ALG_Log_Profile (object)

Configures an application layer gateway log profle

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
class* string   “ALG_Log_Profile”  
csvFormat boolean false true, false Generate entries in comma-separated-values (csv) format
endControlChannel object {“action”:”enabled”,”includeDestination”:false}   Event for end of control channel connection
endDataChannel object {“action”:”enabled”,”includeDestination”:false}   Event for end of data channel connection
inboundTransaction object {“action”:”disabled”}   Generates event log entries of SIP messages. Triggered by inbound connection to the BIG-IP system
label string   “^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$” Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark string   “^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$” Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
startControlChannel object {“action”:”disabled”,”includeDestination”:false}   Event for start of control channel connection
startDataChannel object {“action”:”disabled”,”includeDestination”:false}   Event for start of data channel connection

ALG_Log_Profile.endControlChannel (object)

Event for end of control channel connection

Default: {“action”:”enabled”,”includeDestination”:false}

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
action string “enabled” “enabled”, “disabled”, “backup-allocation-only” Specify the logging action to be taken when a particular event is encountered. If ‘enabled’ logging is enabled for the event, regardless of how the flow is created. If ‘disabled’ logging is disabled for the event. If ‘backup-allocation-only’ logging is enabled for the event when the ALG is proxy with a LSN, and translation is taken from the backup pool member only.
includeDestination boolean false true, false Include destination address/port in the log message

ALG_Log_Profile.endDataChannel (object)

Event for end of data channel connection

Default: {“action”:”enabled”,”includeDestination”:false}

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
action string “enabled” “enabled”, “disabled”, “backup-allocation-only” Specify the logging action to be taken when a particular event is encountered. If ‘enabled’ logging is enabled for the event, regardless of how the flow is created. If ‘disabled’ logging is disabled for the event. If ‘backup-allocation-only’ logging is enabled for the event when the ALG is proxy with a LSN, and translation is taken from the backup pool member only.
includeDestination boolean false true, false Include destination address/port in the log message

ALG_Log_Profile.inboundTransaction (object)

Generates event log entries of SIP messages. Triggered by inbound connection to the BIG-IP system

Default: {“action”:”disabled”}

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
action string “disabled” “enabled”, “disabled” Specify the logging action to be taken when a particular event is encountered. If ‘enabled’ logging is enabled for the event, regardless of how the flow is created. If ‘disabled’ logging is disabled for the event. Inbound transaction log entry could contain both incoming and outgoing messages.

ALG_Log_Profile.startControlChannel (object)

Event for start of control channel connection

Default: {“action”:”disabled”,”includeDestination”:false}

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
action string “disabled” “enabled”, “disabled”, “backup-allocation-only” Specify the logging action to be taken when a particular event is encountered. If ‘enabled’ logging is enabled for the event, regardless of how the flow is created. If ‘disabled’ logging is disabled for the event. If ‘backup-allocation-only’ logging is enabled for the event when the ALG is proxy with a LSN, and translation is taken from the backup pool member only.
includeDestination boolean false true, false Include destination address/port in the log message

ALG_Log_Profile.startDataChannel (object)

Event for start of data channel connection

Default: {“action”:”disabled”,”includeDestination”:false}

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
action string “disabled” “enabled”, “disabled”, “backup-allocation-only” Specify the logging action to be taken when a particular event is encountered. If ‘enabled’ logging is enabled for the event, regardless of how the flow is created. If ‘disabled’ logging is disabled for the event. If ‘backup-allocation-only’ logging is enabled for the event when the ALG is proxy with a LSN, and translation is taken from the backup pool member only.
includeDestination boolean false true, false Include destination address/port in the log message