Exercise 1.4: Adding members to a pool on F5


Demonstrate use of the BIG-IP pool member module to tie web server nodes into the load balancing pool http_pool created in the previous exercises.


Step 1:

Examine the bigip-pool-members.yml in the VSCode editor. Expand in the Explorer (f5-bd-ansible-labs –> 101-F5-Basics –> 1.4-add-pool-members):

Examine the Code

  • name: ADD POOL MEMBERS is a user defined description that will display in the terminal output.

  • Tje bigip_pool_member: is the module for adding/modifying/deleting pool members on the BIG-IP.

  • The provider: parameter is a group of connection details for the BIG-IP.

    • The server: "{{ ansible_host }}" parameter tells the module to connect to the F5 BIG-IP IP address, which is stored as a variable ansible_host in inventory

    • The user: "{{ ansible_user }}" parameter tells the module the username to login to the F5 BIG-IP device with

    • The password: "{{ ansible_password }}" parameter tells the module the password to login to the F5 BIG-IP device with

    • The server_port: "{{ server_port }} parameter tells the module the port to connect to the F5 BIG-IP device with

    • The validate_certs: false parameter tells the module to not validate SSL certificates. This is just used for demonstration purposes since this is a lab.

  • The state: "present" parameter tells the module we want this to be added rather than deleted.

  • The name: "{{hostvars[item].inventory_hostname}}" parameter tells the module to use the inventory_hostname as the name (which will be node1 and node2).

  • The host: "{{hostvars[item].ansible_host}}" parameter tells the module to add a web server IP address already defined in our inventory.

  • The port: parameter tells the pool member port.

  • The pool: "http_pool" parameter tells the module to put this node into a pool named http_pool

  • The loop: tells the task to loop over the provided list. The list in this case is the group web which includes two RHEL hosts.

Step 2:

Change directories to the exercise 1.4 folder to examine and execute the code in the Terminal

cd ~/f5-bd-ansible-labs/101-F5-Basics/1.4-add-pool-members/
Copy to clipboard

Step 3:

Run the playbook - Go back to the Terminal on VS Code server on the control host and execute the following:

ansible-navigator run bigip-pool-members.yml --mode stdout
Copy to clipboard

Playbook Output

The output will look as follows.

[rhel-user@ede... 1.4-add-pool-members]$ ansible-navigator run bigip-pool-members.yml --mode stdout

PLAY [BIG-IP SETUP] ************************************************************

TASK [ADD POOL MEMBERS] ********************************************************
changed: [f5] => (item=node1)
changed: [f5] => (item=node2)

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
f5                         : ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
Copy to clipboard

Step 4:

Let’s use the bigip_device_info to collect the pool members on BIG-IP. JSON query is a powerful filter that can be used.

Examine the display-pool-members.yml in the VSCode editor. Expand in the Explorer (f5-bd-ansible-labs –> 101-F5-Basics –> 1.4-add-pool-members -> display-pool-members.yml):

Examine the Code

  • vars: in the module is defining a variable query_string to be used within the module itself

  • query_String will have the name of all members from pool name ‘http_pool’. query_string is defined to make it easier to read the entire json string

Step 5:

Run the playbook - Go back to the Terminal on VS Code server on the control host and execute the following:

ansible-navigator run display-pool-members.yml --mode stdout
Copy to clipboard

Playbook Output

The output will look as follows.

[rhel-user@ede7a345-c0f1-47f9-a73b-74fded8ec113 1.4-add-pool-members]$ ansible-navigator run display-pool-members.yml --mode stdout

PLAY [List pool members] *******************************************************

TASK [Query BIG-IP facts] ******************************************************
ok: [f5]

TASK [View complete output] ****************************************************
ok: [f5] => {
    "msg": {
        "ansible_facts": {
            "ansible_net_ltm_pools": [
                    "active_member_count": 2,
                    "all_avg_queue_entry_age": 0,
                    "all_max_queue_entry_age_ever": 0,
                    "all_max_queue_entry_age_recently": 0,
                    "all_num_connections_queued_now": 0,
                    "all_num_connections_serviced": 0,
                    "all_queue_head_entry_age": 0,
                    "allow_nat": "yes",
                    "allow_snat": "yes",
                    "availability_status": "available",
                    "available_member_count": 2,
                    "client_ip_tos": "pass-through",
                    "client_link_qos": "pass-through",
                    "current_sessions": 0,
                    "enabled_status": "enabled",
                    "full_path": "/Common/http_pool",
                    "ignore_persisted_weight": "no",
                    "lb_method": "round-robin",
                    "member_count": 2,
                    "members": [
                            "address": "",
                            "connection_limit": 0,
                            "dynamic_ratio": 1,
                            "ephemeral": "no",
                            "fqdn_autopopulate": "no",
                            "full_path": "/Common/node1:80",
                            "inherit_profile": "yes",
                            "logging": "no",
                            "monitors": [],
                            "name": "node1:80",
                            "partition": "Common",
                            "priority_group": 0,
                            "rate_limit": "no",
                            "ratio": 1,
                            "real_session": "monitor-enabled",
                            "real_state": "up",
                            "state": "present"
                            "address": "",
                            "connection_limit": 0,
                            "dynamic_ratio": 1,
                            "ephemeral": "no",
                            "fqdn_autopopulate": "no",
                            "full_path": "/Common/node2:80",
                            "inherit_profile": "yes",
                            "logging": "no",
                            "monitors": [],
                            "name": "node2:80",
                            "partition": "Common",
                            "priority_group": 0,
                            "rate_limit": "no",
                            "ratio": 1,
                            "real_session": "monitor-enabled",
                            "real_state": "up",
                            "state": "present"
                    "minimum_active_members": 0,
                    "minimum_up_members": 0,
                    "minimum_up_members_action": "failover",
                    "minimum_up_members_checking": "no",
                    "monitors": [
                    "name": "http_pool",
                    "pool_avg_queue_entry_age": 0,
                    "pool_max_queue_entry_age_ever": 0,
                    "pool_max_queue_entry_age_recently": 0,
                    "pool_num_connections_queued_now": 0,
                    "pool_num_connections_serviced": 0,
                    "pool_queue_head_entry_age": 0,
                    "priority_group_activation": 0,
                    "queue_depth_limit": 0,
                    "queue_on_connection_limit": "no",
                    "queue_time_limit": 0,
                    "reselect_tries": 0,
                    "server_ip_tos": "pass-through",
                    "server_link_qos": "pass-through",
                    "server_side_bits_in": 0,
                    "server_side_bits_out": 0,
                    "server_side_current_connections": 0,
                    "server_side_max_connections": 0,
                    "server_side_pkts_in": 0,
                    "server_side_pkts_out": 0,
                    "server_side_total_connections": 0,
                    "service_down_action": "none",
                    "slow_ramp_time": 10,
                    "status_reason": "The pool is available",
                    "total_requests": 0
            "ansible_net_queried": true
        "changed": false,
        "failed": false,
        "ltm_pools": [
                "active_member_count": 2,
                "all_avg_queue_entry_age": 0,
                "all_max_queue_entry_age_ever": 0,
                "all_max_queue_entry_age_recently": 0,
                "all_num_connections_queued_now": 0,
                "all_num_connections_serviced": 0,
                "all_queue_head_entry_age": 0,
                "allow_nat": "yes",
                "allow_snat": "yes",
                "availability_status": "available",
                "available_member_count": 2,
                "client_ip_tos": "pass-through",
                "client_link_qos": "pass-through",
                "current_sessions": 0,
                "enabled_status": "enabled",
                "full_path": "/Common/http_pool",
                "ignore_persisted_weight": "no",
                "lb_method": "round-robin",
                "member_count": 2,
                "members": [
                        "address": "",
                        "connection_limit": 0,
                        "dynamic_ratio": 1,
                        "ephemeral": "no",
                        "fqdn_autopopulate": "no",
                        "full_path": "/Common/node1:80",
                        "inherit_profile": "yes",
                        "logging": "no",
                        "monitors": [],
                        "name": "node1:80",
                        "partition": "Common",
                        "priority_group": 0,
                        "rate_limit": "no",
                        "ratio": 1,
                        "real_session": "monitor-enabled",
                        "real_state": "up",
                        "state": "present"
                        "address": "",
                        "connection_limit": 0,
                        "dynamic_ratio": 1,
                        "ephemeral": "no",
                        "fqdn_autopopulate": "no",
                        "full_path": "/Common/node2:80",
                        "inherit_profile": "yes",
                        "logging": "no",
                        "monitors": [],
                        "name": "node2:80",
                        "partition": "Common",
                        "priority_group": 0,
                        "rate_limit": "no",
                        "ratio": 1,
                        "real_session": "monitor-enabled",
                        "real_state": "up",
                        "state": "present"
                "minimum_active_members": 0,
                "minimum_up_members": 0,
                "minimum_up_members_action": "failover",
                "minimum_up_members_checking": "no",
                "monitors": [
                "name": "http_pool",
                "pool_avg_queue_entry_age": 0,
                "pool_max_queue_entry_age_ever": 0,
                "pool_max_queue_entry_age_recently": 0,
                "pool_num_connections_queued_now": 0,
                "pool_num_connections_serviced": 0,
                "pool_queue_head_entry_age": 0,
                "priority_group_activation": 0,
                "queue_depth_limit": 0,
                "queue_on_connection_limit": "no",
                "queue_time_limit": 0,
                "reselect_tries": 0,
                "server_ip_tos": "pass-through",
                "server_link_qos": "pass-through",
                "server_side_bits_in": 0,
                "server_side_bits_out": 0,
                "server_side_current_connections": 0,
                "server_side_max_connections": 0,
                "server_side_pkts_in": 0,
                "server_side_pkts_out": 0,
                "server_side_total_connections": 0,
                "service_down_action": "none",
                "slow_ramp_time": 10,
                "status_reason": "The pool is available",
                "total_requests": 0
        "queried": true

TASK [Show members belonging to pool] ******************************************
ok: [f5] => (item=node1:80) => {
    "msg": "node1:80"
ok: [f5] => (item=node2:80) => {
    "msg": "node2:80"

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
f5                         : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
Copy to clipboard


The finished Ansible Playbook is provided here. Click here bigip-pool-members.yml.

Verifying the Solution

To see the configured Pool Members, login to the F5 load balancer with your web browser.

  • BIG-IP - (In UDF Console –> Components –> BIG-IP –> Access –> TMUI) - This will popup a webpage to access the F5 Login Page

    • Login to the BIG-IP instance

      • username: admin

      • password: found in the inventory hosts file

  • The pool will now show two members (node1 and node2). Click on Local Traffic-> then click on Pools. Click on http_pool to get more granular information. Click on the Members tab in the middle to list all the Members.


You have finished this exercise.