WAF 341 – Advanced Protection and Positive Security (Self Guided)

This lab will focus on how to progress your application security to the limits of what F5 WAF can offer.

This is the 3rd class in a three part lab series (141,241,341) based on: Succeeding with Application Security which closely maps to this visualization of layered Application Security.

Here is a complete listing of all F5 WAF classes offered at this years Agility:

  • WAF 111 - Protect yourself against the OWASP Top 10
  • WAF 141 - Getting started with WAF, Bot Defense and Threat Campaigns
  • WAF 241 – Elevated WAF Protection
  • WAF 341 – Advanced Protection and Positive Security
  • WAF 342 – WAF in a CI/CD pipeline (new 15.1 features)
  • WAF/APM API Security and Management

Following the Agility conference you can visit clouddocs.f5.com to continue your education and create your own test lab environment.
