Lab 2.2 - Edit an iControl REST Resource via ToC

Task 1 - Review the User Accounts

Perform the following steps to complete this task:

  1. Navigate to /mgmt/toc.

  2. In the search textbox, type authz.

  3. From the results, select authz/users.

  4. You are now viewing all of the user accounts on your BIG-IP.


Task 2 - Create a New User

In this task we will create a new user account named user42.

  1. Click the + at the top of the user list.

  2. Enter user42 in the name field.

  3. Enter user42 in the password field.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Note the new user in the list.


Task 3 - Modify the New User

  1. Click on the new user user42.


The displayName has been auto-populated with the name value.

  1. Click the Edit button.

  2. Change the value of displayName to User 42.

  3. Click the Save button.


Task 4 - Login as the New User

  1. Open a new browser window/tab and navigate to

  2. Login as the new user (user42/user42).

  3. Note the different User: and Role:.

  4. Also note that you can’t do very much with this user. It has not been added to any roles or given any permissions.

  5. Close this browser window/tab and go back to the previous one.