Service Scaling Group BIG-IP List


A list of BIG-IPs managed by a selected service scaling group (SSG).

REST Endpoint: /mgmt/ap/query/v1/tenants/default/reports/ServiceScalingGroupDevicesList


GET /mgmt/ap/query/v1/tenants/default/reports/ServiceScalingGroupDevicesList

Query Parameters

Name Type Required Description
$ssg string True Identifier of SSG
$from string False Specifies time to start results. The default uses the values of “-5m” for from and “now” for to, which starts from 5 minutes before the current time and ends at the current time.
$to string False Specifies time to end results. The default uses the values of “-5m” for from and “now” for to, which starts from 5 minutes before the current time and ends at the current time.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
activeAlerts number The number of alerts to the BIG-IP that is currently active.
address string The BIG-IP IP address.
averageCpuUsage number The average CPU usage by the BIG-IP over the past five minutes.
averageMemoryUsage number The average memory usage by the BIG-IP over the past five minutes.
concurrentConnections number The average number of concurrent connections to the BIG-IP over the past five minutes.
health HealthEnum The current health of the BIG-IP.
name string The BIG-IP’s unique identifier.
newConnections number The average number of new connections to the BIG-IP over the past five minutes.
throughputIn number The average throughput in to the BIG-IP over the past five minutes.
throughputOut number The average throughput out of the BIG-IP over the past five minutes.
transactionsPerSecond number The average number of transactions per second over the past five minutes.


Role Allow
Security Manager Yes


GET to retrieve a list of the BIG-IPs of a specified service scaling group

Following is an example of a response to the API call, provided the requested SSG ID.

GET https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/ap/query/v1/tenants/default/reports/ServiceScalingGroupDevicesList?$ssg=Automation-01Ssg4


    "kind": "ap:compose:Report",
    "lastUpdateMicros": 326809151283,
    "result": [{
            "name": "",
            "health": "Moderate",
            "activeAlerts": 2
    "requestDurationInMillis": 488