SNAT_Translation (object)

Configures explicit secure network address translation (SNAT) address

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
address* string   “f5ip” formatted string The IP address of the SNAT translation
adminState string “enable” “enable”, “disable” Specifies the state of the SNAT translation
arpEnabled boolean true true, false Specifies that the NAT sends ARP requests
class* string   “SNAT_Translation”  
ipIdleTimeout   “indefinite”   Specifies time in seconds that connections to an IP address initiated using a SNAT address are allowed to remain idle before being automatically disconnected. Specifying ‘indefinite’ prevents the connection from timing out.
label string   “^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$” Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
maxConnections integer 0 0 - 4294967295 Specifies a limit on the number of connections a translation address must reach before it no longer initiates a connection. A value of 0 indicates the setting is disabled.
remark string   “^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$” Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
tcpIdleTimeout   “indefinite”   Specifies time in seconds that TCP connections initiated using a SNAT address are allowed to remain idle before being automatically disconnected. Specifying ‘indefinite’ prevents the connection from timing out.
trafficGroup string “default”   Specifies the traffic group which the SNAT_Translation belongs
udpIdleTimeout   “indefinite”   Specifies time in seconds that UDP connections initiated using a SNAT address are allowed to remain idle before being automatically disconnected. Specifying ‘indefinite’ prevents the connection from timing out.