Scenario #1: Create a WAF Policy

This lab describes how to create a new F5 BIG-IP Advanced WAF Policy from scratch and manage some entities additions.


  • F5 BIG-IP version 16.1 or newer

  • Credentials with REST API access

On Terraform:

  • Using F5 BIG-IP provider version 1.15.0 or newer

  • Using Hashicorp versions as described in the Releases and versioning topic.

Create a Policy

  1. Create 3 files:



    1variable bigip {}
    2variable username {}
    3variable password {}
    1bigip = ""
    2username = "admin"
    3password = "yYyYyYy"
     1terraform {
     2  required_providers {
     3    bigip = {
     4      source = "F5Networks/bigip"
     5      version = "1.15"
     6    }
     7  }
     9provider "bigip" {
    10  address  = var.bigip
    11  username = var.username
    12  password = var.password
    15resource "bigip_waf_policy" "this" {
    16  name                 = "scenario1"
    17  partition             = "Common"
    18  template_name        = "POLICY_TEMPLATE_RAPID_DEPLOYMENT"
    19  application_language = "utf-8"
    20  enforcement_mode     = "blocking"
    21  server_technologies  = ["Apache Tomcat", "MySQL", "Unix/Linux"]

  2. Run the project:

    foo@bar:~$ terraform init
    Initializing the backend...
    Initializing provider plugins...
    - Finding f5networks/bigip versions matching "1.14.0"...
    - Installing f5networks/bigip v1.14.0...
    - Installed f5networks/bigip v1.14.0 (signed by a HashiCorp partner, key ID 0F284A6527D73A63)
    Partner and community providers are signed by their developers.
    To learn more about provider signing, read about it here:
    Terraform has created a lock file ``.terraform.lock.hcl`` to record the provider
    selections it made above. Include this file in your version control repository,
    so that Terraform can guarantee to make the same selections by default when
    you run ``terraform init`` in the future.
    Terraform has been successfully initialized!
    You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running ``terraform plan`` to see
    any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands
    should now work.
    If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,
    rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other
    commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.
    foo@bar:~$ terraform plan -out scenario1
    Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
      + create
    Terraform will perform the following actions:
      # bigip_waf_policy.this will be created
      + resource "bigip_waf_policy" "this" {
          + application_language = "utf-8"
          + case_insensitive     = false
          + enable_passivemode   = false
          + enforcement_mode     = "blocking"
          + id                   = (known after apply)
          + name                 = "/Common/scenario1"
          + policy_export_json   = (known after apply)
          + policy_id            = (known after apply)
          + server_technologies  = [
              + "MySQL",
              + "Unix/Linux",
             + "MongoDB",
          + template_name        = "POLICY_TEMPLATE_RAPID_DEPLOYMENT"
          + type                 = "security"
    Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
    Saved the plan to: scenario1
    To perform exactly these actions, run the following command to apply:
        terraform apply "scenario1"
    foo@bar:~$ terraform apply "scenario1"
    bigip_waf_policy.this: Creating...
    bigip_waf_policy.this: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
    bigip_waf_policy.this: Creation complete after 17s [id=41UMLL7yDtzoa0000Wimzw]
    Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

Your WAF Policy might evolve over time, so you can add entities, manage attack signature exceptions, and other similar modifications.

Manage Policy lifecycle

This section describes adding server technology into your WAF policy and managing parameter and signature changes over the lifecycle of your policy.

Manage Server Technologies

Add a MongoDB server technology into your WAF Policy. For the allowed values for server technologies, consult the Declarative WAF API documentation.

  1. Edit the file:
    1resource "bigip_waf_policy" "this" {
    2  name                 = "localS1"
    3  partition                  = "Common"
    4  template_name        = "POLICY_TEMPLATE_RAPID_DEPLOYMENT"
    5  application_language = "utf-8"
    6  enforcement_mode     = "blocking"
    7  server_technologies  = ["Apache Tomcat", "MySQL", "Unix/Linux", "MongoDB"]

Manage parameters

  1. Create a file:
     1data "bigip_waf_entity_parameter" "P1" {
     2  name            = "Parameter1"
     3  type            = "explicit"
     4  data_type       = "alpha-numeric"
     5  perform_staging = true
     8data "bigip_waf_entity_parameter" "P2" {
     9  name            = "Parameter2"
    10  type            = "wildcard"
    11  data_type       = "alpha-numeric"
    12  perform_staging = false
    13  signature_overrides_disable = [200001494, 200001472]
    16data "bigip_waf_entity_parameter" "P3" {
    17  name            = "Parameter3"
    18  type            = "explicit"
    19  data_type       = "alpha-numeric"
    20  is_header         = true
    21  sensitive_parameter = true
    22  perform_staging = true

  1. Add references to these parameters in the bigip_waf_policy TF resource in the file:
    1resource "bigip_waf_policy" "this" {
    2  name                 = "scenario1"
    3  partition            = "Common"
    4  template_name        = "POLICY_TEMPLATE_RAPID_DEPLOYMENT"
    5  application_language = "utf-8"
    6  enforcement_mode     = "blocking"
    7  server_technologies  = ["Apache Tomcat", "MySQL", "Unix/Linux", "MongoDB"]
    8  parameters           = [data.bigip_waf_entity_parameter.P1.json, data.bigip_waf_entity_parameter.P2.json, data.bigip_waf_entity_parameter.P3.json]

  1. Run the plan:

    foo@bar:~$ terraform plan -out scenario1
    Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.
    Saved the plan to: scenario1
    To perform exactly these actions, run the following command to apply:
        terraform apply "scenario1"
    foo@bar:~$ terraform apply "scenario1"
    bigip_waf_policy.this: Modifying... [id=41UMLL7yDtzoa0000Wimzw]
    bigip_waf_policy.this: Still modifying... [id=41UMLL7yDtzoa0000Wimzw, 10s elapsed]
    bigip_waf_policy.this: Modifications complete after 17s [id=41UMLL7yDtzoa0000Wimzw]
    Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 1 changed, 0 destroyed.

Manage signatures

  1. Create a separate signature definition file with 3 signatures:

    • S1 enables and perform staging on the 200010293 attack signature.

    • S2 disables the 200009024 attack signature.

    • S3 enables and enforce the 200014009 attack signature.

  2. Create a file:
     1data "bigip_waf_signatures" "S1" {
     2  signature_id     = 200010293
     3  description      = "Java Code Execution"
     4  enabled          = true
     5  perform_staging  = true
     8data "bigip_waf_signatures" "S2" {
     9  signature_id      = 200009024
    10  enabled          = false
    13data "bigip_waf_signatures" "S3" {
    14  signature_id      = 200014009
    15  description      = "src http: (Header)"
    16  enabled          = true
    17  perform_staging  = false

  1. Add references to these attack signatures in the bigip_waf_policy TF resource in the file:

    resource "bigip_waf_policy" "this" {
      partition            = "Common"
      name                 = "scenario1"
      template_name        = "POLICY_TEMPLATE_RAPID_DEPLOYMENT"
      application_language = "utf-8"
      enforcement_mode     = "blocking"
      server_technologies  = ["Apache Tomcat", "MySQL", "Unix/Linux", "MongoDB"]
      parameters           = [data.bigip_waf_entity_parameter.P1.json, data.bigip_waf_entity_parameter.P2.json, data.bigip_waf_entity_parameter.P3.json]
      signatures           = [data.bigip_waf_signatures.S1.json, data.bigip_waf_signatures.S2.json, data.bigip_waf_signatures.S3.json]
  2. Run the plan:

    foo@bar:~$ terraform plan -out scenario1
      # bigip_waf_policy.this will be updated in-place
      ~ resource "bigip_waf_policy" "this" {
            id                   = "tCwXEedPDS-S35Bl4TSU5w"
            name                 = "localS1"
          + signatures           = [
              + jsonencode(
                      + enabled        = true
                      + performStaging = true
                      + signatureId    = 200010293
              + jsonencode(
                      + performStaging = false
                      + signatureId    = 200009024
              + jsonencode(
                      + enabled        = true
                      + performStaging = false
                      + signatureId    = 200014009
            # (11 unchanged attributes hidden)
    Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.
    Saved the plan to: scenario1
    To perform exactly these actions, run the following command to apply:
        terraform apply "scenario1"
    foo@bar:~$ terraform apply "scenario1"
    bigip_waf_policy.this: Modifying... [id=41UMLL7yDtzoa0000Wimzw]
    bigip_waf_policy.this: Still modifying... [id=41UMLL7yDtzoa0000Wimzw, 10s elapsed]
    bigip_waf_policy.this: Modifications complete after 17s [id=41UMLL7yDtzoa0000Wimzw]
    Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 1 changed, 0 destroyed.

  1. Use the following command to check the details on a specific attack signature:

    $ terraform show -json | jq '.values.root_module.resources[] | select(.name == "S3")'
      "address": "data.bigip_waf_signatures.S3",
      "mode": "data",
      "type": "bigip_waf_signatures",
      "name": "S3",
      "provider_name": "terraform.local/local/bigip",
      "schema_version": 0,
      "values": {
        "accuracy": "medium",
        "description": "Summary:\nThis event is generated when an attempt is made to abuse a web server functionality. This is a general detection signature (i.e. it is not specific to any web application).\n\nImpact:\nVary from information gathering to web server compromise.\n\nDetailed Information:\nAbuse of Functionality is an attack technique that uses a web site's own features and functionality to consume, defraud, or circumvents access controls mechanisms\n\nAffected Systems:\nAll systems.\n\nAttack Scenarios:\nThere are many possible.\n\nEase Of Attack:\nSimple to medium.\n\nFalse Positives:\nSome applications may accept valid input which matches these signatures.\n\nFalse Negatives:\nNone known.\n\nCorrective Action:\nEnsure the system is using an up to date version of the software and has had all vendor supplied patches applied. Utilize \"Positive Security Model\" by accepting only known types of input in web application.\n\nAdditional References:\n\n\n",
        "enabled": true,
        "id": "200014009",
        "json": "{\"signatureId\":200014009,\"performStaging\":false,\"enabled\":true}",
        "name": "Unix \"cmd\" parameter execution attempt",
        "perform_staging": false,
        "risk": "high",
        "signature_id": 200014009,
        "system_signature_id": "GTK2ItJX6pnKHXBqiwtlxQ",
        "tag": null,
        "type": "request"
      "sensitive_values": {}


If you have multiple entities to manage, the entity lists in the bigip_waf_policy can be difficult to use. In that case, F5 recommends using Terraform HCL maps as presented in lab 4.

See also

F5 BIG-IP Terraform Provider official registry documentation.

Create a policy using an OpenAPI file

  1. Create 3 files:


    • inputs.tfvars

    1variable bigip {}
    2variable username {}
    3variable password {}

    1bigip = ""
    2username = "admin"
    3password = "yYyYyYy"

     1terraform {
     2  required_providers {
     3    bigip = {
     4      source = "F5Networks/bigip"
     5      version = "1.15"
     6    }
     7  }
     9provider "bigip" {
    10  address  = var.bigip
    11  username = var.username
    12  password = var.password
    15resource "bigip_waf_policy" "this" {
    16  partition                 = "Common"
    17  name                      = "scenario1.swagger"
    18  template_name             = "POLICY_TEMPLATE_API_SECURITY"
    19  application_language      = "utf-8"
    20  enforcement_mode          = "blocking"
    21  server_technologies       = ["MySQL", "Unix/Linux", "MongoDB"]
    22  open_api_files            = [""]
    23  parameters                = [data.bigip_waf_entity_parameter.P1.json, data.bigip_waf_entity_parameter.P2.json, data.bigip_waf_entity_parameter.P3.json]
    24  signatures                = [data.bigip_waf_signatures.S1.json, data.bigip_waf_signatures.S2.json]
  2. Run the plan:

    foo@bar:~$ terraform plan -out scenario1.swagger
      # bigip_waf_policy.this must be replaced
    -/+ resource "bigip_waf_policy" "this" {
          ~ id                   = "41UMLL7yDtzoa0000Wimzw" -> (known after apply)
          ~ name                 = "scenario1" -> "scenario1-2.swagger" # forces replacement
          + open_api_files       = [
              + "",
          ~ policy_export_json   = jsonencode(
                  - applicationLanguage = "utf-8"
                  - description         = "FCH Testing WAF Policy from RDP Template"
                  - enforcementMode     = "blocking"
                  - fullPath            = "/Common/scenario1"
                  - name                = "scenario1"
                  - parameters          = [
                      - {
                          - allowEmptyValue            = true
                          - allowRepeatedParameterName = true
                          - attackSignaturesCheck      = true
                          - dataType                   = "alpha-numeric"
                          - isHeader                   = true
                          - level                      = "global"
                          - name                       = "parameter3"
                          - performStaging             = true
                          - sensitiveParameter         = true
                          - type                       = "explicit"
                          - valueType                  = "user-input"
                      - {
                          - allowEmptyValue            = true
                          - allowRepeatedParameterName = true
                          - attackSignaturesCheck      = true
                         - dataType                   = "alpha-numeric"
                          - level                      = "global"
                          - name                       = "Parameter2"
                          - parameterLocation          = "any"
                          - signatureOverrides         = [
                              - {
                                  - enabled     = false
                                  - name        = "\"style :expression (\" (Parameter)(1)"
                                  - signatureId = 200001494
                          - type                       = "wildcard"
                          - valueType                  = "user-input"
                      - {
                          - allowEmptyValue            = true
                          - allowRepeatedParameterName = true
                          - attackSignaturesCheck      = true
                          - dataType                   = "alpha-numeric"
                          - level                      = "global"
                          - name                       = "Parameter1"
                          - parameterLocation          = "any"
                          - performStaging             = true
                          - type                       = "explicit"
                          - valueType                  = "user-input"
                      - {
                          - allowEmptyValue            = true
                          - allowRepeatedParameterName = true
                          - attackSignaturesCheck      = true
                          - level                      = "global"
                          - name                       = "*"
                          - parameterLocation          = "any"
                          - type                       = "wildcard"
                          - valueType                  = "auto-detect"
                      - {
                          - allowEmptyValue   = true
                          - level             = "global"
                          - name              = "__VIEWSTATE"
                          - parameterLocation = "any"
                          - type              = "explicit"
                          - valueType         = "ignore"
                 - server-technologies = [
                      - {
                          - serverTechnologyName = "MongoDB"
                      - {
                          - serverTechnologyName = "MySQL"
                      - {
                          - serverTechnologyName = "Apache Tomcat"
                     - {
                          - serverTechnologyName = "Unix/Linux"
                  - signature-sets      = [
                      - {
                          - alarm        = true
                          - block        = true
                          - learn        = true
                          - name         = "Apache Tomcat Signatures (High/Medium Accuracy)"
                          - signatureSet = {
                              - filter  = {
                                  - accuracyFilter    = "ge"
                                 - accuracyValue     = "medium"
                                  - hasCve            = "all"
                                  - lastUpdatedFilter = "all"
                                  - riskFilter        = "all"
                                  - riskValue         = "all"
                                  - signatureType     = "all"
                                  - tagFilter         = "all"
                                  - userDefinedFilter = "all"
                              - systems = [
                                  - {
                                      - name = "Apache Tomcat"
                              - type    = "filter-based"
                      - {
                          - alarm        = true
                          - block        = true
                          - learn        = true
                          - name         = "MongoDB Signatures (High/Medium Accuracy)"
                          - signatureSet = {
                              - filter  = {
                                  - accuracyFilter    = "ge"
                                     - accuracyValue     = "medium"
                                  - hasCve            = "all"
                                  - lastUpdatedFilter = "all"
                                  - riskFilter        = "all"
                                  - riskValue         = "all"
                                  - signatureType     = "all"
                                  - tagFilter         = "all"
                                  - userDefinedFilter = "all"
                              - systems = [
                                  - {
                                      - name = "MongoDB"
                              - type    = "filter-based"
                      - {
                          - alarm        = true
                          - block        = true
                          - learn        = true
                          - name         = "Unix/Linux Signatures (High/Medium Accuracy)"
                          - signatureSet = {
                              - filter  = {
                                  - accuracyFilter    = "ge"
                                  - accuracyValue     = "medium"
                                  - hasCve            = "all"
                                  - lastUpdatedFilter = "all"
                                  - riskFilter        = "all"
                                  - riskValue         = "all"
                                  - signatureType     = "all"
                                  - tagFilter         = "all"
                                  - userDefinedFilter = "all"
                              - systems = [
                                  - {
                                      - name = "Unix/Linux"
                              - type    = "filter-based"
                      - {
                          - alarm        = true
                          - block        = true
                          - learn        = true
                          - name         = "MySQL Signatures (High/Medium Accuracy)"
                          - signatureSet = {
                              - filter  = {
                                  - accuracyFilter    = "ge"
                                  - accuracyValue     = "medium"
                                  - hasCve            = "all"
                                  - lastUpdatedFilter = "all"
                                  - riskFilter        = "all"
                                  - riskValue         = "all"
                                  - signatureType     = "all"
                                  - tagFilter         = "all"
                                  - userDefinedFilter = "all"
                              - systems = [
                                  - {
                                      - name = "MySQL"
                              - type    = "filter-based"
                      - {
                          - alarm        = true
                          - block        = true
                          - learn        = true
                          - name         = "Generic Detection Signatures (High/Medium Accuracy)"
                          - signatureSet = {
                           - filter = {}
                  - signature-settings  = {
                      - signatureStaging = true
                  - signatures          = [
                      - {
                          - enabled        = true
                          - performStaging = false
                          - signatureId    = "200014009"
                      - {
                          - enabled        = true
                          - performStaging = false
                          - signatureId    = "200009024"
                  - template            = {
                      - name = "POLICY_TEMPLATE_RAPID_DEPLOYMENT"
                  - type                = "security"
                  - urls                = [
                      - {
                          - attackSignaturesCheck = true
                          - isAllowed             = true
                          - method                = "*"
                          - name                  = "*"
                          - protocol              = "http"
                          - type                  = "wildcard"
                      - {
                          - attackSignaturesCheck = true
                          - isAllowed             = true
                          - method                = "*"
                          - name                  = "*"
                          - protocol              = "https"
                          - type                  = "wildcard"
            ) -> (known after apply)
          ~ policy_id            = "41UMLL7yDtzoa0000Wimzw" -> (known after apply)
          ~ server_technologies  = [
              - "Apache Tomcat",
                # (2 unchanged elements hidden)
          ~ signatures           = [
                # (1 unchanged element hidden)
                        performStaging = false
                        signatureId    = 200009024
              - jsonencode(
                      - enabled        = true
                      - performStaging = false
                      - signatureId    = 200014009
          ~ template_name        = "POLICY_TEMPLATE_RAPID_DEPLOYMENT" -> "POLICY_TEMPLATE_API_SECURITY" # forces replacement
            # (7 unchanged attributes hidden)
    Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 1 to destroy.
    Saved the plan to: scenario1.swagger
    To perform exactly these actions, run the following command to apply:
        terraform apply "scenario1.swagger"
    foo@bar:~$ terraform apply "scenario1"
    bigip_waf_policy.this: Modifying... [id=41UMLL7yDtzoa0000Wimzw]
    bigip_waf_policy.this: Still modifying... [id=41UMLL7yDtzoa0000Wimzw, 10s elapsed]
    bigip_waf_policy.this: Modifications complete after 17s [id=41UMLL7yDtzoa0000Wimzw]
    Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 1 changed, 0 destroyed.

What’s Next?