DNS > Class 1 - Intro to GSLB Source | Edit on
4. Pools¶
LTM virtual server objects are grouped together into GTM pools.
Navigate to: DNS ›› GSLB : Pools : Pool List

Create a Pool of LTM Virtuals according to the following table:
Setting | Value |
Name | www.f5demo.com_pool |
Type | A |
member | app1_sitea_www.f5demo.com_tcp_https_virtual |
member | app2_siteb_www.f5demo.com_tcp_https_virtual |

TMSH - Run on only dns.sitea
tmsh create gtm pool a www.f5demo.com_pool { members add { sitea_ltm:/Common/app1_sitea_www.f5demo.com_tcp_https_virtual { member-order 0 } siteb_ltm:/Common/app2_siteb_www.f5demo.com_tcp_https_virtual { member-order 1 } } }