Stale Rule Report

AFM also can list out stale rules within the device its self. You must first enable the feature.

  1. Navigate to Security > Reporting > Settings > Reporting Settings.
  2. Ensure Collect Stale Rules Statistics is checked under the Network Firewall Rules Section.
  3. Click Save before proceeding.


  1. Navigate to Security > Reporting > Network > Stale Rules.

  2. Refresh the web page we’ve been testing ( several times to see data populate into the rules.


    It could take 60+ seconds for data to populate after refreshing the page.


    This information is quite useful for keeping a rule base tidy and optimized.

  3. Take a few minutes to inspect the other reports. (Security > Reporting > Network)


    Only the Enforced Rules will contain data.

This concludes the Advanced Multilayer Firewall Protection Lab. We hope you found this information valuable.