F5 BIG-IQ Centralized Management Lab > BIG-IQ All Labs > Class 2: BIG-IQ Deployment with auto-scale on AWS, Azure & VMware > Module 1: Setup a Service scaling group (SSG) in VMWARE Source | Edit on
Lab 1.2: Define your Cloud Environment¶
The next step is to define your cloud environment so that BIG-IQ will be able to communicate with it and deploy F5 virtual edition. For this lab we will leverage a VMWare infrastructure
Cloud Provider Setup¶
In your BIG-IQ interface, go to Applications > Environments > Cloud Providers

Click on the Create button:
- Name: VMWareCloudProvider
- Provider Type: select VMWARE
- vCenter Hostname:

Click Save & Close. Now that your Cloud provider is setup, we can define your
Cloud Environment
. Go to Applications > Environments > Cloud Environments
and click on the Create button
General Properties:
- Name: SSGClass2VMWareEnvironment
- Device Template: Select your previously created device template SSGSetupClass2
- Cloud Provider: Select your previously created Cloud provider VMWareCloudProvider
Careful everything is case sensitive here
VMWare Properties:
- DeployTo: Select ESXi Hostname and type:
- Datacenter: UDF
- Folder: Purple
- User: administrator@vsphere.local
- Password: Purpl3$lab
- VM Image: BIGIP-13.1.1-0.0.4.ALL_1SLOT_template
- Network Interface Mappings
Networks |
VM Network |
external |
internal |
the Network Interfaces have been removed in 6.0.1, the mapping is done in the order the interfaces are configured on the VM template.
make sure the VMware tool are installed on the VM Image. Look at Create a BIG-IP VE clone template in BIG-IQ Knowledge Center for more details.

Click Save & Close
with the Liberty release, we have a 1:1 mapping between the cloud provider and cloud environment. So a cloud provider can be used with only one cloud environment.
We have setup all the different element defining our Service Scaling Group
and can trigger its deployment now