Lab 1: VMware Horizon integration

UDF Blueprint:



For this Horizon Environment to Stabilize it takes approx 20 minutes after starting the deployment for all of the horizon brokers/agents to normalize.


VMware UAGs are not apart of this lab.

Lab devices:

Hostname IP address

Demo script:

  1. After Starting the Lab and is fully started WAIT 5 minutes for everything to boot completely and stabalize (this will ensure ansible code will execute correctly)
  2. Launch the Ansible Builders Web Shell - Ansible Builder –> Access –> Web Shell
  3. Change directory to the provisioning folder -
    cd /git/f5-bd-horizon-lab-udf/
  4. Launch Code to start building process (this can take 10-20 minutes) -
    ansible-playbook setup_horizon.yaml

You can make a demo with Horizon VMware view client:

  1. Click on VMware view client and add server (horizon-apm.f5demos.local)
  2. Login as “horizon_user” and password “H0rIzoN!”
  3. Click on any apps or desktop.