LTM Profile Client-SSL


Use the LTM Profile Client-SSL API to retrieve LTM Profile Client-SSL information from BIG-IQ.

REST Endpoint: /mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/profile/client-ssl


Send a GET request to the /ltm/profile/client-ssl endpoint to retrieve all the profiles in the collection. To retrieve a single profile, send the GET request to the /ltm/profile/client-ssl/<id> endpoint. Where the value of placeholder <id> can be found as the UUID appearing in the profile’s selfLink.

GET /mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/profile/client-ssl/<id>

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
alertTimeout string Alert timeout in seconds. If alertTimeout is indefinite, alerts can continue without timing out.
allowDynamicRecordSizing string Enables or disables dynamic application record sizing. The value “enabled” can allow dynamic record sizing. The default is “disabled”.
allowExpiredCrl string The specified certificate revocation list (CRL) file can be used even if it has expired.
appService string Application service to which the object belongs.
authenticate string Frequency of authentication. The default is once.
authenticateDepth number Maximum traversal depth of the client certificate chain
bypassOnClientCertFail string The value of bypassOnClientCertFail indicates whether bypass SSL forward proxy traffic will be enabled or disabled in the following case: the server requests the Client Certificate from the BIG-IP and fails to receive the certificate. The default is “disabled”.
bypassOnHandshakeAlert string The value of bypassOnHandshakeAlert indicates whether bypass SSL forward proxy traffic has been enabled or disabled for the following case: the server requests the Client Certificate from the BIG-IP and receives a handshake_failure(40) alert. The default is “disabled”.
cacheSize number SSL session cache size. For client-side profiles only, you can configure the timeout and size of the SSL session cache. You can configure the values on a per-profile basis because each profile maintains a separate SSL session cache.
cacheTimeout number SSL session cache timeout in seconds. This is the usable lifetime of negotiated SSL session IDs. The possible values are integers greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 86400. The default is 3600 seconds.
caFile string Certificate authority (CA) file name. Configures certificate verification by specifying a list of client or server CAs that the traffic management system trusts.
certExtensionIncludes string The extensions of the web server certificates to be included in the generated certificates using SSL Forward Proxy. For example, { basic-constraints }. The default value is none.
certKeyChain object Array of objects used to manage the set of certificate, key, passphrase and chain associated with a client SSL profile.
     cert string Name of the certificate installed on the traffic management system for the purpose of initiating or terminating a SSL connection. The default is “none”.
     chain string Certificate chain file that a client can use to authenticate the profile. To use the default chain name, specify the default.
     key string The name of a key file that you generated and installed on the system. The default key name is “default.key”.
     name string Name of this certKeyChain object.
     ocspStaplingParams string Deprecated since BIG-IP v13.0.0. Instead use modify sys crypto cert to configure an OCSP validator for the certificate and use modify ltm profile client-ssl to enable ocsp-stapling for the client-ssl profile. Specifies the OCSP Stapling Parameters object associated with this CertKeyChain object in a client SSL profile.
     passphrase string Key passphrase
     usage string Indicates whether this keychain entry represents a CA Cert/Key pair or a Server Cert/Key pair. Default is “SERVER”.
certLifespan number Lifespan of the certificate generated using SSL Forward Proxy. The default is 30 days.
certLookupByIpaddrPort string Indicates whether SSL forward proxy lookup certificate by ipaddr/port feature has been “enabled” or “disabled”. The default is “disabled”.
cipherGroup string An associated cipher group
ciphers string A cipher name. The default is “DEFAULT”.
clientCertCa string Name of client certificate’s certificate authority
crlFile string Name of certificate revocation list (CRL) file name
defaultsFrom string The parent profile. A new profile inherits all settings and values from this parent profile.
description string User defined description
destinationIpBlacklist string Data group list of the destination IP denylist for SSL Forward Proxy Bypass
destinationIpWhitelist string Data group list of the destination IP allowlist for SSL Forward Proxy Bypass
forwardProxyBypassDefaultAction string SSL forward proxy bypass default action. The default is “intercept”.
genericAlert string Generic-alert has been “enabled” or “disabled”. This can use generic alert number in alert message. The default is “enabled”.
handshakeTimeout string Handshake timeout in seconds. handshakeTimeout can be indefinite which continues without a timeout.
hostnameBlacklist string Data group list of the hostname denylist for SSL Forward Proxy Bypass
hostnameWhitelist string Data group list of the hostname allowlist for SSL Forward Proxy Bypass
isEnabled string Profile mode which enables or disables SSL processing
maxActiveHandshakes string Maximum number of active handshakes allowed. The default is 0.
maxAggregateRenegotiationPerMinute string Maximum number of aggregate renegotiation attempts allowed in a minute. The default is indefinite.
maximumRecordSize number The profile’s maximum record size. The range is 128 - 16384. The default is 16384.
maxRenegotiationsPerMinute number Maximum number of renegotiation attempts allowed in a minute. The default is 5.
modSslMethods string ModSSL method emulation has been “enabled” or “disabled”. Use “enabled” if OpenSSL methods are inadequate. For example, enable ModSSL method emulation to use SSL compression over TLSv1.
name string Name of the client SSL profile. This can be specified during POST only, otherwise it is read-only.
notifyCertStatusToVirtualServer string Specifies whether to propagate the status of the certificates of this client-ssl profile to the virtual servers that are using this client-ssl profile. The default is disabled.
ocspStapling string OCSP stapling has been “enabled” or “disabled”. The default is “disabled”.
partition string Administrative partition containing this profile. The default is “Common”.
peerCertMode string Peer certificate mode. The default is to ignore.
peerNoRenegotiateTimeout string Number of seconds that the system waits for ClientHello before sending Fatal Alert after sending Hello Request. You can set it to Indefinite which specifies that the system continue to wait for ClientHello for an unlimited time. The default is 10 seconds.
proxyCaCert string Certification Authority certificate for SSL Forward Proxy
proxyCaKey string Certification Authority key for SSL Forward Proxy
proxyCaPassphrase string Passphrase of the Certification Authority key for SSL Forward Proxy
proxySsl string Proxy SSL mode has been “enabled” or “disabled”. The proxy SSL mode requires a corresponding client SSL profile with proxy-ssl enabled to allow for modification of application data within an SSL tunnel. proxySsl is “disabled” by default.
proxySslPassthrough string Proxy SSL Passthrough mode has been “enabled” or “disabled”. The Proxy SSL Passthrough mode requires a corresponding client SSL profile with proxy-ssl-passthrough enabled to allow for modification of application data within an SSL tunnel. proxySsl is “disabled” by default.
renegotiateMaxRecordDelay number Maximum number of SSL records that the traffic management system can receive before it renegotiates a SSL session. After the system receives this number of SSL records, it closes the connection. This setting applies to client-side profiles only. The default is 10.
renegotiatePeriod string Number of seconds from the initial connect time after which the system renegotiates an SSL session. A new connection is started each time a session renegotiation is successful. The system then attempts to renegotiate the session again after the specified amount of time following the previous renegotiation. For example, a renegotiatePeriod of 3600 seconds triggers session renegotiation at least once an hour. The default is indefinite meaning do not renegotiate SSL sessions.
renegotiateSize string Throughput size in bytes of SSL renegotiation. This forces the traffic management system to renegotiate an SSL session based on the size, in megabytes, of application data that is transmitted over the secure channel. The default is indefinite which means do not renegotiate based on throughput size.
renegotiation string Mid-stream renegotiation has been “enabled” or “disabled”. The default is “enabled”.
retainCertificate string If true, the server certificate is retained in SSL session. The default is true.
selfLink string The selfLink of an application
secureRenegotiation string Secure renegotiation has been “enabled” or “disabled”. The default value is “require”.
serverName string Name matched to TLS/1.1 and above client SSL requests that support the Server Name Indication extension. The default value is empty, which disables support for this extension.
sessionMirroring string Session mirroring to the high-availability peer has been “enabled” or “disabled”. The default is “disabled”.
sessionTicket string Session-ticket has been “enabled” or “disabled”. The default option is disabled, see RFC5077.
sessionTicketTimeout number Session ticket timeout. The default is 0.
sniDefault string If true, this profile is the default SSL profile when a client connection does not specify a known server name, or does not specify any server name. The default is false.
sniRequire string If true, SNI support is required for the peer. If a client connection does not specify a known server name, or does not specify any server name, the connection will be rejected. The default is false.
sourceIpBlacklist string Data group list of the source IP denylist for SSL Forward Proxy Bypass
sourceIpWhitelist string Data group list of the source IP allowlist for SSL Forward Proxy Bypass
sslForwardProxy string SSL Forward Proxy feature has been “enabled” or “disabled”. The default is “disabled”.
sslForwardProxyBypass string SSL Forward Proxy Bypass feature has been “enabled” or “disabled”. The default is “disabled”.
strictResume string Indicates that the resumption of SSL sessions after an unclean shutdown has been “enabled” or “disabled”. The default is “disabled”, which means that the SSL profile can refuse to resume SSL sessions after an unclean shutdown.
sslSignHash string SSL sign hash algorithm used to sign and verify SSL Server Key Exchange and Certificate Verify messages for the SSL profile. The default is “any”.
tmOptions string Enabled options, including some industry-related workarounds. Options list is entered between braces, for example, “{dont-insert-empty-fragments microsoft-sess-id-bug}”. The default is “{all-bugfixes}”, which enables a set of industry-related miscellaneous workarounds related to SSL processing.
subpath string The BIG-IP folder where the object should be placed.
uncleanShutdown string By default, the SSL profile performs unclean shutdowns of all SSL connections. This means that underlying TCP connections are closed without exchanging the required SSL shutdown alerts. If uncleanShutdown is “disable”, the SSL profile performs a clean shutdown of all SSL connections.


Role Allow
Trust_Discovery_Import Yes
ADC_Deployer Yes
Service_Catalog_Viewer Yes
Application_Editor Yes
Application_Manager Yes
Application_Viewer Yes
Service_Catalog_Editor Yes
ADC_Manager Yes
ADC_Editor Yes
ADC_Viewer Yes
Access_View Yes
Access_Edit Yes
Access_Manager Yes
Access_Deploy Yes
Access_Policy_Editor Yes

POST /mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/profile/client-ssl

Send a POST request to the collection endpoint to add a profile to the collection.

Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
alertTimeout string False Alert timeout in seconds. Specify “indefinite” to enable alerts to continue without timing out.
allowDynamicRecordSizing string False Enables or disables dynamic application record sizing. Specify “enabled” to allow dynamic record sizing. The default is “disabled”.
allowExpiredCrl string False Use the specified certificate revocation file (CRL) file even if it has expired.
appService string False Application service to which the object belongs
authenticate string False The frequency of authentication. The default is once.
authenticateDepth number False Maximum traversal depth of the client certificate chain
bypassOnClientCertFail string False Specifies that if a server requests the Client Certificate from the BIG-IP, and fails to receive the certificate, the bypass SSL forward proxy traffic is “enabled” or “disabled”. The default is “disabled”.
bypassOnHandshakeAlert string False Specifies that if a server requests the Client Certificate from the BIG-IP, and receives a handshake_failure(40) alert, the bypass SSL forward proxy traffic is “enabled” or “disabled”. The default is “disabled”.
cacheSize number False SSL session cache size. For client-side profiles only, you can configure timeout and size values for the SSL session cache. You can configure the values on a per-profile basis because each profile maintains a separate SSL session cache.
cacheTimeout number False SSL session cache timeout in seconds. This is the usable lifetime of negotiated SSL session IDs. The default is 3600 seconds. Possible values are integers greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 86400.
caFile string False The certificate authority (CA) file name. Configures certificate verification by specifying a list of client or server CAs that the traffic management system trusts.
certExtensionIncludes object False Specifies the extensions of the web server certificates to be included in the generated certificates using SSL Forward Proxy. For example, { basic-constraints }. The default is none.
certKeyChain object False Array of objects used to manage the set of certificate, key, passphrase and chain associated with a client SSL profile.
     cert string False Name of the certificate installed on the traffic management system for the purpose of terminating or initiating an SSL connection.
     chain string False Specifies or builds a certificate chain file that a client can use to authenticate the profile. To use the default chain name, specify default.
     key string False Specifies the name of a key file that you have generated and installed on the system. The default key name is default.key.
     name string False Name of this certKeyChain object.
     ocspStaplingParams string False Deprecated since BIG-IP v13.0.0. Instead use modify sys crypto cert to configure an OCSP validator for the certificate and use modify ltm profile client-ssl to enable ocsp-stapling for the clientssl profile. Specifies the OCSP Stapling Parameters object associated with this CertKeyChain object in a client SSL profile.
     passphrase string False Specifies the key passphrase if required.
     usage string False Specifies whether this keychain entry represents a CA Cert/Key pair or a Server Cert/Key pair. Default is “SERVER”.
certLifespan number False Specifies the lifespan of the certificate generated using SSL Forward Proxy. The default is 30 days.
certLookupByIpaddrPort string False Specifies whether SSL forward proxy lookup certificate by ipaddr/port feature is “enabled” or “disabled”. The default is “disabled”.
cipherGroup string False Specifies an associated cipher group.
ciphers string False A cipher name The default is “DEFAULT”, which uses the default ciphers.
clientCertCa string False Client certificate authority name
crlFile string False Specifies the certificate revocation list (CRL) file name or indicates the system uses the certificate revocation file name from the parent profile.
defaultsFrom string False Profile to use as the parent profile. New profiles can inherit all settings from the parent profile.
description string False User described description
destinationIpBlacklist string False Data group list of the destination IP denylist for SSL Forward Proxy Bypass
destinationIpWhitelist string False Data group list of the destination IP allowlist for SSL Forward Proxy Bypass
forwardProxyBypassDefaultAction string False SSL forward proxy bypass default action. The default is intercept.
genericAlert string False Enables or disables generic-alert. Possible values are “enabled” and “disabled”. These can use the generic alert number in alert message. The default is “enabled”.
handshakeTimeout string False Handshake timeout in seconds. Specify “indefinite” to continue without timing out.
hostnameBlacklist string False Data group list of the hostname denylist for SSL Forward Proxy Bypass
hostnameWhitelist string False Data group list of the hostname allowlist for SSL Forward Proxy Bypass
isEnabled string False Enables or disables SSL processing. Possible values are “enabled” and “disabled”.
maxActiveHandshakes number False Maximum number of active handshakes allowed. The default is 0.
maxAggregateRenegotiationPerMinute number False Maximum number of aggregate renegotiation attempts allowed in a minute. The default is indefinite.
maximumRecordSize number False Profile’s maximum record size. The range is 128 - 16384. The default is 16384.
maxRenegotiationsPerMinute number False Maximum number of renegotiation attempts allowed in a minute. The default is 5.
modSslMethods string False Enables or disables ModSSL method emulation. Possible values are “enabled” and “disabled”. Use “enabled” if OpenSSL methods are inadequate. For example, you can enable ModSSL method emulation to use SSL compression over TLSv1.
name string True Name of the client SSL profile. The value can be specified only during a POST, otherwise this is read-only.
notifyCertStatusToVirtualServer string False Specifies whether to propagate the status of the certificates of this client ssl profile to the virtual servers that are using this client ssl profile. The default is the same as “disabled”.
ocspStapling string False Specifies whether to enable or disable OCSP stapling. The default is the same as “disabled”.
partition string False Administrative partition where this profile is located. The default is “Common”.
peerCertMode string False Peer certificate mode. The default is to ignore.
peerNoRenegotiateTimeout number False Number of seconds that the system waits for ClientHello before sending Fatal Alert after sending Hello Request. The default is 10 seconds. You can set it to Indefinite which specifies that the system continue to wait for ClientHello for an unlimited time. The default is 10.
proxyCaCert string False Certification Authority certificate for SSL Forward Proxy
proxyCaKey string False Certification Authority key for SSL Forward Proxy
proxyCaPassphrase string False Passphrase of the Certification Authority key for SSL Forward Proxy
proxySsl string False Enables or disables proxy SSL mode. Possible values are “enabled” and “disabled”. Enabling this mode requires a corresponding client SSL profile with proxy-ssl enabled to allow for modification of application data within an SSL tunnel. The default is “disabled”.
proxySslPassthrough string False Enables Proxy SSL Passthrough mode, which requires a corresponding server SSL profile with proxy-ssl-passthrough enabled to allow for modification of application data within an SSL tunnel. The default is the same as “disabled”.
renegotiateMaxRecordDelay string False Maximum number of SSL records that the traffic management system can receive before it renegotiates an SSL session. After the system receives this number of SSL records, it closes the connection. This setting applies to client-side profiles only. The default is 10.
renegotiatePeriod string False Number of seconds from initial connect time after which the system renegotiates an SSL session. A new connection is started each time a session renegotiation is successful. The system then attempts to renegotiate the session again after the specified amount of time following the previous renegotiation. For example, a renegotiatePeriod of 3600 seconds triggers session renegotiation at least once an hour. The default is indefinite meaning do not renegotiate SSL sessions.
renegotiateSize string False Throughput size in bytes of SSL renegotiation. This forces the traffic management system to renegotiate an SSL session based on the size, in megabytes, of application data that is transmitted over the secure channel. The default is indefinite which means do not renegotiate based on throughput size.
renegotiation string False Enables or disables mid-stream renegotiation. Possible values are “enabled” and “disabled”. The default is “enabled”.
retainCertificate boolean False If true, server certificate is retained in SSL session. The default is true.
selfLink string False The selfLink of an application.
secureRenegotiation string False Enables or disables secure renegotiation. Possible values are “enabled” and “disabled”. The default is require-strict.
serverName string False Name matched to TLS/1.1 and above client SSL requests that support the Server Name Indication extension. The default is empty, which disables support for this extension.
sessionMirroring string False Enables or disables session mirroring to the high-availability peer. Possible values are “enabled” and “disabled”. The default option is “disabled”.
sessionTicket string False Enables or disables session-ticket. Possible values are “enabled” and “disabled”. The default is “disabled”, see RFC5077.
sessionTicketTimeout number False Specifies the session ticket timeout. The default value is 0.
sniDefault boolean False If true, this profile is the default SSL profile when a client connection does not specify a known server name, or does not specify any server name. The default is false.
sniRequire string boolean If true, SNI support is required for the peer. If a client connection does not specify a known server name, or does not specify any server name, the connection will be rejected. The default is false.
sourceIpBlacklist string False Data group list of the source IP denylist for SSL Forward Proxy Bypass.
sourceIpWhitelist string False Data group list of the source IP allowlist for SSL Forward Proxy Bypass.
sslForwardProxy string False Enables or disables SSL Forward Proxy. Possible values are “enabled” and “disabled”. The default is “disabled”.
sslForwardProxyBypass string False Enables or disables SSL Forward Proxy Bypass. Possible values are “enabled” and “disabled”. The default value is disabled.
strictResume string False Enables or disables the resumption of SSL sessions after an unclean shutdown. Possible values are “enabled” and “disabled”. The default is “disabled”, which indicates that the SSL profile refuses to resume SSL sessions after an unclean shutdown.
sslSignHash string False SSL sign hash algorithm to sign and verify SSL Server Key Exchange and Certificate Verify messages for the specified SSL profiles. The default is “any”.
subpath string False The BIG-IP folder where the object should be placed.
tmOptions string False Enables options, including some industry-related workarounds. Enter options inside braces, for example, “{ dont-insert-empty-fragments microsoft-sess-id-bug}”. The default is all-bugfixes, which enables a set of industry-related workarounds related to SSL processing.
uncleanShutdown string False By default, the SSL profile performs unclean shutdowns of all SSL connections, which means that underlying TCP connections are closed without exchanging the required SSL shutdown alerts. If uncleanShutdown is “disable”, the SSL profile to performs a clean shutdown of all SSL connections.

Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

The JSON in the body of the response is similar to the GET response.


Role Allow
Trust_Discovery_Import Yes
ADC_Deployer Yes
Service_Catalog_Viewer Yes
Application_Editor Yes
Application_Manager Yes
Application_Viewer Yes
Service_Catalog_Editor Yes
ADC_Manager Yes
ADC_Editor Yes
ADC_Viewer Yes
Access_View Yes
Access_Edit Yes
Access_Manager Yes
Access_Deploy Yes
Access_Policy_Editor Yes

PATCH /mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/profile/client-ssl/<id>

Send a PATCH request, and specify the profile’s <id>, to replace the specified profile in the collection.

To change selected parameters of an existing client-ssl profile, send a PATCH request to the /ltm/profile/client-ssl/<id> endpoint. Where the value of placeholder <id> can be found as the UUID appearing in the profile’s selfLink.

Request Parameters

The JSON in the body of the PATCH request can contain the same parameters as a POST request. Only the parameters that are being updated need to be included in the body of the request.

Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

The JSON in the body of the response is similar to the GET response.


Role Allow
Trust_Discovery_Import Yes
ADC_Deployer Yes
Service_Catalog_Viewer Yes
Application_Editor Yes
Application_Manager Yes
Application_Viewer Yes
Service_Catalog_Editor Yes
ADC_Manager Yes
ADC_Editor Yes
ADC_Viewer Yes
Access_View Yes
Access_Edit Yes
Access_Manager Yes
Access_Deploy Yes
Access_Policy_Editor Yes

PUT /mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/profile/client-ssl/<id>

To replace an existing client-ssl profile from the collection, send a PUT request to the /ltm/profile/client-ssl/<id> endpoint. Where the value of placeholder <id> can be found as the UUID appearing in the profile’s selfLink.

Request Parameters

The JSON in the body of the PUT request can contain the same parameters as a POST request.

Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

The JSON in the body of the response is similar to the GET response.


Role Allow
Trust_Discovery_Import Yes
ADC_Deployer Yes
Service_Catalog_Viewer Yes
Application_Editor Yes
Application_Manager Yes
Application_Viewer Yes
Service_Catalog_Editor Yes
ADC_Manager Yes
ADC_Editor Yes
ADC_Viewer Yes
Access_View Yes
Access_Edit Yes
Access_Manager Yes
Access_Deploy Yes
Access_Policy_Editor Yes

DELETE /mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/ltm/profile/client-ssl/<id>

To delete an existing client-ssl profile from the collection, send a DELETE request to the /ltm/profile/client-ssl/<id> endpoint. Where the value of placeholder <id> can be found as the UUID appearing in the profile’s selfLink.

Request Parameters


Query Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

The JSON in the body of the response is for the deleted profile.


Role Allow
Trust_Discovery_Import Yes
ADC_Deployer Yes
Service_Catalog_Viewer Yes
Application_Editor Yes
Application_Manager Yes
Application_Viewer Yes
Service_Catalog_Editor Yes
ADC_Manager Yes
ADC_Editor Yes
ADC_Viewer Yes
Access_View Yes
Access_Edit Yes
Access_Manager Yes
Access_Deploy Yes
Access_Policy_Editor Yes

