FAST Integration

Welcome to the F5 FAST Integration Resources for Terraform.

This template demonstrates how to use FAST to manage, deploy, and log changes in applications using Terraform as a resource manager through the Terraform API.

F5 BIG-IP Application Services Templates (FAST) are an easy and effective way to deploy applications on the BIG-IP system using AS3. The FAST extension provides a toolset for templating and managing AS3 applications on BIG-IP.

For more information about FAST installation and usage, see the F5 BIG-IP FAST Documentation and Application Services Templates.

Example Usage

resource “bigip_fast_http_app” “app1” {
    application = “myApp3”
    tenant = “scenario3”
    virtual_server {
      ip = “”
      port = 80
  pool_members {
    addresses = [“”, “”, “”]
    port = 80
  snat_pool_address = [“”, “”, “”]
  load_balancing_mode = “least-connections-member”
  monitor {
    send_string = “GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n” response = “200 OK”