Lab 1.3 - F5 Container Connector Setup

Take the steps below to deploy a contoller for each BIG-IP device in the cluster.

Set up RBAC

The F5 BIG-IP Controller requires permission to monitor the status of the OpenSfhift cluster. The following will create a “role” that will allow it to access specific resources.

You can create RBAC resources in the project in which you will run your BIG-IP Controller. Each Controller that manages a device in a cluster or active-standby pair can use the same Service Account, Cluster Role, and Cluster Role Binding.

  1. Create bigip login secret

    oc create secret generic bigip-login -n kube-system --from-literal=username=admin --from-literal=password=admin
  2. Create a Service Account for the BIG-IP Controller.

    oc create serviceaccount bigip-ctlr -n kube-system
  3. Create a Cluster Role and Cluster Role Binding with the required permissions.


    The following file has already being created f5-kctlr-openshift-clusterrole.yaml which is located in /home/centos/agilitydocs/openshift/advanced/ocp on ose-master1

     1# For use in OpenShift clusters
     2apiVersion: v1
     3kind: ClusterRole
     5  annotations:
     6 "true"
     7  name: system:bigip-ctlr
     9- apiGroups: ["", "extensions"]
    10  resources: ["nodes", "services", "endpoints", "namespaces", "ingresses", "routes" ]
    11  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
    12- apiGroups: ["", "extensions"]
    13  resources: ["configmaps", "events", "ingresses/status"]
    14  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update", "create", "patch" ]
    15- apiGroups: ["", "extensions"]
    16  resources: ["secrets"]
    17  resourceNames: ["<secret-containing-bigip-login>"]
    18  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
    22apiVersion: v1
    23kind: ClusterRoleBinding
    25    name: bigip-ctlr-role
    27- system:serviceaccount:kube-system:bigip-ctlr
    29- kind: ServiceAccount
    30  name: bigip-ctlr
    32  name: system:bigip-ctlr
    oc create -f f5-kctlr-openshift-clusterrole.yaml

Create & Verify CC Deployment

  1. Create an OpenShift Deployment for each Controller (one per BIG-IP device). You need to deploy a controller for both f5-bigip-node1 and f5-bigip-node2

    • Provide a unique for each Controller.
    • Provide a unique –bigip-url in each Deployment (each Controller manages a separate BIG-IP device).
    • Use the same –bigip-partition in all Deployments.


     1apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
     2kind: Deployment
     4  name: bigip1-ctlr
     5  namespace: kube-system
     7  replicas: 1
     8  template:
     9    metadata:
    10      name: k8s-bigip-ctlr1
    11      labels:
    12        app: k8s-bigip-ctlr1
    13    spec:
    14      serviceAccountName: bigip-ctlr
    15      containers:
    16        - name: k8s-bigip-ctlr
    17          image: "f5networks/k8s-bigip-ctlr:latest"
    18          command: ["/app/bin/k8s-bigip-ctlr"]
    19          args: [
    20            "--credentials-directory=/tmp/creds",
    21            "--bigip-url=",
    22            "--bigip-partition=ocp",
    23            "--pool-member-type=cluster",
    24            "--manage-routes=true",
    25            "--node-poll-interval=5",
    26            "--verify-interval=5",
    27            "--namespace=demoproj",
    28            "--namespace=yelb",
    29            "--namespace=guestbook",
    30            "--namespace=f5demo",
    31            "--route-vserver-addr=",
    32            "--route-http-vserver=ocp-vserver",
    33            "--route-https-vserver=ocp-https-vserver",
    34            "--openshift-sdn-name=/Common/ocp-tunnel"
    35          ]
    36          volumeMounts:
    37          - name: bigip-creds
    38            mountPath: "/tmp/creds"
    39            readOnly: true
    40      volumes:
    41      - name: bigip-creds
    42        secret:
    43          secretName: bigip-login
    44      imagePullSecrets:
    45        - name: f5-docker-images


     1apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
     2kind: Deployment
     4  name: bigip2-ctlr
     5  namespace: kube-system
     7  replicas: 1
     8  template:
     9    metadata:
    10      name: k8s-bigip-ctlr1
    11      labels:
    12        app: k8s-bigip-ctlr1
    13    spec:
    14      serviceAccountName: bigip-ctlr
    15      containers:
    16        - name: k8s-bigip-ctlr
    17          image: "f5networks/k8s-bigip-ctlr:latest"
    18          command: ["/app/bin/k8s-bigip-ctlr"]
    19          args: [
    20            "--credentials-directory=/tmp/creds",
    21            "--bigip-url=",
    22            "--bigip-partition=ocp",
    23            "--pool-member-type=cluster",
    24            "--manage-routes=true",
    25            "--node-poll-interval=5",
    26            "--verify-interval=5",
    27            "--namespace=demoproj",
    28            "--namespace=yelb",
    29            "--namespace=guestbook",
    30            "--namespace=f5demo",
    31            "--route-vserver-addr=",
    32            "--route-http-vserver=ocp-vserver",
    33            "--route-https-vserver=ocp-https-vserver",
    34            "--openshift-sdn-name=/Common/ocp-tunnel"
    35          ]
    36          volumeMounts:
    37          - name: bigip-creds
    38            mountPath: "/tmp/creds"
    39            readOnly: true
    40      volumes:
    41      - name: bigip-creds
    42        secret:
    43          secretName: bigip-login
    44      imagePullSecrets:
    45        - name: f5-docker-images
    oc create -f bigip1-cc.yaml
    oc create -f bigip2-cc.yaml
  2. Verify the deployment and pods that are created

    oc get deployment -n kube-system


    Check in your lab that you have your two controllers as AVAILABLE. If Not, you won’t be able to do the lab. It may take up to 10 minutes for them to be available.

    oc get pods -n kube-system

    You can also use the web console in OpenShift (https://ose-master1:8443/) to view the bigip controller (login: centos, password: centos). Go to the kube-system project
