Lab 6: Validating & Testing HA Group Functionality

Now that we have succesfully configured HA Groups we will perform a series of validation tests.

Lab Tasks:

  • Task 1: Disable an interface to force HA Group actions
  • Task 2: Verify BIG-IP Logs
  • Task 3: Verify HA Score
  • Task 4: Re-enable Interface, and Observe BIG-IP Behavior
  • Task 5: Test & Validate Gateway Pool Failure
  • Task 6: Verify HA Score
  • Task 7: Restore GW Pool & Sync BIG-IPs

Task 1: Disable an interface to force HA Group actions

In this task we will:

  • Manipulate (Disable) an interface and observe BIG-IP behavior during failover
  • Monitor logs to review the failover process


  1. Navigate to: Network > Interfaces, and place checkmark next to interface 1.1 then click on the Disable button:

  2. During this time, observe the BIG-IP status in the upper-left corner of each BIG-IP.

    ../../_images/image101a.png ../../_images/image102a.png
Question Did a failover event occur, and did the BIG-IP state change?
Answer Yes, failover occurred immediately upon a link down failure. BIG-IP-A went from ACTIVE to Standby

Task 2: Verify BIG-IP Logs

  1. Observe the log messages from each BIG-IP.

  2. Navigate to: System > Logs > Local Traffic, enter the text score into the free-form text field, and click the Search button:

    ../../_images/image194.png ../../_images/image197.png
  3. Previously, BIG-IP-A was the ACTIVE device. Conversely, BIG-IP-B was previously the STANDBY device. Their roles have now flipped, making BIG-IP-B ACTIVE and BIG-IP-A STANDBY:

    • BIG-IP-A (now STANDBY):

    • BIG-IP-B (now ACTIVE):

  4. Log output example from CLI (/var/log/ltm):

CLI Logs:


Jun 14 07:42:38 info lacpd[5031]: 01160016:6: Interface 1.1, link admin status: disabled, link status: up, duplex mode: full, lacp operation state: down
Jun 14 07:42:38 info lacpd[5031]: 01160010:6: Link 1.1 removed from aggregation
Jun 14 07:42:38 notice mcpd[6517]: 01bb0003:5: Trunk: int_trunk is DOWN
Jun 14 07:42:38 notice mcpd[6517]: 010719fb:5: HA Group bigip-ha-group score updated from 30 to 0.
Jun 14 07:42:38 notice mcpd[6517]: 01b5004a:5: Link: 1.1 is DISABLED
Jun 14 07:42:38 notice sod[4368]: 010c0045:5: Leaving active, group score 0 peer group score 30.
Jun 14 07:42:38 notice sod[4368]: 010c0052:5: Standby for traffic group traffic-group-1.


Jun 14 07:42:38 notice sod[5359]: 010c006d:5: Leaving Standby for Active (best ha score).
Jun 14 07:42:38 notice sod[5359]: 010c0053:5: Active for traffic group traffic-group-1.
Jun 14 07:42:38 notice sod[5359]: 010c0019:5: Active

Task 3: Verify HA Score

In this Task, we will verify the BIG-IP HA Score values.

  1. On each BIG-IP, Navigate to: System > High Availability > HA Group List, then click the HA Group name hyperlink:

    ../../_images/image198.png ../../_images/image199.png
  2. Observe how each BIG-IP is honoring their HA Group objects to contribute to their HA Score. The highest score will be ACTIVE:

    • BIG-IP-A:

    • BIG-IP-B:



  • You can also view this information from CLI with the following tmsh command:
    • tmsh show sys ha-group detail

Task 4: Re-enable Interface, and Observe BIG-IP Behavior

We will now re-enable Interface 1.1 on the STANDBY BIG-IP.

  1. On the STANDBY BIG-IP, Navigate to: Network > Interfaces > Interface List, and place checkmark next to interface 1.1 then click the Enable button:

Question Did a failover event occur? If so, why or why not?
Answer No, the BIG-IPs did not failover because the ACTIVE BIG-IP HA Score did NOT change; the ACTIVE bonus kept this device ACTIVE

Task 5: Test & Validate Gateway Pool Failure

In this Task, we will manipulate our upstream gateway pool to simulate an upstream network / path failure. This will validate an addtional HA Group object, and how it affects BIG-IP HA failover.

We will force offline our gateway pool member to force the pool to fail, causing a gateway pool failure.

  1. On the ACTIVE BIG-IP, Navigate to: Local Traffic > Pools > Pool List, and click the ext_gw_pool hyperlink:

  2. Click the Members tab:

  3. Place a checkmark next to the Member, and click the Force Offline button:

  4. Observe the BIG-IP HA state, and answer the following:

Question Did a failover event occur? If so, why or why not?

Yes, forcing the gateway pool member offline causes a gateway pool failure on the ACTIVE BIG-IP, causing the HA Score to drop to "zero", causing a BIG-IP failover event.
You can validate this by reviewing the HA Group Score and/or logs.

Task 6: Verify HA Score

In this Task, we will validate HA Group Score on both BIG-IPs.

  1. On each BIG-IP, Navigate to: System > High Availability > HA Group List, then click the HA Group name hyperlink:

    ../../_images/image198.png ../../_images/image199.png
  2. Observe the Pool object on STANDBY BIG-IP. Due to the gateway member failure (forced offline), it is NOT contributing to the HA Score.

    BIG-IP-B (now STANDBY):


    BIG-IP-A (now ACTIVE)


Task 7: Restore GW Pool & Sync BIG-IPs

In this Task, prior to proceeding to Lab 7, we need to restore our gateway pool member on the STANDBY BIG-IP, and synchronize BIG-IP configurations.

  1. On the STANDBY BIG-IP, Navigate to: Local Traffic > Pools > Pool List, and click the ext_gw_pool hyperlink:

  2. Click the Members tab:

  3. Place a checkmark next to the Member, and click the Enable button:

  4. Refresh the Members page, and confirm a green pool member resource:

  5. Click the Changes Pending hyperlink, and review the recommendations. Perform the recommendations, and Sync BIG-IPs:

    ../../_images/image2141.png ../../_images/image2151.png

After this Task, your BIG-IPs should be In Sync and Active/Standby.

Lab Summary

In this lab, you tested & validated bringing down a BIG-IP interface, simulating a "link failure," and how that affects a failover event with HA Groups.

We also observed how a gateway pool can affect the HA Score, and Failover timing. These HA Group objects contribute to the overall HA Score health, with the highest HA Score becoming the ACTIVE BIG-IP.

After completion of these lab tasks, you should have a better understanding of how the BIG-IP behaves with an advanced HA Group Configuration.

This completes Lab 6.