F5 BIG-IP Licensing Using Terraform through BIG-IQ

With this Terraform Resource, you can assign the regkey/utility licenses to an F5 BIG-IP/provider. You can also revoke licenses from BIG-IP/provider for MANAGED, UNMANAGED, or UNREACHABLE devices using BIG-IQ.

In this section you can see examples of the bigip_common_license_manage_bigiq resource module. This resource is used for BIG-IP provider license management from BIG-IQ using Terraform.


To license from BIG-IQ with Terraform, ensure you meet the following requirements:

  • BIG-IQ v5.6 or newer
  • The BIG-IP system is running software version 12.X or newer

Example Usage

# MANAGED Regkey Pool
resource "bigip_common_license_manage_bigiq" "test_example" {
  bigiq_address = var.bigiq
  bigiq_user = var.bigiq_un
  bigiq_password = var.bigiq_pw
  license_poolname = "regkeypool_name"
  assignment_type = "MANAGED"

# UNMANAGED Regkey Pool
resource "bigip_common_license_manage_bigiq" "test_example" {
  bigiq_address = var.bigiq
  bigiq_user = var.bigiq_un
  bigiq_password = var.bigiq_pw
  license_poolname = "regkeypool_name"
  assignment_type = "UNMANAGED"

# UNMANAGED Utility Pool
resource "bigip_common_license_manage_bigiq" "test_example" {
  bigiq_address = var.bigiq
  bigiq_user = var.bigiq_un
  bigiq_password = var.bigiq_pw
  license_poolname = "utilitypool_name"
  assignment_type = "UNMANAGED"
  unit_of_measure = "yearly"
  skukeyword1 = "BTHSM200M"

resource "bigip_common_license_manage_bigiq" "test_example" {
  license_poolname = "regkey_pool_name"
  assignment_type = "UNREACHABLE"
  mac_address = "FA:16:3E:1B:6D:32"
  hypervisor = "azure"

Argument Reference

  • big-iq_address - (Required) BIGIQ License Manager IP Address, variable type string
  • bigiq_user - (Required) BIGIQ License Manager username, variable type string
  • bigiq_password - (Required) BIGIQ License Manager password. variable type string
  • bigiq_port - (Optional) type int, BIGIQ License Manager Port number, specify if port is other than 443
  • bigiq_token_auth - (Optional) type bool, if set to true enables Token based Authentication,default is false
  • bigiq_login_ref - (Optional) BIGIQ Login reference for token authentication
  • assignment_type - (Required) The type of assignment, which is determined by whether the BIG-IP is unreachable, unmanaged, or managed by BIG-IQ. Possible values: “UNREACHABLE”, “UNMANAGED”, or “MANAGED”.
  • license_poolname - (Required) A name given to the license pool. type string
  • unit_of_measure - (Optional, Required for Utility licenseType) The units used to measure billing. For example, “hourly” or “daily”. Type string
  • skukeyword1 - (Optional) An optional offering name. type string
  • skukeyword2 - (Optional) An optional offering name. type string
  • mac_address - (Optional, Required Only for unreachable BIG-IP) MAC address of the BIG-IP. type string
  • hypervisor - (Optional,Required Only for unreachable BIG-IP) Identifies the platform running the BIG-IP VE. Possible values: “aws”, “azure”, “gce”, “vmware”, “hyperv”, “kvm”, or “xen”. type string
  • tenant - (Optional) For an unreachable BIG-IP, you can provide an optional description for the assignment in this field.
  • key - Optional) License Assignment is done with specified key, supported only with RegKeypool type License assignement. type string