalone”




Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Checks if F5 ACI ServiceCenter application backend’s BIG-IP session has timed out for a specific BIG-IP device
URL /checkbigiptimeout.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request


“url”: “”


Success Response Code: 200
Example Response


“code”: 200,

“message”: {

“installRequired”: false,

“message”: “Current version of f5-appscvs package is 3.7.0”,

“role”: “admin”,

“user”: “admin”



Error Response

Code: 408

Content :

{ F5AppSessionTimeout(“There is no active session for BIG-IP <BIG-IP IP>. Please login to the BIG-IP before continuing.”) }


Content : { F5AppSessionTimeout( “BIG-IP session timed out. Please login again.”) }




Check failover state, sync status and also check whether F5 BIG-IP

license has expired.

URL /checkbigipstatus.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request


“url”: “”


Success Response

“code”: 200,



“failoverstate”: {

“color”: “green”,

“status”: “ACTIVE”


“syncstatus”: {

“color”: “green”,

“details”: [

“ connected”,

“deviceGroup1 (In Sync): All devices in the device group are in sync”,

“device_trust_group (In Sync): All devices in the device group are in sync”


“mode”: “high-availability”,

“status”: “In Sync”



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Export/Download f5.db database file.
URL /exportdbdb.json
Method GET
Success Response


“Code”: 200

“Content”: <f5.db file contents>


Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Import/Upload .db database file and migrate a database
URL /importdb.json
Method POST
Request Body


“file”: “<Upload .db file>”


Request Body


“file”: “f5.db”


Success Response


“Code”: 200

“Content”: “f5.db file imported successfully.”


Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes Content-Type will be application/x-sqlite3


Title Get last 100 faults for F5 ACI ServiceCenter background tasks
URL /getappfaults.json
Method GET
Example Response




“time”: “2020-04-20 09:27:39,276”,

“level”: “ERROR”,

“tab”: “”,

“resolution”: “Disable Re-enable the app”,

“message”: “APIC Websocket connection error”



“Code”: 200

“Content”: <list of JSON dictionaries>


Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes Only the last 100 errors/warnings will be displayed


Title Get last 100 faults for a BIG-IP
URL /getbigipfaults.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIGIP IP or IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Request Body


“url”: “”


Example Response




“time”: “2020-04-20 09:27:39,276”,

“level”: “ERROR”,

“tab”: “L4-L7 App Services”,

“resolution”: “”,

“message”: “Error message”



“Code”: 200

“Content”: <list of JSON dictionaries>


Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes Only the last 100 errors/warnings will be displayed

L4-L7 App Services APIs


Title Submits AS3 declaration to BIG-IP with changed action “dry-run”. This ensures that the declaration is validated by BIG-IP but does not actually create the resources.
URL /dryrunas3declaration.json
Method POST
Example Request


“url”: “”,

“as3Declaration”: {

“class”: “AS3”,

“action”: “deploy”,

“persist”: true,

“declaration”: {

“class”: “ADC”,

“schemaVersion”: “3.0.0”,

“id”: “urn:uuid:33045210-3ab8-4636-9b2a-c98d22ab915d”,

“label”: “Sample 122”,

“remark”: “Simple HTTP application with RR pool”,

“Sample_01”: {

“class”: “Tenant”,

“A1”: {

“class”: “Application”,

“template”: “http”,

“serviceMain”: {

“class”: “Service_HTTP”,

“virtualAddresses”: [



“pool”: “web_pool”


“web_pool”: {

“class”: “Pool”,

“monitors”: [



“members”: [


“servicePort”: 80,

“serverAddresses”: [












Success Response


“code”: 200,

“message”: “AS3 declaration dry-run successful”


Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes The JSON provided has an action of deploy, and in the application, the JDON remains the same, except for the action attribute, which is changed to dry-run and a POST request is sent to <BIG-IP IP address>/mgmt/shared/appsvcs/declare



Title Get the AS3 declaration JSON from the given BIG-IP device
URL /getas3declaration.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request


“url”: “”


Success Response

Code: 200

Content: <AS3 declaration JSON>

Example Response


“updateMode”: “selective”,

“testTenant”: {

“optimisticLockKey”: “3K53Nr51QNrBSwzCpYFJUSYfTaxu+KqJ1S83Js9DNDo=”,

“defaultRouteDomain”: 0

“A10”: {

“web_pool”: {

“class”: “Pool”,

“members”: [


“serverAddresses”: [],

“servicePort”: 80



“addressDiscovery”: “event”,

“servicePort”: 80,

“routeDomain”: 15



“monitors”: [




“constants”: {

“class”: “Constants”,

“serviceCenterEPG”: {

“web_pool”: {

“tenant”: “NJ-Central”,

“application”: “NJ-Central-App”,

“epg”: “NJ-Central-EPG-Int”,

“vrf”: “vrf-central”




“class”: “Application”,

“template”: “http”,

“serviceMain”: {

“class”: “Service_HTTP”,

“pool”: “web_pool”,

“virtualAddresses”: [





“class”: “Tenant”


“Sample_01”: {

“A1”: {

“web_pool”: {

“class”: “Pool”,

“members”: [


“serverAddresses”: [




“servicePort”: 80



“monitors”: [




“class”: “Application”,

“template”: “http”,

“serviceMain”: {

“class”: “Service_HTTP”,

“pool”: “web_pool”,

“virtualAddresses”: [





“optimisticLockKey”: “FTeF77jLZ5WXRgv7ISNbnxqOYG/jOV1VccRnQ32Qp44=”,

“class”: “Tenant”


“controls”: {

“archiveTimestamp”: “2019-07-04T12:33:41.049Z”


“class”: “ADC”,

“schemaVersion”: “3.0.0”,

“id”: “1562243620455”


Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes Gets the AS3 declaration from the AS3 endpoint <BIG-IP IP address>/mgmt/shared/appsvcs/declare


Title Deletes the entire AS3 declaration from a BIG-IP device
URL /deleteas3declaration.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request


“url”: “”


Success Response


“code”: 202,

“message”: {

“message”: “BIG-IP is processing the request. Click ‘Pending Tasks’ icon to check the status of the pending request.”,

“taskId”: “d788e376-6a85-470f-a11a-cdbf5e3e2ddd”

“statuscode”: 202,



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Gets AS3 data JSON from BIG-IP device
URL /getas3data.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request


“url”: “”


Success Response Code: 200
Example Response



“applications”: [


“application”: “A10”,

“json”: {

“web_pool”: {

“class”: “Pool”,

“members”: [


“serverAddresses”: [],

“servicePort”: 80



“addressDiscovery”: “event”,

“servicePort”: 80,

“routeDomain”: 15



“monitors”: [




“constants”: {

“class”: “Constants”,

“serviceCenterEPG”: {

“web_pool”: {

“tenant”: “NJ-Central”,

“application”: “NJ-Central-App”,

“epg”: “NJ-Central-EPG-Int”,

“vrf”: “vrf-central”




“class”: “Application”,

“template”: “http”,

“serviceMain”: {

“class”: “Service_HTTP”,

“pool”: “web_pool”,

“virtualAddresses”: [






“partition”: “testTenant”



“applications”: [


“application”: “A1”,

“json”: {

“web_pool”: {

“class”: “Pool”,

“members”: [


“serverAddresses”: [




“servicePort”: 80



“monitors”: [




“class”: “Application”,

“template”: “http”,

“serviceMain”: {

“class”: “Service_HTTP”,

“pool”: “web_pool”,

“virtualAddresses”: [







“partition”: “Sample_01”



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes Get AS3 data JSON from given BIG-IP AS3 endpoint to load partition, application and json



Updates AS3 declaration for a BIG-IP device to achieve one of the following:

  • Create a new partition
  • Create a new application
  • Update an Application
URL /updateas3data.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: ” <BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“partition”: “<Partition_Name>”,

“application”: “<Application_Name>”,

“json”: {

“class”: “Application”,

“template”: “http”,

“serviceMain”: {

“class”: “Service_HTTP”,

“virtualAddresses”: [



“pool”: “<<YOUR_POOL_NAME_HERE>>”



“class”: “Pool”,

“monitors”: [



“members”: [


“servicePort”: 80,

“serverAddresses”: [









Example Request


“url”: “”,

“partition”: “DemoPartition2”,

“application”: “DemoApp21”,

“json”: {

“class”: “Application”,

“template”: “http”,

“serviceMain”: {

“class”: “Service_HTTP”,

“virtualAddresses”: [



“pool”: “web_pool”


“web_pool”: {

“class”: “Pool”,

“monitors”: [



“members”: [


“servicePort”: 80,

“serverAddresses”: [








Success Response


“code”: 202,

“message”: {

“message”: “BIG-IP is processing the request. Click ‘Pending Tasks’ icon to check the status of the pending request.”,

“taskId”: “d788e376-6a85-470f-a11a-cdbf5e3e2ddd”

“statuscode”: 202,



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Deletes AS3 partition from a specified BIG-IP Device
URL /deleteas3partition.json
Method POST
Request Body


” url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“partition”: “<Partition_Name>”


Example Request


“url”: “”,

“partition”: “DemoPartition2”


Example Response


“code”: 202,

“message”: {

“message”: “BIG-IP is processing the request. Click ‘Pending Tasks’ icon to check the status of the pending request.”,

“taskId”: “d788e376-6a85-470f-a11a-cdbf5e3e2ddd”

“statuscode”: 202,



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Deletes an application from the BIG-IP AS3 declaration
URL /deleteas3application.json
Method POST
Request Body


” url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“partition”: “<Partition_Name>”,

“application”: “<Application_Name>”


Example Request


“url”: “”,

“partition”: “DemoPartition1”,

“application”: “DemoApp1”


Example Response


“code”: 202,

“message”: {

“message”: “BIG-IP is processing the request. Click ‘Pending Tasks’ icon to check the status of the pending request.”,

“taskId”: “d788e376-6a85-470f-a11a-cdbf5e3e2ddd”

“statuscode”: 202,



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Get list of AS3 templates from the application database
URL /getas3templates.json
Method GET
Example Response [{ “name”: “simple_tcp”, “mst”: “{{!n Simple TCP application load balancer. Provide a Virtual IP address and a port for clients to connect to, and a list of IP addresses hosting a TCP service.n}}n{n “class”: “AS3”,n “action”: “deploy”,n “persist”: true,n “declaration”: {n “class”: “ADC”,n “schemaVersion”: “3.0.0”,n “id”: “template-simple-tcp”,n “label”: “Sample TCP 1”,n “remark”: “TCP”,n “{{tenant_name}}”: {n “class”: “Tenant”,n “{{application_name}}”: {n “class”: “Application”,n “template”: “tcp”,n “serviceMain”: {n “class”: “Service_TCP”,n “virtualAddresses”: [n “{{virtual_address}}”n ],n “virtualPort”: {{virtual_port::integer}},n “pool”: “svc_pool”n },n “svc_pool”: {n “class”: “Pool”,n “members”: [{n “servicePort”: {{server_port::integer}},n “serverAddresses”: {{server_addresses::array}}n }]n }n }n }n }n}n”, “allowDelete”: false}, {“name”: “simple_https_asm”, “mst”: “{{!nExample of an HTTPS application using an ASM Policy. Provide a Virtual IP address and port along with a list of HTTP server IP addresses, port, and a HTTPS certificate and private key. Enter the path to an existing ASM policy (WAF) on BIG-IP to provide L7 security and logging features.n}}n{n “class”: “AS3”,n “action”: “deploy”,n “persist”: true,n “declaration”: {n “class”: “ADC”,n “schemaVersion”: “3.0.0”,n “id”: “template-simple-https-asm”,n “label”: “Simple HTTPS”,n “remark”: “An HTTPS application”,n “{{tenant_name}}”: {n “class”: “Tenant”,n “{{application_name}}”: {n “class”: “Application”,n “template”: “https”,n “serviceMain”: {n “class”: “Service_HTTPS”,n “virtualPort”: {{virtual_port::integer}},n “virtualAddresses”: [ “{{virtual_address}}” ],n “pool”: “web_pool”,n “policyWAF”: {n “bigip”: “{{WAF_policy_path}}”n },n “serverTLS”: “webtls”n },n “web_pool”: {n “class”: “Pool”,n “monitors”: [n “http”n ],n “members”: [{n “servicePort”: {{server_port::integer}},n “serverAddresses”: {{server_address::array}}n }]n },n “webtls”: {n “class”: “TLS_Server”,n “certificates”: [{n “certificate”: “webcert”n }]n },n “webcert”: {n “class”: “Certificate”,n “certificate”: {{certificate::text}},n “privateKey”: {{private_key::text}}n }n }n }n }n}n”, “allowDelete”: false}, {“name”: “simple_http”, “mst”: “{{!n A simple HTTP application with HTTP load balancing. Provide a virtual address and port to host on, and a list of HTTP server IP addresses and a port to load balance requests to.n}}n{n “class”: “AS3”,n “action”: “deploy”,n “persist”: true,n “declaration”: {n “class”: “ADC”,n “schemaVersion”: “3.0.0”,n “id”: “template-simple-http”,n “label”: “Sample 1”,n “remark”: “Basic HTTP with Monitor”,n “{{tenant_name}}”: {n “class”: “Tenant”,n “{{application_name}}”: {n “class”: “Application”,n “template”: “http”,n “serviceMain”: {n “class”: “Service_HTTP”,n “virtualPort”: {{virtual_port::integer}},n “virtualAddresses”: [“{{virtual_address}}”],n “pool”: “web_pool”n },n “web_pool”: {n “class”: “Pool”,n “monitors”: [n “http”n ],n “members”: [n {n “servicePort”: {{server_port::integer}},n “serverAddresses”: {{server_addresses::array}}n }n ]n }n }n }n }n}n”, “allowDelete”: false}, {“name”: “simple_https”, “mst”: “{{!n An HTTPS application with load balacing. Provide a Virtual IP address and port along with a list of HTTP server IP addresses, a port, and the HTTPS certificate and private key to use.n}}n{n “class”: “AS3”,n “action”: “deploy”,n “persist”: true,n “declaration”: {n “class”: “ADC”,n “schemaVersion”: “3.0.0”,n “id”: “template-simple-https”,n “label”: “Simple HTTPS”,n “remark”: “An HTTPS application”,n “{{tenant_name}}”: {n “class”: “Tenant”,n “{{application_name}}”: {n “class”: “Application”,n “template”: “https”,n “serviceMain”: {n “class”: “Service_HTTPS”,n “virtualPort”: {{virtual_port::integer}},n “virtualAddresses”: [ “{{virtual_address}}” ],n “pool”: “web_pool”,n “serverTLS”: “webtls”n },n “web_pool”: {n “class”: “Pool”,n “monitors”: [n “http”n ],n “members”: [{n “servicePort”: {{server_port::integer}},n “serverAddresses”: {{server_address::array}}n }]n },n “webtls”: {n “class”: “TLS_Server”,n “certificates”: [{n “certificate”: “webcert”n }]n },n “webcert”: {n “class”: “Certificate”,n “certificate”: {{certificate::text}},n “privateKey”: {{private_key::text}}n }n }n }n }n}n”, “allowDelete”: false}, {“name”: “simple_udp”, “mst”: “{{!nSimple UDP application. Provide a Virtual IP Address and a port for client to connect to, and a list of IP Addresses with a port hosting a UDP service.n}}n{n “class”: “AS3”,n “action”: “deploy”,n “declaration”: {n “class”: “ADC”,n “schemaVersion”: “3.0.0”,n “id”: “template-simple-udp”,n “label”: “UDP_DNS_Sample”,n “remark”: “Sample of a UDP DNS Load Balancer Service”,n “{{tenant_name}}”: {n “class”: “Tenant”,n “{{application_name}}”: {n “class”: “Application”,n “template”: “udp”,n “serviceMain”: {n “class”: “Service_UDP”,n “virtualPort”: {{virtual_port::integer}},n “virtualAddresses”: [n “{{virtual_address}}”n ],n “pool”: “Pool1”n },n “Pool1”: {n “class”: “Pool”,n “monitors”: [n “icmp”n ],n “members”: [n {n “servicePort”: {{server_port::integer}},n “serverAddresses”: {{server_addresses::array}}n }n ]n }n }n }n }n }n”, “allowDelete”: false}]
Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Create AS3 template
URL /createas3template.json
Method POST
Request Body


“name”: “<Template Name>”,

“mst”: “<AS3 Template>”,


Example Request { “name”: “test_template”, “mst”: “{“class”: “AS3”,”action”: “deploy”, “persist”: true, “declaration”: {“class”: “ADC”, “schemaVersion”: “3.0.0”, “id”: “template-simple-http””label”: “Sample 1”, “remark”: “Basic HTTP with Monitor”,”{{tenant_name}}”: {“class”: “Tenant”, “{{application_name}}”: { “class”: “Application”, “template”: “http”, “serviceMain”: { “class”: “Service_HTTP”, “virtualPort”: {{virtual_port::number}},”virtualAddresses”: [“{{virtual_address}}”], “pool”: “web_pool”}, “web_pool”: { “class”: “Pool”, “monitors”: [ “http” ],”members”: [{ “servicePort”: {{server_port::number}}, “serverAddresses “: {{server_addresses::array}}} ] }} }}}” }
Example Response


“code”: 200,

“message”: “Template test_template created successfully.”


Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Delete AS3 template
URL /deleteas3template.json
Method POST
Request Body


“name”: “<Template Name>”


Example Request


“name”: “test_template”


Example Response


“code”: 200,

“message”: “test_template template deleted successfully”


Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes This API does not permit deletion of default templates.


Title Get AS3 async task response
URL /getasynctaskresponse.json
Method POST
Request Body


“taskId”: <Task_Id>


Example Request




Success Response

Code: 200

“message”: {

“message”: <Response_Message >,

“statuscode”: <Status_Code>,

“taskId”: <Task_Id>



Code: 200

“message”: {

“message”: <Response_Message >,

“statuscode”: <Status_Code>,

“taskId”: <Task_Id>,

“as3data”: [<as3_data>],

“as3declaration”: <as3_declaration>


Example Response

Code: 200

“message”: {

“message”: “in progress”,

“statuscode”: 0,

“taskId”: “dcd1280f-11d8-4a9b-997b-e4c0a69de119”



Code: 200

“message”: {

“message”: “AS3 declaration deleted successfully”,

“statuscode”: 200,

“taskId”: “dcd1280f-11d8-4a9b-997b-e4c0a69de119”

“as3data”: [],

“as3declaration”: null


Error Response

Code: 4XX

Content: {error: <Error Message from F5 BIG-IP}



Title Retrieve list of FAST BIG-IP templates + custom template “service-discovery”
URL /getfasttemplates.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request


“url”: “”


Success Response

Code: 200

Content: <FAST/AS3 declaration JSON>

Example Response



“name”: “bigip-fast-templates/dns”,

“present”: true



“name”: “bigip-fast-templates/http”,

“present”: true



“name”: “service-discovery/http”,

“present”: true



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes This is added in the Postman collection.


Title Retrieve the parameter schema for the specified template
URL /getfasttemplateschema.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“name”:”<FAST template name>”


Example Request


“url”: “”,



Success Response

Code: 200

Content: <FAST/AS3 declaration JSON>

Example Response


“properties”: {

“testTenant”: {

“acceleration_profile_name”: {

“default”: “/Common/webacceleration”,

“description”: “Select an existing BIG-IP web acceleration profile.”,

“enum”: [





“options”: {

“dependencies”: {

“enable_acceleration”: true,

“make_acceleration_profile”: false



“propertyOrder”: 62,

“title”: “Web Acceleration Profile”,

“type”: “string”


“app_name”: {

“default”: “”,

“description”: “The application is the low-level grouping in an AS3 declaration. FAST deploys all
configuration for a given application in a BIG-IP folder.

“maxLength”: 255,

“minLength”: 1,

“pattern”: “^[A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z_.-]*$”,

“propertyOrder”: 1,

“title”: “Application Name”,

“type”: “string”



“default”: “”,

“description”: “The tenant is the high-level grouping in an AS3 declaration. FAST deploys all
configuration for a given tenant in a BIG-IP partition

“maxLength”: 255,

“minLength”: 1,

“pattern”: “^[A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z_.-]*$”,

“propertyOrder”: 0,

“title”: “Tenant Name”,

“type”: “string”

}, …


“required”: [















“title”: “HTTP Application Template”,


“type”: “object”



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes This is added in the Postman collection .


Title Create/update FAST applications/partitions
URL /updatefastdata.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“name”: “<FAST template name>”,

“parameters”: {“<parameters>” }


Example Request


“url”: “”

“name”: “bigip-fast-templates/http”,

“parameters”: {

“acceleration_profile_name”: “/Common/webacceleration”,

“app_name”: “app23”,

“common_tcp_profile”: false,

“compression_profile_name”: “/Common/httpcompression”,

“enable_acceleration”: true,

“enable_compression”: true,

“enable_fallback_persistence”: true,

“enable_monitor”: true,

“enable_multiplex”: true,

“enable_persistence”: true,

“enable_pool”: true,

“enable_redirect”: true,

“enable_snat”: true,

“enable_tls_client”: false,

“enable_tls_server”: true,



“fallback_persistence_type”: “source-address”,

“http_profile_name”: “/Common/http”,

“irule_names”: [



“load_balancing_mode”: “least-connections-member”,

“make_acceleration_profile”: true,

“make_compression_profile”: true,

“make_http_profile”: true,

“make_monitor”: true,

“make_multiplex_profile”: true

“make_pool”: true,

“make_snatpool”: true,

“make_tcp_egress_profile”: true,

“make_tcp_ingress_profile”: true,

“make_tcp_profile”: true,

“make_tls_client_profile”: true,

“make_tls_server_profile”: true,

“monitor_credentials”: false,

“monitor_expected_response”: “”,

“monitor_interval”: 30,

“monitor_name”: “/Common/https”,

“monitor_passphrase”: “”,

“monitor_send_string”: “GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n”,

“monitor_username”: “”,

“multiplex_profile_name”: “/Common/oneconnect”,

“persistence_type”: “cookie”,

“pool_members”: [


“connectionLimit”: 0,

“priorityGroup”: 0,

“serverAddresses”: [



“servicePort”: 80,

“shareNodes”: true



“pool_name”: “”,

“slow_ramp_time”: 300,

“snat_addresses”: [



“snat_automap”: true,

“snatpool_name”: “”,

“tcp_egress_profile_name”: “/Common/f5-tcp-progressive”,

“tcp_egress_topology”: “lan”,

“tcp_ingress_profile_name”: “/Common/f5-tcp-progressive”,

“tcp_ingress_topology”: “wan”,

“tcp_profile_name”: “/Common/f5-tcp-progressive”,

“tcp_topology”: “wan”,

“tenant_name”: “Tenant1”,

“tls_cert_name”: “/Common/default.crt”,

“tls_client_profile_name”: “/Common/serverssl”,

“tls_key_name”: “/Common/default.key”,

“tls_server_profile_name”: “/Common/clientssl”,

“virtual_address”: “”,

“virtual_port”: 443,

“vlan_names”: [],

“vlans_allow”: true,

“vlans_enable”: false,

“x_forwarded_for”: true



Success Response

Code: 202

Content: <FAST/AS3 declaration JSON>

Example Response


“code”: 202,

“message”: {

“message”: “BIG-IP is processing the request. Please click ‘Pending Tasks’ icon to check the status of the
pending request.”,

“statuscode”: 202,

“taskId”: “0ec8ae38-7ea2-4b10-8523-a6c6705765ce”



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes This is added in the Postman collection.


Title Create/update FAST applications/partitions service-discovery template to support EP attach detach feature
URL /updatefastdata.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“name”: “<FAST template name>”,

“parameters”: {“<parameters>” }


Example Request


“url”: “”

“name”: “service-discovery/http”,

“parameters”: {

“1_apic_service_discovery_tenant”: “Demo”,

“2_apic_service_discovery_ap”: “AppProfile”,

“3_apic_service_discovery_epg”: EPG-External,

“4_apic_service_discovery_port”: 80,

“5_apic_service_discovery_vrf”: “vrf-test”,

“6_apic_service_discovery_route_domain”: 0,

“7_apic_service_discovery_default_route_domain”: 0,

“app_name”: “app23”,

“common_tcp_profile”: false,

“compression_profile_name”: “/Common/httpcompression”,

“enable_acceleration”: true,

“enable_compression”: true,

“enable_fallback_persistence”: true,

“enable_monitor”: true,

“enable_multiplex”: true,

“enable_persistence”: true,

“enable_pool”: true,

“enable_redirect”: true,

“enable_snat”: true,

“enable_tls_client”: false,

“enable_tls_server”: true,



“fallback_persistence_type”: “source-address”,

“http_profile_name”: “/Common/http”,

“irule_names”: [



“load_balancing_mode”: “least-connections-member”,

“make_acceleration_profile”: true,

“make_compression_profile”: true,

“make_http_profile”: true,

“make_monitor”: true,

“make_multiplex_profile”: true

“make_pool”: true,

“make_snatpool”: true,

“make_tcp_egress_profile”: true,

“make_tcp_ingress_profile”: true,

“make_tcp_profile”: true,

“make_tls_client_profile”: true,

“make_tls_server_profile”: true,

“monitor_credentials”: false,

“monitor_expected_response”: “”,

“monitor_interval”: 30,

“monitor_name”: “/Common/https”,

“monitor_passphrase”: “”,

“monitor_send_string”: “GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n”,

“monitor_username”: “”,

“multiplex_profile_name”: “/Common/oneconnect”,

“persistence_type”: “cookie”,

“pool_members”: [


“connectionLimit”: 0,

“priorityGroup”: 0,

“serverAddresses”: [



“servicePort”: 80,

“shareNodes”: true



“pool_name”: “”,

“slow_ramp_time”: 300,

“snat_addresses”: [



“snat_automap”: true,

“snatpool_name”: “”,

“tcp_egress_profile_name”: “/Common/f5-tcp-progressive”,

“tcp_egress_topology”: “lan”,

“tcp_ingress_profile_name”: “/Common/f5-tcp-progressive”,

“tcp_ingress_topology”: “wan”,

“tcp_profile_name”: “/Common/f5-tcp-progressive”,

“tcp_topology”: “wan”,

“tenant_name”: “Tenant2”,

“tls_cert_name”: “/Common/default.crt”,

“tls_client_profile_name”: “/Common/serverssl”,

“tls_key_name”: “/Common/default.key”,

“tls_server_profile_name”: “/Common/clientssl”,

“virtual_address”: “”,

“virtual_port”: 443,

“vlan_names”: [],

“vlans_allow”: true,

“vlans_enable”: false,

“x_forwarded_for”: true



Success Response

Code: 202

Content: <FAST/AS3 declaration JSON>

Example Response


“code”: 202,

“message”: {

“message”: “BIG-IP is processing the request. Please click ‘Pending Tasks’ icon to check the status of the
pending request.”,

“statuscode”: 202,

“taskId”: “0ec8ae38-7ea2-4b10-8523-a6c6705765ce”



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes This is added in the Postman collection. It supports Endpoint attach detach feature of the app using FAST.


Title Deletes the specified FAST application from BIG-IP
URL /deletefastapplication.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“partition”: “<Partition Name>”,

“application”: “<Application Name>”


Example Request


“url”: “”,

“partition”: “Tenant45”,

“application”: “app23”


Success Response

Code: 202

Content: <FAST/AS3 declaration JSON>

Example Response


“code”: 202,

“message”: {

“message”: “BIG-IP is processing the request. Please click ‘Pending Tasks’ icon to check the status of the pending request.”,

“statuscode”: 202,

“taskId”: “0ec8ae38-7ea2-4b10-8523-a6c6705765ce”



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes This is added in the Postman collection.


Title Delete FAST partition from BIG-IP
URL /deletefastpartition.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“partition”: “<Partition Name>”


Example Request


“url”: “”,

“partition”: “Tenant45”


Success Response

Code: 200

Content: <FAST/AS3 declaration JSON>

Example Response


“code”: 200,

“message”: {

“as3data”: [


“applications”: [


“application”: “Application_1”,

“epgExistsPoolList”: [],

“json”: {

“class”: “Application”,

“serviceMain”: {

“class”: “Service_HTTP”,

“pool”: “web_pool”,

“virtualAddresses”: [




“template”: “http”,

“web_pool”: {

“class”: “Pool”,

“members”: [


“serverAddresses”: [



“servicePort”: 80



“monitors”: [







“partition”: “Sample_03”



“message”: “Partition Tenant1 deleted successfully”



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes This is added in the Postman collection.


Title Create and install the FAST custom template on the BIG-IP
URL /createfasttemplate.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“name”: “<Template Name>” ,

“file”: “<Upload .zip template set file>”


Example Request


“url”: “”,

“name”: “custom-http-template”,

“file”: “”


Success Response

Code: 200

Content: <Success Message>

Example Response


“code”: 200,

“message”: Upload and Install of the bigip-fast-templates-service-discovery template set on BIG-IP succeeded.


Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Create and install the service-discovery template on the BIG-IP to support the EP attach detach endpoint feature.
URL /createfasttemplate.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“name”: “service-discovery”


Example Request


“url”: “”,

“name”: “service-discovery”


Success Response

Code: 200

Content: <Success message>

Example Response


“code”: 200,

“message”: Upload and Install of the service-discovery template set on BIG-IP succeeded.


Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Deletes FAST custom template set
URL /deletefasttemplateset.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“name”: “<Template Name>”,


Example Request


“url”: “”,

“name”: “bigip-fast-templates-service-discovery/http”


Success Response

Code: 200

Content: <Success message>

Example Response


“code”: 200,

“message”: bigip-fast-templates-service-discovery template set deleted successfully.


Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Searches the Endpoint across logged in BIG-IPs
URL /searchendpoint.json
Method POST
Request Body


“ip”: “<IP>”


Example Request


“ip”: “”


Success Response

Code: 200




“bigip”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“fullpath”: “<fullpath>”,

“partition”: “<Partition Name>”,

“type”: “<VIP/Node>”




Success Response

Code: 200




“bigip”: “”,

“fullpath”: “/kctenant45/app23/”,

“partition”: “tenant45”,

“type”: “VIP” }



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Searches the Endpoint for the specified BIG-IP
URL /searchendpoint.json
Method POST
Request Body


“ip”: “<IP>”,

“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request


“ip”: “”,

“url”: “”


Success Response

Code: 200




“fullpath”: “<fullpath>”,

“partition”: “<Partition Name>”,

“type”: “<VIP/Node>”




Success Response

Code: 200

message: {



“fullpath”: “/kctenant45/app23/”,

“partition”: “tenant45”,

“type”: “VIP”




Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}


Dynamic Endpoint Attach Detach APIs


Title Get endpoint group or EPG information from APIC
URL /getepginfo.json
Method GET
Success Response

“code”: 200,



“<tenant name>”: {

“<Application Profile 1>”: [


“dn”: “<Dn>”,

“name”: “<Endpoint group name or EPG>”

“vrf”: “<vrf>”,

“vrfDn”: “<vrf Dn>”



“<Application Profile 2>”: [


“dn”: “<Dn>”,

“name”: “<Endpoint group name or EPG>”

“vrf”: “<vrf>”,

“vrfDn”: “<vrf Dn>”





Success Response

“code”: 200,



“Demo”: {

“3-Tier-Arch”: [


“dn”: “uni/tn-Demo/ap-3-Tier-Arch/epg-Front-EndUI”,

“name”: “Front-EndUI”

“vrf”: “vrf1”,

“vrfDn”: “uni/tn-CM-Cent2/ctx-vrf”



“AppProfile”: [


“dn”: “uni/tn-Demo/ap-AppProfile/epg-test”,

“name”: “test”

“vrf”: “<vrf>”,

“vrfDn”: “uni/tn-CM-Cent2/ctx-vrf”





Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Get Dynamic Endpoints from BIG-IP Service Discovery for an AS3 app
URL /getbigipendpoints.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“partition”: “<partition_name>”,

“subpath”: “<application_name on BIG-IP>”,

“pool”: “<Pool_Name>”


Example Request


“url”: “”,

“partition”: “testPart”,

“subpath”: “testApp”,

“pool”: “web_pool”


Success Response

“code”: 200,





“ip”: “”,

“id”: “/partition1/”





Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title EPG mappings sync from APIC to BIG-IP
URL /syncepgmappings.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“tenant”: “<tenant_name>”,

“application”: “<application_profile_name on APIC>”,

“epg”: “<epg>”,

“partition”: “<partition_name>”,

“subpath”: “<application_name on BIG-IP>”,

“pool”: “<Pool_Name>”


Example Request


“url”: “”,

“tenant”: “Demo”,

“application”: “AppProfile”,

“epg”: “EPG-Internal”,

“partition”: “testPart”,

“subpath”: “testApp”,

“pool”: “web_pool”


Success Response


“code”: 200,

“message”: “Endpoints sync is in progress. Click

‘View EPs’ button to see the endpoints.”


Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}


L2-L3 Stitching APIs


Title Gets list of L4-L7 devices of type ADC (Load balancer) from APIC
URL /getldevs.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request




Success Response Code: 200
Example Response



“dn”: “uni/tn-Demo/lDevVip-Demo-LogicalDevice-BIGIP23”,

“name”: “Demo-LogicalDevice-BIGIP23”,

“svcType”: “ADC”,

“parentDn”: “uni/tn-Demo”,

“devtype”: “PHYSICAL”,

“tenant”: “Demo”,

“stitched”: false



“dn”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-f5-gsldev”,

“name”: “f5-gsldev”,

“svcType”: “ADC”,

“parentDn”: “uni/tn-f5-gs”,

“devtype”: “PHYSICAL”,

“tenant”: “f5-gs”

“stitched”: false



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Gets Logical Device (L4-L7 device) information for the specified Logical Device (Distinguished Name of Logical Device required)
URL /getldevinfo.json
Method POST
Request Body


“ldev”: “<Logical Device Dn>”,

“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request


“ldev”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-f5-gsldev”,



Success Response Code: 200
Example Response


“ldev”: “uni/tn-CM-Cent2/lDevVip-bigip23”,

“tenant”: “CM-Cent2”,

“devtype”: “PHYSICAL”,

“svctype”: “ADC”,

“vlans”: [


“encap”: “vlan-328”,

“lif”: “uni/tn-CM-Cent2/lDevVip-bigip23/lIf-internal”,

“lifName”: “internal”,

“deployed”: true,

“lIfCtxDn”: null,

“appinfo”: null,

“insync”: false,

“bigipinfo”: {

“lif”: “uni/tn-CM-Cent2/lDevVip-bigip23/lIf-internal”,

“name”: “apic-vlan-d17beab7”,

“partition”: “Common”,

“route_domain”: 0,

“lIfCtxDn”: null,

“interfaces”: [


“name”: “1.1”,

“tagged”: “tagged”



“tag”: 328,

“bigip”: “”,

“selfips”: [


“name”: “apic-selfip-”,

“partition”: “Common”,

“traffic_group”: “/Common/traffic-group-local-only”,

“allow_service”: “all”,

“address”: “”,

“netmask”: “”




“disableConfig”: {

“disable”: false,

“tenant”: null,

“ldev”: null




“cdevs”: [


“vcenterName”: “”,

“vmName”: “”,

“interfaces”: [


“name”: “internal”,

“path”: “Pod-1/Node-101/eth1/23”



“name”: “external”,

“path”: “Pod-1/Node-101/eth1/24”



“name”: “bigip23”




Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes See Input Parameters section for ldev input parameter


Title Gets available interfaces from a BIG-IP device
URL /getinterfaces.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request


“url”: “”


Success Response

Code: 200




“status”: “<status 1>”,

“name”: “<name 1>”



“status”: “<status 2>”,

“name”: “<name 2>”



Example Response



“status”: “UP”,

“name”: “1.1”



“status”: “UP”,

“name”: “1.2”



“status”: “UP”,

“name”: “1.3”



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Gets port lockdown options from a BIG-IP device
URL /getportlockdown.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request




Success Response Code: 200
Example Response


“specialprotocols”: [


“name”: “all”,

“desc”: “Allow All”



“name”: “none”,

“desc”: “Allow None”



“name”: “default”,

“desc”: “Allow Default”



“ports”: [




“allowedprotocols”: [















Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes Even though this API is available, the application is using only the special protocols Allow All, Allow None and Allow Default, and other protocols are not supported by F5 ACI ServiceCenter


Title Gets available traffic groups from a BIG-IP device
URL /gettrafficgroups.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request




Success Response

Code: 200






Example Response





Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Creates VLANs on a BIG-IP device
URL /createbigipvlans.json
Method POST
Example Request (PHYSICAL)


“url”: “”,

“ldev”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-f5-gsldev”,

“devtype”: “PHYSICAL”,

“vlans”: [


“lif”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-f5-gsldev/lIf-External”,

“name”: “apic-vlan-8ac36350”,

“lIfCtxDn”: null,

“tag”: 300,

“partition”: “As3Part1”,

“route_domain”: 5,

“interfaces”: [



“selfips”: [


“address”: “”,

“netmask”: “”,

“partition”: “As3Part1”,

“traffic_group”: “traffic-group-local-only”,

“allow_service”: “none”



“address”: “”,

“netmask”: “”,

“partition”: “As3Part1”,

“traffic_group”: “traffic-group-local-only”,

“allow_service”: “all”






Example Request (VIRTUAL)


“url”: “”,

“ldev”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-VE-151”,

“devtype”: “VIRTUAL”,

“vlans”: [


“lif”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-VE-151/lIf-Internal”,

“name”: “”,

“lIfCtxDn”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/GraphInst_C-[uni/tn-f5-gs/brc-ve151-ctx]-G-[uni/tn-f5-gs/AbsGraph-VE-151]-S-[uni/tn-f5-gs]/NodeInst-N1/LegVNode-0/EPgDef-provider”,

“tag”: “375”,

“partition”: “As3Part1”,

“route_domain”: 5,

“interfaces”: [



“selfips”: [


“address”: “”,

“netmask”: “”,

“partition”: “As3Part1”,

“traffic_group”: “traffic-group-local-only”,

“allow_service”: “all”



“address”: “”,

“netmask”: “”,

“partition”: “As3Part1”,

“traffic_group”: “traffic-group-local-only”,

“allow_service”: “all”






Success Response

Code: 200

Content: {message: Created vlans successfully}

Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Code: 4XX

Content: {error: <Error Message from F5 BIG-IP>}

Notes See Input Parameters section for ldev, lif, lICtxDn input parameters


Title Deletes Self IPs from a BIG-IP device
URL /deletebigipselfips.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“ldev”: “<ldev_dn>”,

“devtype”: “<device_type>”,

“vlans”: []


Example Request (PHYSICAL)


“url”: “”,

“ldev”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-f5-gsldev”,

“devtype”: “PHYSICAL”,

“vlans”: [


“lif”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-f5-gsldev/lIf-External”,

“name”: “apic-vlan-8ac36350”,

“lIfCtxDn”: null,

“selfips”: [


“name”: “apic-selfip-”

“partition”: “As3Part1”,

“traffic_group”: “/Common/traffic-group-local-only”






Example Request (VIRTUAL)


“url”: “”,

“ldev”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-VE-151”,

“devtype”: “VIRTUAL”,

“vlans”: [


“lif”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-VE-151/lIf-Internal”,

“name”: “apic-vlan-f69ac7e0”,

“lIfCtxDn”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/GraphInst_C-[uni/tn-f5-gs/brc-ve151-ctx]-G-[uni/tn-f5-gs/AbsGraph-VE-151]-S-[uni/tn-f5-gs]/NodeInst-N1/LegVNode-0/EPgDef-provider”,

“selfips”: [


“name”: “apic-selfip-”

“partition”: “As3Part1”,

“traffic_group”: “/Common/traffic-group-local-only”






Success Response

Code: 200

Content: “Deleted Self IPs successfully”

Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes See Input Parameters section for ldev, lif, lICtxDn input parameters


Title Deletes VLANs from a BIG-IP device
URL /deletebigipvlans.json
Method POST
Example Request (PHYSICAL)


“url”: “”,

“ldev”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-f5-gsldev”,

“devtype”: “PHYSICAL”,

“vlans”: [


“lif”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-f5-gsldev/lIf-External”,

“name”: “apic-vlan-8ac36350”,

“lIfCtxDn”: null,

“tag”: 300,

“partition”: “As3Part1”,

“route_domain”: 5,

“interfaces”: [



“selfips”: [


“address”: “”,

“netmask”: “”,

“partition”: “As3Part1”,

“traffic_group”: “traffic-group-local-only”,

“allow_service”: “none”



“address”: “”,

“netmask”: “”,

“partition”: “As3Part1”,

“traffic_group”: “traffic-group-local-only”,

“allow_service”: “all”






Example Request (VIRTUAL)


“url”: “”,

“ldev”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-f5-gsldev”,

“devtype”: “VIRTUAL”,

“vlans”: [


“lif”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-f5-gsldev/lIf-External”,

“name”: “apic-vlan-8ac36350”,

“lIfCtxDn”: null,

“tag”: 300,

“partition”: “As3Part1”,

“route_domain”: 5,

“interfaces”: [



“selfips”: [


“address”: “”,

“netmask”: “”,

“partition”: “As3Part1”,

“traffic_group”: “traffic-group-local-only”,

“allow_service”: “none”



“address”: “”,

“netmask”: “”,

“partition”: “As3Part1”,

“traffic_group”: “traffic-group-local-only”,

“allow_service”: “all”






Success Response

Code : 200

Content : “Deleted VLANs successfully”

Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Code: 4XX

Content: {error: <Error Message from F5 BIG-IP>}

Notes See Input Parameters section for ldev, lif, lICtxDn input parameters


Title Synchronizes VLAN information for a specific VLAN from the F5 ACI ServiceCenter database to a BIG-IP Device
URL /vlansynctobigip.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“ldev”: “<ldev dn>”,

“lif”: “<lif dn>”,

“name”: “<name>”,

“partition”: “As3Part1”,

“lIfCtxDn”: null,

“devtype”: “<device_type>”


Example Request (PHYSICAL)


“url”: “”,

“ldev”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-f5-gsldev”,

“lif”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-f5-gsldev/lIf-External”,

“devtype”: “PHYSICAL”,

“name”: “apic-vlan-8ac36350”,

“partition”: “As3Part1”,

“lIfCtxDn”: null


Example Request (VIRTUAL)


“url”: “”,

“ldev”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-VE-151”,

“lif”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-VE-151/lIf-Internal”,

“devtype”: “VIRTUAL”,

“name”: “apic-vlan-f69ac7e0”,

“partition”: “As3Part1”,

“lIfCtxDn”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/GraphInst_C-[uni/tn-f5-gs/brc-ve151-ctx]-G-[uni/tn-f5-gs/AbsGraph-VE-151]-S-[uni/tn-f5-gs]/NodeInst-N1/LegVNode-0/EPgDef-provider”


Success Response

Code: 200

Content: “Vlan sync from App to BIG-IP successful”

Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes See Input Parameters section for ldev, lif, lICtxDn input parameters


Title Synchronizes VLAN information for a specific VLAN from a BIG-IP Device to the F5 ACI ServiceCenter database
URL /vlansynctodb.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“ldev”: “<ldev dn>”,

“lif”: “<lif dn>”,

“name”: “<vlan_name>”,

“partition”: “As3Part1”,

“lIfCtxDn”: null,

“devtype”: “<device_type>”


Example Request (PHYSICAL)


“url”: “”,

“ldev”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-f5-gsldev”,

“lif”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-f5-gsldev/lIf-External”,

“devtype”: “PHYSICAL”,

“name”: “apic-vlan-8ac36350”,

“partition”: “As3Part1”,

“lIfCtxDn”: null


Example Request (VIRTUAL)


“url”: “”,

“ldev”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-VE-151”,

“lif”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/lDevVip-VE-151/lIf-Internal”,

“devtype”: “VIRTUAL”,

“name”: “apic-vlan-f69ac7e0”,

“lIfCtxDn”: “uni/tn-f5-gs/GraphInst_C-[uni/tn-f5-gs/brc-ve151-ctx]-G-[uni/tn-f5-gs/AbsGraph-VE-151]-S-[uni/tn-f5-gs]/NodeInst-N1/LegVNode-0/EPgDef-provider”


Success Response

Code: 200

Content: “Vlan sync from BIG-IP to App successful”

Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes See Input Parameters section for ldev, lif, lICtxDn input parameters


Title Gets default gateway information for a BIG-IP Device
URL /getrouteinfo.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request




Success Response Code: 200
Example response



“bigipinfo”: {

“destination”: “”,

“netmask”: “”,

“partition”: “Common”,

“name”: “apic-default-gateway”,

“route_domain”: 0,

“gateway”: “”


“appinfo”: {

“partition”: “Common”,

“name”: “apic-default-gateway”,

“destination”: “”,

“route_domain”: 0,

“netmask”: “”,

“gateway”: “”


“insync”: true



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Creates a default gateway on a BIG-IP device
URL /createbigiproutes.json
Method POST
Example Request


“url”: “”,

“routes”: [


“gateway”: “”,

“netmask”: “”,

“destination”: “”,

“name”: “”

“partition”: “Partition1”,





Success Response

Code: 200

Content: “Created Default Gateway successfully”

Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes Currently this API only supports default gateway creation, and cannot be used to create other routes on the BIG-IP device


Title Deletes the default gateway from a BIG-IP device
URL /deletebigiproutes.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“routes”: [


“name”: “<Gateway name>”




Example Request


“url”: “”,

“routes”: [


“name”: “apic-default-route-1”,

“partition”: “Partition1”,

“route_domain”: 1




Success Response

Code: 200

Content: “Deleted Default Gateway successfully”

Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes Currently this API only supports deletion of default gateway, and cannot be used to delete other routes on the BIG-IP device


Title Synchronizes default gateway information from a BIG-IP device to the F5 ACI ServiceCenter database
URL /routesynctodb.json
Method POST
Example Request


“url”: “”,

“route”: {

“name”: “apic-default-route-1”



Success Response

Code: 200

Content: “Route sync from BIG-IP to DB successful”

Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes Currently this API only supports default gateway synchronization, and cannot be used for synchronizing any other route information from a BIG-IP device


Title Synchronizes default gateway information from the F5 ACI ServiceCenter database to a BIG-IP device
URL /routesynctobigip.json
Method POST
Example Request


“url”: “”,

“route”: {

“name”: “apic-default-route-1”



Success Response

Code: 200

Content: ” Route sync from DB to BIG-IP successful”

Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes Currently this API only supports default gateway synchronization, and cannot be used for synchronizing any other route information from a BIG-IP device


Title Create Self IPs on a BIG-IP device with a type of vCMP Guest
URL /createbigipselfips.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“vlans”: [


“name”: “<Vlan Name>”,

“tag”: <Vlan Tag>,

“route_domain”: “<Route Domain ID>”,

“partition”: “<Partition>”,

“selfips”: [


“address”: “<IP Address>”,

“netmask”: “<Netmask>”,

“partition”: “<Partition>”,

“traffic_group”: “<traffic-group-local-only>” OR “<traffic-group-1>”,

“allow_service”: “<all>” OR “<none>” OR “<default>”







Example Request


“url”: “”,

“vlans”: [


“name”: “apic-vlan-9bad6eb5”,

“tag”: 25,

“route_domain”: 0,

“partition”: “Common”,

“selfips”: [


“address”: “”,

“netmask”: “”,

“partition”: “Common”,

“traffic_group”: “traffic-group-local-only”,

“allow_service”: “all”







Success Response

“code”: 200,



“message”: “Created Self IPs successfully” ,



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes This API is applicable only for vCMP Guest.


Title Get list of vCMP guests and VLANs assigned/available for each, from a BIG-IP of type vCMP host
URL /getvcmpguestvlans.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request


“url”: “”


Success Response

“code”: 200,




“url”: “”,

“status”: {

“state”: “deployed”,

“vmStatus”: “running”


“login”: true,

“promptLogin”: false,

“vlans”: [


“vlan”: “apic-vlan-9bad6eb5”,

“tag”: 25,

“partition”: “Common”



“name”: “bigip40_46”



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes This API is applicable only for vCMP Host.


Title Get VLAN information from a BIG-IP of type vCMP Guest
URL /getvcmpvlaninfo.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request


“url”: “”


Success Response

“code”: 200,



“deleteselfips”: [],

“vlans”: [


“bigipinfo”: {

“selfips”: [


“name”: “apic-selfip-”,

“vlan”: “apic-vlan-ac6aeaff”,

“allow_service”: “all”,

“netmask”: “”,

“address”: “”,

“traffic_group”: “traffic-group-local-only”

“partition”: “Common”,




“appinfo”: {

“selfips”: []


“name”: “apic-vlan-ac6aeaff”,

“interfaces”: [],

“insync”: false,

“tag”: 500

“partition”: “Common”,

“routeDomain”: 0,




Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes This API is applicable only for vCMP Guest.


Title Get list of BIG-IP VLANs
URL /getbigipvlans.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request


“url”: “”


Success Response

“code”: 200,




“vlan”: “HA”,

“tag”: 4093,

“partition”: “Common”



“vlan”: “HA-40-41”,

“tag”: 4092,

“partition”: “Common”



“vlan”: “apic-vlan-3dc1d93a”,

“tag”: 25,

“partition”: “Common”



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes Currently being used only by vCMP Guests


Title Assign selected VLANs from vCMP Host to vCMP Guest F5 BIG-IPs
URL /assignvcmpguestvlans.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”

“guest”: {

“name”: “<vCMP Guest name>”,

“url”: “<vCMP Guest IP or IP:port or hostname or hostname:port>”


“deleteGuestVlans”: <false or true>,

“vlans”: [


“vlan”: “<Vlan Name>”,

“tag”: <Vlan tag>,

“partition”: “Common”




Example Request


“url”: “”

“guest”: {

“name”: “bigip40_46”,

“url”: “”


“deleteGuestVlans”: false,

“vlans”: [


“vlan”: “apic-vlan-9bad6eb5”,

“tag”: 25,

“partition”: “Common”




Success Response

“code”: 200,



“message”: “Vlan assignment successful.” ,



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes This is used for assigning and unassigning VLANs. During unassignment if deleteGuestVlans=true, then it deletes the VLAN from the guest BIG-IP, otherwise after unassignment it keeps as it is. This API is applicable only for vCMP Host.


Title Sync Self-IP information from DB to F5 BIG-IP (for vCMP Guests)
URL /selfipsynctobigip.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”

“name”: “<Vlan Name>”


Example Request


“url”: “”

“name”: “apic-vlan-3dc1d93a”


Success Response

“code”: 200,



“message”: “Self IP sync from App to BIG-IP successful.” ,



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes This API is applicable only for vCMP Guest.


Title Sync Self-IP information from F5 BIG-IP to DB (for vCMP Guests))
URL /selfipsynctobigip.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”

“name”: “<Vlan Name>”


Example Request


“url”: “”

“name”: “apic-vlan-3dc1d93a”


Success Response

“code”: 200,

“content”: “Self IP sync from BIG-IP to App successful”

Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes This API is applicable only for vCMP Guest.

Visibility APIs


Title Gets list of partitions for a BIG-IP device
URL /getbigippartitions.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request


“url”: “”


Success Response

Code: 200

Content: [partition1, partition2, …]

Example Response



“defaultRouteDomain”: 0,

“name”: “Common”



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Gets VLANs from a BIG-IP device and correlates with APIC Tenant/Application Profile/End Point Group information
URL /getvlanstats.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“partition”: “<Partition Name>”,

“download”: <true/false>


Example Request


“url”: “”,

“partition”: “Common”,

“download”: false


Success Response Code: 200
Example Response




“vlan”: “/Common/vlan-328”,

“ldevs”: [


“ldev”: {

“name”: “bigip23”,

“dn”: “uni/tn-CM-Cent2/lDevVip-bigip23”


“tenant”: {

“name”: “CM-Cent2”,

“dn”: “uni/tn-CM-Cent2”


“vrf”: [


“lif”: “uni/tn-CM-Cent2/lDevVip-bigip23/lIf-internal”,

“encap”: “vlan-328”,

“dn”: “uni/tn-CM-Cent2/ctx-vrf”,

“name”: “vrf”



“lif”: “uni/tn-CM-Cent2/lDevVip-bigip23/lIf-external”,

“encap”: “vlan-360”,

“dn”: “uni/tn-CM-Cent2/ctx-vrf”,

“name”: “vrf”



“exportedTenants”: []



“ldev”: {

“name”: “AutoldevVE”,

“dn”: “uni/tn-Demo/lDevVip-AutoldevVE”


“tenant”: {

“name”: “Demo”,

“dn”: “uni/tn-Demo”


“vrf”: [


“lif”: “uni/tn-Demo/lDevVip-AutoldevVE/lIf-Device1”,

“encap”: “unknown”,

“dn”: “uni/tn-Demo/ctx-vrf-test”,

“name”: “vrf-test”



“lif”: “uni/tn-Demo/lDevVip-AutoldevVE/lIf-Device2”,

“encap”: “unknown”,

“dn”: “uni/tn-Demo/ctx-vrf-test”,

“name”: “vrf-test”



“exportedTenants”: []



“epgs”: [],

“selfips”: [


“name”: “apic-selfip-”,

“traffic_group”: “traffic-group-local-only”,

“allow_service”: “all”,

“address”: “”



“interfaces”: [


“name”: “1.1”,

“tagged”: “tagged”



“routeDomain”: “”



Error Response

Code: 4XX

Content: {error: <Error Message from F5 BIG-IP}

Notes To download an Excel report for a VLAN table, set the ‘download’ request parameter to true.


Title Gets VIP:port (Virtual server) information from a BIG-IP device and correlates with APIC Tenant/Application Profile/End Point Group information
URL /getvipstats.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“partition”: “<Partition_Name>”,

“download”: <true/false>


Example Request


“url”: “”,

“partition”: “Sample_1”,

“download”: false


Success Response Code: 200
Example Response



“vipStats”: [


“pool”: {

“name”: “web_pool”,

“partition”: “Common”,

“status”: “available”,

“enabled”: “enabled”,

“fullpath”: “/Common/web_pool”,

“monitor”: [



“loadBalancingMode”: “round-robin”


“nodes”: [


“name”: “”,

“address”: “”,

“fqdn”: null,

“partition”: “Common”,

“fullpath”: “/Common/”,

“status”: “available”,

“enabled”: “enabled”



“vip”: {

“name”: “”,

“address”: “”,

“routeDomain”: “-“,

“status”: “available”,

“enabled”: “enabled”,

“partition”: “Common”,

“fullpath”: “/Common/”,

“vipFullPath”: “/Common/”,

“ipProtocol”: “tcp”,

“sourceAddressTranslation”: {

“type”: “automap”


“epgs”: [],

“ldevs”: [


“tenant”: {

“name”: “CM-Cent2”,

“dn”: “uni/tn-CM-Cent2”


“ldev”: {

“name”: “bigip23”,

“dn”: “uni/tn-CM-Cent2/lDevVip-bigip23”


“vrf”: {

“name”: “vrf”,

“dn”: “uni/tn-CM-Cent2/ctx-vrf”


“isVrfUpdated”: false



“rules”: null




“hideFQDN”: true


Error Response

Code: 4XX

Content: {error: <Error Message from F5 BIG-IP}

Notes To download an Excel report for a VIP table, set the ‘download’ request parameter to true.


Title Gets node information from a BIG-IP device and correlates with APIC Tenant/Application Profile/End Point Group information
URL /getnodestats.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“partition”: “<Partition_Name>”,

“download”: <true/false>


Example Request


“url”: “”,

“partition”: “Sample_1”,

“download”: false


Success Response Code: 200
Example Response


“nodeStats”: [


“pools”: [


“pool”: {

“name”: “web_pool”,

“status”: “available”,

“enabled”: “enabled”,

“partition”: “Common”,

“fullpath”: “/Common/web_pool”


“virtuals”: [


“name”: “”,

“address”: “”,

“status”: “available”,

“enabled”: “enabled”,

“partition”: “Common”,

“fullpath”: “/Common/”





“node”: {

“name”: “”,

“address”: “”,

“routeDomain”: “-“,

“fqdn”: null,

“status”: “unknown”,

“enabled”: “enabled”,

“partition”: “Common”,

“fullpath”: “/Common/”,

“monitor”: [



“epgs”: [


“tenant”: {

“name”: “CM-Cent2”,

“dn”: “uni/tn-CM-Cent2”


“app”: {

“name”: “AppProfile”,

“dn”: “uni/tn-CM-Cent2/ap-AppProfile”


“epg”: {

“name”: “EPG-Internal”,

“dn”: “uni/tn-CM-Cent2/ap-AppProfile/epg-EPG-Internal”


“vrf”: {

“name”: “vrf”,

“dn”: “uni/tn-CM-Cent2/ctx-vrf”


“isVrfUpdated”: false






“hideFQDN”: true


Error Response

Code: 4XX

Content: {error: <Error Message from F5 BIG-IP}

Notes To download an Excel report for a Node table, set the ‘download’ request parameter to true.


Title Get telemetry stats consumers
URL gettelemetryconsumers.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”


Example Request


“url”: “”,


Example Response

Code: 200

“message”: {

“consumers”: [“My_Pull_Consumer”],

“warning”: “null”


Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes If f5-telemetry package version is lower than 1.17.0, this API will return a warning and will not display the statistics.


Title Retrieve stats using telemetry stream plugin
URL gettelemetrystats.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“consumer”: “<Consumer>”


Example Request


“url”: “”,

“consumer”: “My_Pull_Consumer”


Example Response

Code: 200

“message”: {

“pools”: {

“/Common/Pool1”: {

“availabilityState”: “available”,

“enabledState”: “enabled”,

“members”: {

“/Common/”: {

“addr”: “”,

“availabilityState”: “offline”,

“enabledState”: “enabled”,

“port”: 80,

“serverside.bitsIn”: 0,

“serverside.bitsOut”: 0,

“serverside.curConns”: 0,

“serverside.maxConns”: 0,

“serverside.pktsIn”: 0,

“serverside.pktsOut”: 0,

“serverside.totConns”: 0,

“totRequests”: 0


“name”: “/Common/Pool1”,

“serverside.bitsIn”: 8280,

“serverside.bitsOut”: 13800,

“serverside.curConns”: 0,

“serverside.maxConns”: 2,

“serverside.pktsIn”: 15,

“serverside.pktsOut”: 12,

“serverside.totConns”: 3,

“tenant”: “Common”,

“totRequests”: 3





Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Get System Connections of VIP/Node
URL getsystemconnections.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>” ,

“ip”: “<VIP/Node IP>”,

“type”: “<vip/node>”


Example Request


“url”: “”,

“ip”: “”,

“type”: “node”


Example Response

Code: 200

“message”: [


“clientDestination”: any6.any,

“clientSource”: “any6.any”,

“protocol”: “tcp”,

“serverDestination”: “”,

“serverSource”: “”



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes For short lived connections, users may see the value of ‘any6.any’ for fields clientSource and clientDestination .


Title Get endpoint details of VIP/Node using IP
URL getendpointdetails.json
Method POST
Request Body


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“ip”: “<VIP/Node IP>”,

“partition”: “<Partition>”,

“type”: “<vip/node>”


Example Request


“url”: “”,

“ip”: “”,

“partition”: “Common”,

“type”: “vip”


Example Response

Code: 200


“code”: 200,

“message”: {

“apic”: [


“encap”: “vlan-335”,

“epg”: “CM-Central/LDevInst-[uni/tn-CM-Central/lDevVip -CM-BIGIP23]-ctx-none/G-CM-BIGIP23ctxnone-N-CM-ClientBD-C-External”,

“interfaces”: [


“adminSt”: “Up”,

“children”: [],

“name”: “eth1/24”,

“node”: “Pod-1/Node-101”,

“operSt”: “Up”,

“type”: “Not Aggregated”



“isVrfUpdated”: false,

“mac”: “00:23:E9:E8:02:89”,

“vrf”: “vrfrd”



“bigip”: [


“interfaces”: [


“children”: [],

“interface”: “1.2”,

“status”: “UP”



“isMasquerade”: false,

“mac”: “00:23:E9:E8:02:89”,

“routeDomain”: “rd8”,

“selfips”: [


“selfip”: “”



“vlan”: “335”





Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Gets logs for a VIP or Node from BIG-IP LTM module
URL getbigiplogs.json
Method POST
Example Request


“url”: “<BIG-IP IP or BIG-IP IP:Port or Hostname or Hostname:Port>”,

“from”: “<From Date/Time in UTC format>”,

“to”: “<To Date/Time in UTC format>”,

“filters”: “<Filters>”


Request Body


“url”: “”,

“from”: “null”,

“to”: “null”,

“filters”: “[]”


Example Response

Code: 200

“message”: {


“ltm 2021-01-04T04:26:38Z err ve159-bigip.lab tmsh[504]: 01420006:3:

01020036:3: The requested pool(/BIG_IPendpoint/Test2/svc_pool) was

not found.n”,

“warning”: “From and To timestamps not found. Hence only the last

10K logs scanned.”


Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}

Notes If users provide from/to date/time and filters, API will respond with logs from the specified date range and specified filter.

TEEM Settings APIs


Title Get/Update TEEM Settings data
URL /settings/teem.json
Request Body


“hour”: “<Hour>”,

“minute”: “<Minute>”,

“timezone”: “<Timezone>”

“optout”: <true/false>


Example Request


“hour”: “3”,

“minute”: “15”,

“timezone”: “UTC”,

“optout”: false


Example Response

Code: 200

“message”: {

“hour”: “3”,

“minute”: “15”,

“timezone”: “UTC”,

“optout”: false


Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}


Background Service APIs


Title Get background threads status
URL /async/tasks/status.json
Method GET
Example Response

Code: 200

“message”: [


“description”: “Websocket monitor”,

“name”: “websocket-monitor”,

“resolution”: “”,

status”: “up”



“description”: “APIC websocket connection”,

“name”: “websocket-1”,

“resolution”: “”,

status”: completed”



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Restart async services
URL /async/services/restart.json
Method GET
Example Response

Code: 200

“message”: {


“celerybeat”: {

“description”: “Task scheduler”,

“status”: “up”


“celeryd”: {

“description”: “Task manager daemon”,

“status”: “up”


“redis”: {

“description”: “Task messaging server”

“status”: “up”



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}



Title Get async services status
URL /async/services/status.json
Method GET
Example Response

Code: 200

“message”: {


“celerybeat”: {

“description”: “Task scheduler”,

“status”: “up”


“celeryd”: {

“description”: “Task manager daemon”,

“status”: “up”


“redis”: {

“description”: “Task messaging server”

“status”: “up”



Error Response

Code: 400

Content: {error: Bad request}
