Use Case 03: WAF (XML) Policy Management


WAF-Policy-Management.yaml is a templated Ansible Playbook to manage blocked IP addresses and URL’s on F5 ASM through Ansible automation.

Web Application Firewalls work to protect web applications by inspecting incoming traffic, blocking bots, SQL injection, Cross Site Scripting and a host of other attacks. This playbook is designed to demonstrate a basic WAF scenario to create and modify an F5 WAF (ASM) policy to block URL(s) or IP address(s) or both.

Using this playbook, other security vendors or even ticketing based solutions like Service NOW, users will be able to create a start to finish automated solution based on when attacks can occur.


Running this template assumes that a F5 BIG-IP instance, necessary webservers and Ansible node are available.

  1. Login to the Ansible host

  2. Change Directory in the Ansible Host to the use-cases repo previously downloaded

    cd ~/f5-bd-ansible-labs/201-F5-Advanced/Modules/03-WAF-Policy-Management/
  3. (Optional) Edit ‘f5_vars.yml’ file to customize your variables. Here you can add/remove IP addresses and URLs from the ‘Blocked_IPs’ and ‘Blocked_URLs’ list

  4. Launch the Ansible playbook ‘WAF-Policy-Management.yaml’ with the variable file ‘f5_vars.yml’:

    ansible-navigator run WAF-Policy-Management.yaml --mode stdout -e @f5_vars.yml

    This template will configure the F5 BIG-IP to provision the WAF module, create a Virtual IP (VIP) including a Pool and nodes, a WAF policy for the use case, then modify the policy to block IP’s and URL’s.


    This Playbook modifies the provisioning of modules on the BIG-IP and will take some time to complete as the new module comes online.


    This Playbook detects if blocked URL or IP already exists and only add what is new (idempotency). because of that it will create Errors and ignore them on first run, this is expected behavior. The Errors will indicate when the exported ASM Policy doesn’t contain the data we are attempting to add, and then will add that data.



Access Using F5 UDF Console:

Using the External Client (UDF –> Components –> External Client –> Access –> Firefox)


This section is optional and for testing and verification purposes only. It assumes knowledge of how to operate BIG-IP commands and networking.

Access Using F5 UDF Console:

  • BIG-IP - (In UDF –> Components –> BIG-IP –> Access –> TMUI) - This will popup a webpage to access the F5 Login Page

    • Login to the BIG-IP instance

    • Navigate to Security –> Application Security to view the WAF policy deployed

    • Navigate to Local Traffic –> Virtual Servers

    • View the deployed use case access F5-BIG-IP-Public-IP:port (8082)

  • Login information for the BIG-IP:

    • username: admin

    • password: found in the inventory hosts file