App Hairpinning


SPK Application Hairpinning enables applications to be exposed to both external client and internal Pods, using the same domain name or IP address. Application Hairpinning accomplishes this by installing two SPK CRs of the same type, for example the F5SPKIngressTCP, both targeting the same Kubernetes Service. Each SPK CR then enables traffic for the specific F5SPKVlan that client ingress traffic is expected. SNAT Automap is also applied internally to ensure Pods connect back through the Traffic Management Microkernel (TMM).

This document guides you through creating a simple Application Hairpinning configuration for a TCP based application.

CR Parameters

SPK CRs configure the Service Proxy Traffic Management Microkernel (TMM) to proxy and load balance application traffic using specific parameters. The CR parameter used in this document are described in the table below:

Parameter Description Selects the Service object name for the internal applications (Pods), and creates a round-robin load balancing pool using the Service Endpoints.
service.port Selects the Service object port value.
spec.destinationAddress Creates an IPv4 virtual server address for ingress connections.
spec.destinationPort Defines the service port for inbound connections.
spec.snat Translate the source IP address of ingress packets to TMM's self IP addresses. Use SRC_TRANS_AUTOMAP to enable, and SRC_TRANS_NONE to disable (default).
spec.vlans.vlanList Specifies a list of F5SPKVlan CRs to listen for ingress traffic, using the CR's The list can also be disabled using disableListedVlans.
spec.vlans.category Specifies an F5SPKVlan CR category to listen for ingress traffic. The category can also be disabled using disableListedVlans.
spec.vlans.disableListedVlans Disables, or denies traffic specified with the vlanList or category parameters: true or false (default).

Example deployment:



Ensure you have:


You can select either the VLAN lists or Categories installation methods to segment traffic based on the internal and external facing VLANs.

VLAN Lists

Prior to configuring the Service Proxy TMM for application hairpinning, a few configuration details must be obtained from the application Service Object, and the installed F5SPKVlan CRs. Use the following steps to obtain the object configuration data, and configure Service Proxy TMM for application hairpinning using VLAN lists:

  1. Switch to the application Project:

    oc project <project>

    In this example, the application is in the tcp-web-apps Project:

    oc project tcp-web-apps
  2. Obtain the appication Service object NAME and PORT. These will be used to configure the CR’s service.spec and service.port parameters:

    oc get service

    In this example, the Service object NAME is tcp-web-app and the PORT is 80:

    NAME             TYPE       CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)
    tcp-web-app      NodePort   <none>        80:30714/TCP
  3. Obtain the parameter values of currently installed F5SPKVlans. These will be used to configure the F5SPKIngressTCP CR spec.vlans.vlanList parameters:

    oc get f5-spk-vlans

    In this example, the two F5SPKVlan values are; vlan-external and vlan-internal:

  4. Copy the external CR into a YAML file:

    apiVersion: ""
    kind: F5SPKIngressTCP
      namespace: tcp-web-apps
      name: ext-tcp-cr
      name: tcp-web-app
      port: 80
      destinationAddress: ""
      trafficDistributionStrategy: "f5ing-td-tcp"
      destinationPort: 80
      snat: "SRC_TRANS_NONE"
        - vlan-external
  5. Copy the internal CR into a YAML file:

    Note: The internal CR sets the snat parameter to SNAT_TRANS_AUTOMAP, ensuring the internal Pods connect back through TMM:

    apiVersion: ""
    kind: F5SPKIngressTCP
      namespace: tcp-web-apps
      name: int-tcp-cr
      name: tcp-web-app
      port: 80
      destinationAddress: ""
      destinationPort: 80
      trafficDistributionStrategy: "f5ing-td-tcp"
      snat: "SRC_TRANS_AUTOMAP"
        - vlan-internal
  6. Install the F5SPKIngressTCP CRs:

    oc apply -f spk-ext-tcp.yaml
    oc apply -f spk-int-tcp.yaml
  7. Verify the CR objects have been installed:

    oc get f5-spk-ingresstcp 
    NAME         AGE
    ext-tcp-cr   1m
    int-tcp-cr   1m


Prior to configuring the Service Proxy TMM for application hairpinning, a few configuration details must be obtained from the application Service Object, and the installed F5SPKVlan CRs. Use the following steps to obtain the object configuration data, and configure Service Proxy TMM for application hairpinning using Categories:

  1. Switch to the application Project:

    oc project <project>

    In this example, the application is in the tcp-web-apps Project:

    oc project tcp-web-apps
  2. Obtain the appication Service object NAME and PORT. These will be used to configure the CR’s service.spec and service.port parameters:

    oc get service

    In this example, the Service object NAME is tcp-web-app and the PORT is 80:

    NAME             TYPE       CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)
    tcp-web-app      NodePort   <none>        80:30714/TCP
  3. Obtain the F5SPKVlan spec.category parameter values used to configure the F5SPKIngressTCP CR spec.vlans.category parameters:

    In this example, the F5SPKVlans are in the spk-ingress Project:

    oc describe f5-spk-vlan -n spk-ingress | grep -E '^Name:|Category:'

    In this example, the vlan-external VLAN category value is external, and the vlan-internal VLAN category value is internal:

    Name:         vlan-external
      Category:      external
    Name:         vlan-internal
      Category:      internal
  4. Copy the external CR into a YAML file:

    apiVersion: ""
    kind: F5SPKIngressTCP
      namespace: tcp-web-apps
      name: ext-tcp-cr
      name: tcp-web-app
      port: 80
      destinationAddress: ""
      destinationPort: 80
      trafficDistributionStrategy: "f5ing-td-tcp"
      snat: "SRC_TRANS_NONE"
        category: external
  5. Copy the internal CR into a YAML file:

    Note: The internal CR sets the snat parameter to SNAT_TRANS_AUTOMAP, ensuring the internal Pods connect back through TMM:

    apiVersion: ""
    kind: F5SPKIngressTCP
      namespace: tcp-web-apps
      name: int-tcp-cr
      name: tcp-web-app
      port: 80
      destinationAddress: ""
      destinationPort: 80
      trafficDistributionStrategy: "f5ing-td-tcp"
      snat: "SRC_TRANS_AUTOMAP"
        category: internal
  6. Install the F5SPKIngressTCP CRs:

    oc apply -f spk-ext-tcp.yaml
    oc apply -f spk-int-tcp.yaml
  7. Verify the CR objects have been installed:

    oc get f5-spk-ingresstcp 
    NAME         AGE
    ext-tcp-cr   1m
    int-tcp-cr   1m

Connection Statistics

The external and internal clients should now be able to connect to the application through their respective F5SPKVlans. After connecting to the application from the external and internal clients, Use the steps below to verify the connection statistics:

_images/spk_info.png Note: You must have the Debug Sidecar enabled to view connection statistics.

  1. Switch to the Ingress Controller Project:

    oc project <project>

    In this example, the Ingress Controller is in the spk-ingress Project:

    oc project spk-ingress
  2. Log in to the TMM Debug Sidecar:

    oc exec -it deploy/f5-tmm -c debug -- bash
  3. View the TMM virtual server connection statistics:

    tmctl -d blade virtual_server_stat -s name,serverside.tot_conns

    In this example, the external virtual server has 200 connections and the internal virtual server has 22 connections:

    name                                   serverside.tot_conns
    -------------------------------------- --------------------
    tcp-web-apps-ext-tcp-cr-virtual-server                  200
    tcp-web-apps-int-tcp-cr-virtual-server                   22
  4. View the TMM pool member connection statistics:

    tmctl -d blade pool_member_stat -s pool_name,serverside.tot_conns

    In this example, the external pool members have approximately 67 connections each, and the internal pool members have approximately 7 connections each:

    pool_name                    serverside.tot_conns
    ---------------------------- --------------------
    tcp-web-apps-ext-tcp-cr-pool                   67
    tcp-web-apps-ext-tcp-cr-pool                   67
    tcp-web-apps-ext-tcp-cr-pool                   66
    tcp-web-apps-int-tcp-cr-pool                   8
    tcp-web-apps-int-tcp-cr-pool                   7
    tcp-web-apps-int-tcp-cr-pool                   7


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