Kubernetes Components


Nodes are the primary component of a Kubernetes cluster. We will talk about the two types of nodes found in every cluster. A worker node and a leader node. You will see the leader node referred to by different names, such as master node (which is being removed), but the process is all the same. Nodes can be bare metal, virtual machines, or even containers (used in development use cases). Worker nodes will run your containerized workloads while the leader nodes will handle scheduling of where workloads will be deployed, configuration and state of the cluster.

In this course, the cluster is already set up for you. You will communicate with the leader node to perform all actions for this course. The Kubernetes specific command-line tool you’ll use is kubectl. Kubectl allows you to view, configure, and inspect all aspects of the cluster.

Let’s look at our two node types in detail.


The Leader Node is in charge of the cluster control plane. There must be at least, but not limited to, one leader node per cluster. Some of the components included in the leader node are the API server and Scheduler. The API server validates and configures the cluster for all the cluster objects. This includes pods, services and deployments. The scheduler watches for newly created pods and determines the best matching node(s) to place the workload on. If there aren’t any nodes matching the requirements of the pod, the pod will remain in an unscheduled state.

The Worker Node is where our containerized workloads will run in our data plane. The worker nodes will need a container runtime engine (CRE) such as Docker or containerd so our containers can be run. In order for the leader node to communicate to our worker node an agent called Kubelet must also run. Kubelet is responsible for pulling container images, allows control plane to monitor the node, and ensures containers are healthy and running. Kube-proxy is a network agent installed on every node and provides network forwarding to backend services.


Keep in mind that in a dev environment, your leader node may also be your worker node (not a production practice).

Let’s view the nodes attached to our cluster by connecting to the Jumphost from within the lab environment.


From the web shell you will ssh into the leader node:

ssh lab@
password: f5Appw0rld!
Get node info
kubectl get nodes

Returned content:

Node data basic
 NAME                       STATUS   ROLES                  AGE    VERSION
 k3s-leader.lab             Ready    control-plane,master   308d   v1.25.6+k3s1
 k3s-worker-2.lab           Ready    <none>                 308d   v1.25.6+k3s1
 k3s-worker-1.lab           Ready    <none>                 308d   v1.25.6+k3s1

That was very basic information on our nodes, but if we want more details we can add the -o flag, for output, and add wide

Get node info wide
kubectl get nodes -o wide

Returned content:

Node data wide
 NAME                       STATUS   ROLES                  AGE    VERSION        INTERNAL-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   OS-IMAGE             KERNEL-VERSION    CONTAINER-RUNTIME
 k3s-leader.lab             Ready    control-plane,master   308d   v1.25.6+k3s1      <none>        Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS   5.15.0-1030-aws   containerd://1.6.15-k3s1
 k3s-worker-2.lab           Ready    <none>                 308d   v1.25.6+k3s1      <none>        Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS   5.15.0-1030-aws   containerd://1.6.15-k3s1
 k3s-worker-1lab            Ready    <none>                 308d   v1.25.6+k3s1      <none>        Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS   5.15.0-1030-aws   containerd://1.6.15-k3s1

As you can see from the -o wide flag, we can get greater detail on our nodes. We can get further details by asking kubectl to describe the resource type and resource name.

Node describe
kubectl describe node k3s-leader.lab

Custom Resource

As the name implies, custom resources are objects you can build to extend capabilities in Kubernetes. You can create new resources that don’t exist in the default Kubernetes installation or even combine existing objects so they can be deployed at the same time. Imagine creating a custom Kubernetes API that could deploy your application and expose it to the world in one manifest. That’s what a CRD allows you to do. Throughout this course you’ll be interacting with the Kubernetes API when we check on nodes, pods, namespaces etc.

How you define the custom resource is by a Custom Resource Definition (CRD). This CRD will create a new RESTful endpoint that will be able to be utilized on either a namespace level, or cluster level.

Let’s view the installed CRD’s and we’ll focus in on Nginx.

kubectl get crd
CRD Output
lab@k3s-leader:~$ k get crd
NAME                                         CREATED AT
addons.k3s.cattle.io                         2023-02-23T02:26:32Z
helmcharts.helm.cattle.io                    2023-02-23T02:26:32Z
helmchartconfigs.helm.cattle.io              2023-02-23T02:26:32Z
analysisruns.argoproj.io                     2023-02-23T03:39:17Z
analysistemplates.argoproj.io                2023-02-23T03:39:17Z
clusteranalysistemplates.argoproj.io         2023-02-23T03:39:17Z
experiments.argoproj.io                      2023-02-23T03:39:17Z
rollouts.argoproj.io                         2023-02-23T03:39:17Z
applications.argoproj.io                     2023-02-23T04:18:30Z
applicationsets.argoproj.io                  2023-02-23T04:18:30Z
appprojects.argoproj.io                      2023-02-23T04:18:30Z
apdospolicies.appprotectdos.f5.com           2023-02-25T20:46:34Z
apdoslogconfs.appprotectdos.f5.com           2023-02-25T20:46:34Z
globalconfigurations.k8s.nginx.org           2023-02-25T20:46:34Z
aplogconfs.appprotect.f5.com                 2023-02-25T20:46:34Z
transportservers.k8s.nginx.org               2023-02-25T20:46:34Z
dosprotectedresources.appprotectdos.f5.com   2023-02-25T20:46:34Z
dnsendpoints.externaldns.nginx.org           2023-02-25T20:46:34Z
apusersigs.appprotect.f5.com                 2023-02-25T20:46:34Z
policies.k8s.nginx.org                       2023-02-25T20:46:34Z
virtualserverroutes.k8s.nginx.org            2023-02-25T20:46:34Z
virtualservers.k8s.nginx.org                 2023-02-25T20:46:34Z
appolicies.appprotect.f5.com                 2023-02-25T20:46:34Z
Describe CRD
kubectl describe crd virtualservers.k8s.nginx.org

This CRD file defines how a user can employ the newly created resource with a full schema. If you are not familiar with schema’s, think of it as syntax checking process to make sure newly created manifest files meet the defined specification to be deployed on the Kubernetes system. We will not be building any Custom Resources in this lab but knowing what Custom Resources are and that Custom Resource Definitions describe them is valuable knowledge. This capability allows you and companies like F5 to greatly extend functions and capabilities of your cluster or products made to interact with applications.

This particular CRD allows users of the VirtualServer resource to fully utilize Nginx capabilities that are not available in a standard ingress manifest or would require higher level capabilities.


A Kubernetes manifest is typically a YAML file used to describe the desired state of an object. In this course you’ll use manifest files to define pods, deployments, and services. You’ll use the minimum set of directives to create these objects but Kubernetes will add some default information which we’ll investigate. Common directives among nearly all manifest files are:

  • apiVersion - what api version to use of the CRD
  • Kind - what type of object is being created
  • name - the name you want to reference this object by
  • namespace - the namespace this object will reside in (default is default)

You’ll find those directives at the top of all the manifest files you’ll create in this course.


In Kubernetes, namespaces provide a mechanism for isolating groups of resources within a single cluster, think of a namespace as a sub-cluster. Just like you’d use a partition in a BIG-IP to separate objects, you’d use a namespace in Kubernetes. Names of resources need to be unique within a namespace, but not across namespaces. Namespaces cannot be nested inside one another, and each Kubernetes resource can only be in one namespace.

Namespaces are intended for use in environments with many users spread across multiple teams, or projects. For clusters with a few to tens of users, you should not need to create or think about namespaces at all. Start using namespaces when you need the features they provide.

View All Namespaces
kubectl get namespace

You can abbreviate resource types. The namespace resource can be abbreviated as ns as shown below.

View kube-system Namespaces
kubectl describe ns kube-system

For this part of the lab, we’ll just cover two important namespaces:

  • default
  • kube-system

Let’s look at the default namespace first, because it’s just default. Any time you do not explicitly declare the namespace it is implied default. So, you always want to get into the habit of adding the namespace flag -n with the corresponding namespace. Having said all that, you will find out that some resources do indeed live in the default namespace. One item that you’ll find in the default namespace are CRD’s.

kubectl get all,crd

Next is the kube-system namespace. This namespace is important as a vital Pod is running here, CoreDNS. Referencing the returned data below, we can see the CoreDNS objects in the namespace kube-system.

kubectl get all -n kube-system

Example output:

lab@k3s-leader:~$ k get all -n kube-system
NAME                                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
pod/local-path-provisioner-79f67d76f8-7bs59   1/1     Running   9 (15m ago)   5d9h
pod/coredns-597584b69b-5fb2r                  1/1     Running   9 (15m ago)   5d9h
pod/metrics-server-5f9f776df5-df9cx           1/1     Running   9 (15m ago)   5d9h

NAME                     TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                  AGE
service/kube-dns         ClusterIP     <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP   314d
service/metrics-server   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP                  314d

NAME                                     READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/local-path-provisioner   1/1     1            1           314d
deployment.apps/coredns                  1/1     1            1           314d
deployment.apps/metrics-server           1/1     1            1           314d

NAME                                                DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/local-path-provisioner-79f67d76f8   1         1         1       314d
replicaset.apps/coredns-597584b69b                  1         1         1       314d
replicaset.apps/metrics-server-5f9f776df5           1         1         1       314d

The next three sections will reference highlighted data from the above output. Your data will not match exactly as the pod names or cluster ip’s are generated at runtime.


In Kubernetes, a Pod is the smallest unit of compute and holds one or more containers. In this lab we will only work with a single container in a pod. Something to keep in mind though, if you deploy multiple containers in single pod, those containers will compete for resources. Placing containers inside of pods make them easier to manage and scale for Kubernetes. In the next module you will perform CRUD operations on a pod, but for this lab we will review data returned from our coredns pod.

Resource Type Resource Name Ready Status Restarts AGE
pod coredns-597584b69b-5fb2r 1/1 Running 9 5d9h
Resource Type indicates this is of type pod
Resource Name a unique name for the resource in the namespace
Ready shows how many containers are running in the pod
Status this examples shows the status as running, meaning the pod is bound to node and all containers are created and started
Restarts shows the number of restarts of the container (not pod)
Age describes how long ago our pod was created and running


You can also describe this resource for more detail. You’ll have to replace your pod name with the example below.

Describe CoreDNS
kubectl describe pod coredns-597584b69b-5fb2r -n kube-system

Looking at the above output you can see a wealth of information about the CoreDNS pod. From which node it’s running on, labels, pod IP address and what image being used to pod related events.

Please always remember a container’s life is ephemeral in Kubernetes. You will hear the phrase “Cattle, not pets” a lot when talking about a containers life in Kubernetes. We will do a short lab here to cover that exact concept.

From the web shell execute these commands individually:

kubectl create namespace test
kubectl run bbox --image=docker.io/busybox -n test

We have created a new namespace and asked Kubernetes to run a pod named bbox with the container busybox inside the test namespace.


You may have to run this command a few times as Kubernetes gets the pod to start

Get Pods
kubectl get pod -n test

Notice now when you check on the pods in the test namespace, bbox is Completed. This means our pod was created, assigned to a node, then the kubelet got our BusyBox image and ran the container inside the pod through execution. So, without any applications or code to run our container executed and shutdown.

lab@k3s-leader:~$ kubectl get pod -n test
NAME                            READY   STATUS      RESTARTS         AGE
bbox                            0/1     Completed   1 (2s ago)       3s


You may not yet see a Completed status and instead see CrashLoopBackOff (clbo) status


If you encounter the CrashLoopBackOff status, please wait and then check that your pod completed. A couple of errors you may see during this course are:

  • CrashLoopBackOff - pod is unable to start or runs into an error and is then restarted multiple times by the kubelet
  • ImagePullBackOff - kubelet is unable to pull the container image

Now let’s try running our pod again, but this time we’ll run a shell function of sleep for 35 seconds. Please run each single command at a time.

Sleep BusyBox
kubectl delete pod bbox -n test
kubectl run bbox -n test --image=docker.io/busybox -- /bin/sh -c 'sleep 35'
watch kubectl get pod -n test

Again, you are asking Kubernetes to run a pod with a container using the BusyBox image inside. You are also passing in the bash command sleep 35.

Watch will re-run the kubectl get pod -n test command every 2 seconds by default. Now you can watch the new pod run. What will happen after 35 seconds?

To exit the watch command, use the shell escape Control + C


A Kubernetes deployment manages sets of pods used to run an application. The deployment manifest specifies these main components:

  • deployment name and namespace
  • container image
  • container tags
  • replicas (copies we want running/ scaling),
  • update strategy (how Kubernetes will roll out new versions of your application)

As you deploy a new application across your cluster, the deployment manifest tells Kubernetes the image version, expected number of pods to run across the cluster and attaches a label to each pod showing it’s association with the deployment. Kubernetes will assign and keep your requested replicas running (or restarted) keeping in line with cluster resources.

Resource Type Resource Name Ready UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE Age
deployment.apps coredns 1/1 1 1 314d
Resource Type deployment.apps
Resource Name coredns
Ready Number of replica’s ready (1)
UP-TO-DATE Number of replicas updated (1)
AVAILABLE Number of replicas available (1)
AGE amount of time the application has been running

Let’s see all the deployments in the kube-system namespace

kubectl get deployments -n kube-system

In the next module we will use the edit command to view more components of a deployment.


A Kubernetes service is a method for exposing our application that can be running on one or many pods (think deployment). Services also use tags like deployments to associate pods to a service name. This is tremendously helpful as pods can created or deleted on different nodes and our service manifest will handle service discovery.

service kube-dns CLUSTER-IP <none> 53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP 314d
Resource Type service
Resource Name kube-dns
TYPE how the service is exposed to the world
CLUSTER-IP this is the internal IP of the pod reachable from within the cluster
EXTERNAL-IP if TYPE is Load balancer and public IP would be shown
PORTS the ports exposed for public access to the deployment
AGE amount of time the service has been running

One very important concept we will cover here is the service type. This type determines how your application will be exposed. There are three main service types that we will speak to:

  • ClusterIP - this exposes your application on an internal cluster IP and is only reachable from within the cluster. Usually used with an ingress controller
  • Load balancer - exposes application externally via load balancer using cloud service provider constructs (i.e. AWS NLB, Azure ALB, Google NLB)
  • NodePort - exposes applications on each node on a specified port. Keep in mind even if a pod does not exist on the node, the port is still open.

Let’s see all the services in the kube-system namespace

kubectl get services -n kube-system

Container Network Interface

We won’t be talking a lot about CNI’s in this lab but we do need to at least address it. CNI’s focus on the connectivity, or removal of, container networks. The container runtime calls the installed CNI to add or delete a network interface for the container/pod. The CNI has sole responsibility of building the container network.

Two CNI’s you’ll probably see or hear about most often:

  • Calico - BGP
  • Flannel - VXLAN

Some important information on Kubernetes networking:

  • Every pod gets its own IP address
  • Containers within a pod share the pod IP address and can communicate freely with each other
  • Pods can communicate with all other pods in the cluster using pod IP addresses (without NAT)
  • Isolation (restricting what each pod can communicate with) is defined using network policies

Additional information:

Ingress & Ingress Controller

An Ingress controller is a specialized load balancer for Kubernetes (and other containerized) environments. An Ingress controller abstracts away the complexity of Kubernetes application traffic routing and provides a bridge between Kubernetes services and external ones. Ingress controllers can handle TLS offload, load balancing to pods inside the cluster and with Nginx Plus ingress controller you can even run a web application firewall.

We will not cover ingress controllers in the course as there is already a specialized class for Nginx Ingress Controller. Having said that, an ingress controller still needs pods and a service to expose it.

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