Kubernetes - Operations


Now that we’ve covered the core components of Kubernetes, it’s time to put it into operations. In this module you’ll create Pods, Deployments, and Services. The image above depicts how we tie all these components together. When Kubernetes gets the run command, it will first look to see if the image is held locally on the cache by Kubelet. If there is not a local image, Kubelet will pull the image from a container registry. You have already created a namespace test and this will isolate resources. Kubernetes will create and assign the pods, while the Kubelet will get the image and stand up the container. Kubernetes, through the deployment manifest, watches all the pods tagged with labels matching the tags. Then, Kubernetes will expose the deployment through the service manifest. This happens the same way, through matching label tags.

Let’s jump into the operational items that make Kubernetes run.

Operations - Container registry

We’ll briefly talk about container registries. A container registry is a storage area for storing container and the most commonly used is Docker Hub which we use for the registry during this class. When you return to your jobs however, your company will most likely use a private container registry. Hosted in one of the cloud service providers, Github or Gitlab, and with some access controls. In Kubernetes this is done with a docker-registry secret. A secret is another Kubernetes object used for storing sensitive information.

In this class, you’ll not have to set any of this up.

Operations - Pod

You’ll create a new pod using the Kubernetes imperative command shown below. When creating pods, best practice is to specifically define the image tag (version) and not use latest.

Pod Creation
kubectl run testpod --image=nginx:1.21 -n test

Now, verify your pod is running:

  • kubectl get pod -n test

Once you have verified the pod is running, you’ll delete the pod:

  • kubectl delete pod testpod -n test

Vim is not known for being overly friendly to copy/paste commands. Rather than have you spend time doing that and making sure all the indentions are correct, let’s review what the manifest file would look like to deploy our Nginx container in a pod called testpod.


YAML can be very fussy on indentation, please pay close attention to your indentation

Pod Manifest
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: testpod
  namespace: test
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx:1.21
    - containerPort: 80

Let’s explain the directives from above.

apiVersion determines what version of the API will be used for creation
kind specifies the type of object to be created, and is defined in the apiVersion
metadata describes information of an object that allows for the unique identification of that object
spec defines the desired state of the object in Kubernetes
containers specifies the containers to be built inside the pod
name defines the name of the container
image defines what image to use
ports defines what ports the container will listen on

A helpful resource is the kubectl api-resource command output. Here you can see each object type (kind), the corresponding shortname and the apiVersion associated. The shortname is very useful to save keystrokes, especially for those of you planing to pass the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certification.

API Resources
kubectl api-resources

Now, back to creating pods. You can use the dry-run=client feature to have Kubernetes write the manifest for you. This process allows you to run your Kubernetes command without submitting it to the cluster.

Pod Dry Run
kubectl run testpod --image=nginx:1.21 --port 80 -n test --dry-run=client -o yaml

Notice the -o output flag. You can also ask Kubernetes to output json format as well. You can also direct the output to a file by using >. An example would be kubectl run testpod --image=nginx --dry-run=client -o yaml > testpod.yaml. Let’s try it out.

Now that your manifest file is ready, time to apply it to Kubernetes.

Pod Dry Run
kubectl run testpod --image=nginx:1.21 --port 80 -n test --dry-run=client -o yaml > testpod.yaml
Testpod manifest
kubectl apply -f testpod.yaml

Notice in the cli command we did not specify the namespace, that is because we defined the namespace in the manifest file. This is always a good practice to prevent pods from showing up the default namespace.

One last step will walk through in this section is the edit command. To do this, we will edit the pod we’ve just created. Currently you are running testpod on an older version of Nginx. We will edit the manifest to update the version.

kubectl edit pod testpod -n test

We will focus on this line in the returned data:

  - image: nginx:1.21
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

Arrow your cursor down to the image line and press i. This command allows you to edit the file. You’ll be changing the tagged version from 1.21 to 1.25. Once this change is made use the vim write and quit command, press:

ESC (escape key)

You should see the pod was edited.

pod/testpod edited

Now to verify the updated pod we’ll use the describe command.

kubectl describe pod testpod -n test

Output from describe should look like the below. Showing Kubernetes, along with Kubelet, have terminated the existing container version 1.21 and pulled the container image, created and started the container.

 Type    Reason     Age                  From               Message
 ----    ------     ----                 ----               -------
 Normal  Scheduled  6m47s                default-scheduler  Successfully assigned test/testpod to k3s-leader.lab
 Normal  Pulled     6m47s                kubelet            Container image "nginx:1.21" already present on machine
 Normal  Killing    104s                 kubelet            Container testpod definition changed, will be restarted
 Normal  Pulling    104s                 kubelet            Pulling image "nginx:1.25"
 Normal  Pulled     98s                  kubelet            Successfully pulled image "nginx:1.25" in 6.203075695s (6.203083694s including waiting)
 Normal  Created    98s (x2 over 6m47s)  kubelet            Created container testpod
 Normal  Started    97s (x2 over 6m47s)  kubelet            Started container testpod

This concludes the pod section.

Official Documentation

Operations - Deployment

kubectl create deployment lab-deploy --image=nginx:1.22 --replicas=3 -n test

You should see the deployment has run from the below sample returned output:

Deployment Output
lab@k3s-leader:~$ kubectl get deploy lab-deploy -n test
lab-deploy   3/3     3            3           10s

Let’s validate your deployment, your output should match the above.

Get Deployment
kubectl get deploy lab-deploy -n test

Now you’ll describe the deployment, take note of the lines showing Selector info (what pods will be in the deployment), Replicas how many pods are desired to be up and running.

Please describe your deployment

Describe Deployment
kubectl describe deploy lab-deploy -n test

Now you’ll delete the deployment

Delete Deployment
kubectl delete deploy lab-deploy -n test

For this section you’ll be doing some of the exact steps we did for Pod’s section. We’ll cover some important parts of the manifest file that enable the deployment to build containers for the deployment.

This is an example deployment manifest to explain directives.

Sample Deployment Manifest
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: lab-deploy
  namespace: test
    app: lab-deploy
  replicas: 3
      app: lab-deploy
        app: lab-deploy
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:1.22
        - containerPort: 80
labels this sets the label for the deployment. Labels make searching faster and easier
spec specification that contains other manifest resources. Here the spec directive is defining the deployment with pod count and container images
  • replicas specifies how many pods are expected to be running
  • selector looks for matching labels will become part of the deployment
  • template sets the build for the containers that are to become part of the deployment; sets labels, container image and ports
Deployment Manifest
kubectl create deployment lab-deploy --image=nginx:1.22 --replicas=3 -n test --dry-run=client -o yaml > lab-deploy.yaml


You can use the command cat lab-deploy.yaml to view the manifest file

As you’ve done in previous lab, the above command will create a new deployment named lab-deploy. The command specifies the image version, replica count, namespace and again using the dry-run command to not submit the command to Kubernetes and output it to file. Now that the manifest file has been created, time to let Kubernetes work its magic.

kubectl apply -f lab-deploy.yaml

You should now see you deployment has been created.

deployment.apps/lab-deploy created

Kubernetes has become so popular because of its many features in how it can run workloads and be customized. One of these impressive features is scaling. Scaling allows you to increase or decrease pod counts. You can even set scaling to occur during resource consumption. When configuring scaling to happen based on consumption (or lack of), this is called auto-scaling. In this lab, we will focus on manually scaling resources in the deployment. To do this, we will adjust the number of replicas specified in the manifest.

kubectl scale --replicas=5 deploy/lab-deploy -n test

You should now see the deployment scale up

deployment.apps/lab-deploy scaled

Now let’s describe the new deployment:

Describe Deployment
kubectl describe deploy/lab-deploy -n test
Output Describe Deployment
lab@k3s-leader:~$ kubectl describe deploy/lab-deploy -n test
Name:                   lab-deploy
Namespace:              test
CreationTimestamp:      Sun, 07 Jan 2024 19:26:55 -0500
Labels:                 app=lab-deploy
Annotations:            deployment.kubernetes.io/revision: 1
Selector:               app=lab-deploy
Replicas:               5 desired | 5 updated | 5 total | 5 available | 0 unavailable
StrategyType:           RollingUpdate
MinReadySeconds:        0
RollingUpdateStrategy:  25% max unavailable, 25% max surge
Pod Template:
  Labels:  app=lab-deploy
    Image:        nginx:1.22
    Port:         <none>
    Host Port:    <none>
    Environment:  <none>
    Mounts:       <none>
  Volumes:        <none>
  Type           Status  Reason
  ----           ------  ------
  Progressing    True    NewReplicaSetAvailable
  Available      True    MinimumReplicasAvailable
OldReplicaSets:  <none>
NewReplicaSet:   lab-deploy-cb697555 (5/5 replicas created)
  Type    Reason             Age   From                   Message
  ----    ------             ----  ----                   -------
  Normal  ScalingReplicaSet  19s   deployment-controller  Scaled up replica set lab-deploy-cb697555 to 5 from 3

Official Documentation

Operations - Service

kubectl expose deployment lab-deploy --type=NodePort --port=80 --target-port=80 --name=lab-deploy-svc --selector=app=lab-deploy -n test

In the above command, you are telling Kubernetes to expose the deployment (lab-deploy) as a NodePort service. NodePort means that the TCP or UDP port will open on all nodes. The default ports are 30000-32767. You can alter this default or even specify the port you’d like.

Types of service types:

  • Cluster IP This is the default service, which is used to expose a service on a cluster-internal IP. This means the service is only accessible from inside the cluster.
  • Node Port This exposes a service on each node’s IP at a static port, so the service is accessible from outside the cluster.
  • Load Balancer This uses a cloud provider’s load balancer to access a service from outside the cluster.
  • External Name This maps a service to the contents of a predefined external name field by returning a CNAME record with its value.
  • Headless This headless service is used for pod grouping when a stable IP address is not required.

To test out our service, you’ll need to find what NodePort port was enabled with the describe command.

Describe Service
kubectl describe service lab-deploy-svc -n test

Describe service output:

lab@k3s-leader:~$ kubectl describe service lab-deploy-svc -n test
Name:                     lab-deploy-svc
Namespace:                test
Labels:                   app=lab-deploy
Annotations:              <none>
Selector:                 app=lab-deploy
Type:                     NodePort
IP Family Policy:         SingleStack
IP Families:              IPv4
Port:                     <unset>  80/TCP
TargetPort:               80/TCP
NodePort:                 <unset>  31612/TCP
Endpoints:      ,,
Session Affinity:         None
External Traffic Policy:  Cluster
Events:                   <none>

Test connectivity by issuing a curl to the localhost on the port listed in the describe command output.


From inside the cluster, the new service (thanks to CoreDNS) will have an A record entry. The format for the fqdn entry is:

  • service name
  • namespace
  • svc (for service)
  • cluster.local

Here is an example of the lab-deploy-svc fqdn:


We’ll look at this in the next lab for troubleshooting.

Official Documentation