Last updated on: 2023-03-19 09:20:47.

WSS Sub-Violations Description

Sub Violation Name Description
UnSigned Timestamp The timestamp digital signature is missing.
Timestamp expiration is too far in the future The timestamp lifetime is greater than configured.
Expired Timestamp The timestamp has expired.
Invalid Timestamp The timestamp is not formatted according to the specifications.
Missing Timestamp The timestamp is missing from the document.
Verification Error The underlying crypto library failed to perform signature verification.
Signing Error The underlying crypto library failed to sign the document.
Encryption Error The system cannot encrypt a section requested by the user.
Decryption Error An encrypted section in the request could not be decrypted.
Certificate Error The client certificate, extracted from the document, is invalid.
Certificate Expired The client certificate, extracted from the document, has expired.
Malformed Error The system’s web services security offload engine was confronted with a malformed document, and has stopped parsing the document.
Internal Error The system’s web services security offload engine was confronted with an unexpected scenario, and cannot continue parsing.