Solution9 Policy

Policy Walk-Through


  1. When a user accesses a VIP protected by this policy JWT and scope validation is performed

  2. Upon successful Authorization, the user is granted access via the Allow Terminal

  3. If unsuccessful, the user proceeds down the fallback branch and denied access via the Deny Terminal

Policy Agent Configuration

The OAuth Scope Settings are defined as Internal.


Profile Settings

All profile settings are left the defaults

Supporting APM Objects

Provider List

The provider List defines a single provider



The settings below define all the components of the Authorization Server’s endpoints to retrieve and validate tokens.


JSON Web Token

The JWT setting define the signing algorithms used by a provider with a set of jwks



The key settings define a type of key and its properties


The Policy from a user’s perspective

This solution is designed to be integrated with Authorization Server based solutions. Please ensure you deply the Authoriztion Server prior to deploying this solution.

  1. Open Postman on the Jumphost

  2. Click Import


  3. Click Upload Files

  4. Navigate to C:\access-solutions\solution9\student_files, select solution9 request.json, and click Open

  5. Click Import

  1. Expand the collection.

  2. Select 1. Retreive OAuth Client Settings

  3. Click Send


  1. You will receive a response body containing the ClientId and ClientSecret. This request saved those values as a Postman Variables.


  2. Select 2. Sample API Request

  3. Click the Authorization tab.

  4. Click Get New Access Token

  5. Login using Username: user1 and Password: user1

  6. Click Use Token

  7. Click Send

  8. The user receives a 200 OK with a response. The Access Token was successfully validated by the BIG-IP to permit access.
