F5SPKIngressDiameter Reference

The F5SPKIngressDiameter Custom Resource (CR) configuration parameters. Each heading below represents the top-level parameter element. For example, to set the Kubernetes Service name, use service.name.


Parameter Description
name Name of the Kubernetes Service providing access to the Pods.
port The exposed port for the service.


Parameter Description
externalTCP.enabled Create an external TCP virtual server on the TMM container. The default is enabled (true).
externalTCP.destinationAddress The external TCP virtual server IP address.
externalTCP.destinationPort The external TCP virtual server destination service port.
externalTCP.idleTimeout The number of seconds a TCP connection can remain idle before deletion. The default value is 300 seconds.
externalTCP.outboundSnatEnabled Outbound external connections will be SNATed to the virtual server IP address.
internalTCP.enabled Create an external TCP virtual server on the TMM container. The default is enabled (true).
internalTCP.destinationAddress The destination port address of the internal TCP virtual server.
internalTCP.destinationPort The destination service port of the internal facing TCP virtual server.
internalTCP.idleTimeout The number of seconds a connection can remain idle before deletion. The default value is 300 seconds.
internalTCP.outboundSnatEnabled Outbound internal connections will be SNATed to the virtual server IP address.
externalSCTP.enabled Create an external SCTP virtual server on the TMM container. The default is enabled (true).
externalSCTP.destinationAddress The external SCTP virtual server IP address.
externalSCTP.destinationPort The external SCTP virtual server destination service port.
`externalSCTP.idleTimeout The number of seconds a SCTP connection can remain idle before deletion. The default value is 300 seconds.
externalSCTP.outboundSnatEnabled Outbound external connections will be SNATed to the virtual server IP address.
externalSCTP.streamsCount Set the advertised number of streams the SCTP filter will accept.
internalSCTP.enabled Create an internal SCTP virtual server on the TMM container. The default is enabled (true).
internalSCTP.destinationAddress The internal SCTP virtual server IP address.
internalSCTP.destinationPort The nternal SCTP virtual server destination service port.
internalSCTP.idleTimeout The number of seconds an SCTP connection can remain idle before deletion. The default value is 300 seconds.
internalSCTP.outboundSnatEnabled Outbound internal connections will be SNATed to the virtual server IP address.
internalSCTP.streamsCount Set the advertised number of streams the SCTP filter will accept.
externalSession.persistenceKey The diameter AVP to be used as a persistence key.
externalSession.persistenceTimeout The length of time in seconds that an idle persistence entry will be kept.
externalSession.originHost The diameter host name sent to external peers in capabilities exchange messages.
externalSession.originRealm The diameter realm name sent to external peers in capabilities exchange messages.
externalSession.alternateOriginHost The alternate diameter host for substituting origin host used by internal peers.
externalSession.alternateOriginRealm The alternate origin realm for substituting origin realms used by internal peers.
externalSession.vendorId The vendor ID sent to external peers in capabilities exchange messages.
externalSession.productName The product name sent to external peers in capabilities exchange messages.
externalSession.authorizationAppIds The list of authorization application IDs sent to external peers in capabilities exchange messages. Comma-seperated. For example; "id1,id2".
externalSession.accountingAppIds The list of accounting application IDs sent to external peers in capabilities exchange messages. Comma-seperated. For example; "id1,id2".
internalSession.persistenceKey The diameter AVP to be used as a persistence key.
internalSession.persistenceTimeout The length of time in seconds that an idle persistence entry will be kept.
internalSession.originHost The diameter host name sent to internal peers in capabilities exchange messages.
internalSession.originRealm The diameter realm name sent to internal peers in capabilities exchange messages.
internalSession.vendorId The vendor ID sent to internal peers in capabilities exchange messages.
internalSession.productName The product name sent to internal peers in capabilities exchange messages.
internalSession.authorizationAppIds The list of authorization application IDs sent to internal peers in capabilities exchange messages. Comma-seperated. For example; "id1,id2".
internalSession.accountingAppIds The list of accounting application IDs sent to internal peers in capabilities exchange messages. Comma-seperated. For example; "id1,id2".
router.enablePerPeerStats Enables additional statistics collection per pool member.
router.transactionTimeout The maximum expected time of a Diameter transaction.