Method | Description | Introduced |
create | Creates the specified Diameter profiles. | BIG-IP_v10.1.0 |
delete_all_profiles | Deletes all Diameter profiles. | BIG-IP_v10.1.0 |
delete_profile | Deletes the specified Diameter profiles. | BIG-IP_v10.1.0 |
get_all_statistics | Gets the statistics for all the Diameter profiles. | BIG-IP_v10.1.0 |
get_connection_prime_state | Gets the states to indicate whether the connection prime is enabled. By default it is not enabled. When enabled, and the system receives a capabilities exchange request from the client, the system will establish connections and perform handshaking with all the servers prior to sending the capabilities exchange answer to the client. | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
get_default_profile | Gets the names of the default profiles from which the specified profiles will derive default values for its attributes. | BIG-IP_v10.1.0 |
get_description | Gets the descriptions for a set of Diameter profiles. | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
get_destination_realm | This method is deprecated; the method is retained only for backwards compatibility. It is not ideal to use this method. Gets the realm to which a Diameter message is to be routed, overriding a destination realm present in the message. | BIG-IP_v10.1.0 |
get_handshake_timeout | Gets the handshake timeout in seconds. This setting specifies the maximum number of seconds that a connection can be idle after the capabilities exchange request was sent to the server. The default value is 10. The system will reset the connection after it has timed out. See set_handshake_timeout for more information. | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
get_host_ip_rewrite_state | Gets the states to indicate whether the host ip address rewriting is enabled. The default value is enabled. When enabled and the message is a capabilities exchange request or capabilities exchange answer, rewrite the host-ip-address attribute with the system&aposs egress IP address. | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
get_list | Gets a list of all Diameter profiles. | BIG-IP_v10.1.0 |
get_max_watchdog_failure | Gets the maximum number of device watchdog failures that the traffic management system can take before it tears down the connection. After the system receives this number of device watchdog failures, it closes the connection. See set_max_watchdog_failure for more information. | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
get_maximum_retransmit_attempts | Gets the maximum retransmit attempts. | BIG-IP_v11.3.0 |
get_origin_host | This method has been deprecated. Please use get_origin_host_to_client or get_origin_host_to_server, or both, as desired. This method now gets the origin host to client for the specified profiles. Gets the origin host for the specified profiles. | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
get_origin_host_to_client | Gets the origin host to client for the specified profiles. | BIG-IP_v11.3.0 |
get_origin_host_to_server | Gets the origin host to server for the specified profiles. | BIG-IP_v11.3.0 |
get_origin_realm | This method has been deprecated. Please use get_origin_realm_to_client or get_origin_realm_to_server, or both, as desired. This method now gets the origin realm to client for the specified profiles. Gets the origin realm for the specified profiles. | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
get_origin_realm_to_client | Gets the origin realm to client for the specified profiles. | BIG-IP_v11.3.0 |
get_origin_realm_to_server | Gets the origin realm to server for the specified profiles. | BIG-IP_v11.3.0 |
get_overwrite_destination_host_state | This method is deprecated (immediately); see set_overwrite_destination_host_state for details. Get overwrite destination host always returns disabled, as of v11.3.0. Gets the states to indicate whether overwrite destination host is enabled. | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
get_parent_avp | Gets the Diameter Attribute Value Pair (AVP) used to indicate the parent AVP when the persist AVP is embedded in a grouped AVP. See set_persist_avp for more information on the AVP specification. | BIG-IP_v10.1.0 |
get_persist_avp | Gets the Diameter Attribute Value Pair (AVP) on which to persist for each of the profiles given. See set_persist_avp for more information on the AVP specification. | BIG-IP_v10.1.0 |
get_reset_on_timeout_state | Gets the states to indicate whether reset on timeout is enabled. The default value is enabled. When it is enabled and the watchdog failures exceed the max watchdog failure, the system resets the connection. | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
get_retransmit_timeout | Gets the retransmit timeout in seconds. | BIG-IP_v11.3.0 |
get_statistics | Gets the statistics for the specified Diameter profiles. | BIG-IP_v10.1.0 |
get_statistics_by_virtual | Gets the statistics for the specified profiles, by virtual server. | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
get_version | Gets the version information for this interface. | BIG-IP_v10.1.0 |
get_watchdog_timeout | Gets the device watchdog timeout in seconds. This setting specifies the number of seconds that a connection is idle before the device watchdog request is sent. The default value is zero, which means BIG-IP will not send a device watchdog request to either client or server side. See set_watchdog_timeout for more information. | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
is_base_profile | Determines whether the specified Diameter profiles are base profiles. A base profile sits at the base of the profile&aposs inheritance tree, supplying the defaults for every profile derived from it. (See also is_system_profile). | BIG-IP_v10.1.0 |
is_system_profile | Determines whether the specified Diameter profiles are system profiles. A system profile is a profile pre-configured on the system, ready for use. Non-system profiles are profiles created or modified by a user. Note that if a system profile is modified, it is no longer considered a system profile. (See also is_base_profile). | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
reset_statistics | Resets the statistics for the specified Diameter profiles. | BIG-IP_v10.1.0 |
reset_statistics_by_virtual | Resets the statistics for the specified profiles, for specified virtual servers. | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
set_connection_prime_state | Sets the states to indicate whether the connection prime is enabled. By default it is not enabled. When enabled, and the system receives a capabilities exchange request from the client, the system will establish connections and perform handshaking with all the servers prior to sending the capabilities exchange answer to the client. | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
set_default_profile | Sets the names of the default profiles from which the specified profiles will derive default values for its attributes. | BIG-IP_v10.1.0 |
set_description | Sets the description for a set of Diameter profiles. This is an arbitrary field which can be used for any purpose. | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
set_destination_realm | This method is deprecated; the method is retained only for backwards compatibility. It is not ideal to use this method. If you set destination realm (using this deprecated method), then the system overwrites the destination realm to client and to server with the value you set. The new behavior is to overwrite the destination realm values based on the origin realm values learned during the capabilities exchange messages. Such an overwrite occurs only if you set values using set_origin_realm_to_client or set_origin_realm_to_server. For example: When handling a CER, if you wish to hide the client&aposs origin realm from the server (using set_origin_realm_to_server), it is appropriate for the system to rewrite the server&aposs destination realm with the original learned origin realm value from the client. Sets the realm to which a Diameter message is to be routed, overriding a destination realm present in the message. If a message does not have a destination realm, then this setting has no effect. | BIG-IP_v10.1.0 |
set_handshake_timeout | Sets the handshake timeout in seconds. This setting specifies the maximum number of seconds that a connection can be idle after the capabilities exchange request was sent to the server. The default value is 10. The system will reset the connection after it has timed out. You can specify a numeric value in the range from 0 to 4294967295. The recommended value is in the range of 5 to 30. | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
set_host_ip_rewrite_state | Sets the states to indicate whether the host ip address rewriting is enabled. The default value is enabled. When enabled and the message is a capabilities exchange request or capabilities exchange answer, rewrite the host-ip-address attribute with the system&aposs egress IP address. | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
set_max_watchdog_failure | Sets the maximum number of device watchdog failures that the traffic management system can take before it tears down the connection. After the system receives this number of device watchdog failures, it closes the connection. The default value is 10. You can specify a numeric value in the range from 0 to 4294967295. | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
set_maximum_retransmit_attempts | Sets the maximum retransmit attempts. This setting specifies the number of attempts that BIG-IP will take to retransmit the request messages if it does not receive the corresponding answer messages. If retransmit is unsuccessful, after maximum attempts, BIG_IP will send an error response. The default value is 1. You can specify a numeric value in the range from 0 to 4294967295. The recommended value is in the range of 1 to 10. | BIG-IP_v11.3.0 |
set_origin_host | This method has been deprecated. Please use set_origin_host_to_client or set_origin_host_to_server, or both, as desired. This method now sets both. Sets the origin host for the specified profiles. The origin host is used to override the server&aposs actual origin host attribute when it responds to the client. The empty string indicates that BIG-IP origin host is disabled. You can specify an ASCII string as a FQDN. See RFC 3588 section 6.3. | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
set_origin_host_to_client | Sets the origin host to client for the specified profiles. The origin host to client is used to override the server&aposs actual origin host attribute when it responds to the client. The empty string indicates that BIG-IP origin host to client is disabled. You can specify an ASCII string as a FQDN. See RFC 3588 section 6.3. | BIG-IP_v11.3.0 |
set_origin_host_to_server | Sets the origin host to server for the specified profiles. The origin host to server is used to override the client&aposs actual origin host attribute when it responds to the server. The empty string indicates that BIG-IP origin host to server is disabled. You can specify an ASCII string as a FQDN. See RFC 3588 section 6.3. | BIG-IP_v11.3.0 |
set_origin_realm | This method has been deprecated. Please use set_origin_realm_to_client or set_origin_realm_to_server, or both, as desired. This method now sets both. Sets the origin realm for the specified profiles. The origin realm is used to override the server&aposs actual origin realm attribute when it responds to the client. The empty string indicates that BIG-IP origin realm is disabled. You can specify an ASCII string as a FQDN. See RFC 3588 section 6.4. | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
set_origin_realm_to_client | Sets the origin realm to client for the specified profiles. The origin realm to client is used to override the server&aposs actual origin realm attribute when it responds to the client. The empty string indicates that BIG-IP origin realm to client is disabled. You can specify an ASCII string as a FQDN. See RFC 3588 section 6.4. | BIG-IP_v11.3.0 |
set_origin_realm_to_server | Sets the origin realm to server for the specified profiles. The origin realm to server is used to override the client&aposs actual origin realm attribute when it responds to the server. The empty string indicates that BIG-IP origin realm to server is disabled. You can specify an ASCII string as a FQDN. See RFC 3588 section 6.3. | BIG-IP_v11.3.0 |
set_overwrite_destination_host_state | This method is deprecated (immediately); it should not have been exposed. The method is now a no-op. The new behavior is more correct with respect to RFC 3588 than the old behavior. The new behavior is overwrite the destination host values based on the origin host values learned during the capabilities exchange messages. Prior to v11.3.0 pool member&aposs address was used to overwrite the Destination-Host AVP (in a request) if the flag was set to true. Now the learned value from capabilities exchange are used always. Sets the states to indicate whether overwrite destination host is enabled. | BIG-IP_v10.1.0 |
set_parent_avp | Sets the Diameter Attribute Value Pair (AVP) used to indicate the parent AVP when the persist AVP is embedded in a grouped AVP. See set_persist_avp for more information on the AVP specification. | BIG-IP_v10.1.0 |
set_persist_avp | Sets the Diameter Attribute Value Pair (AVP) on which to persist for each of the profiles given. The AVP specification can be a string or a numeric code (1-4294967295), encoded as string. If the string is empty, or the code does not exist in the traffic coming to the system, then persist is disabled (if the name is not recognized, this method will produce an error). See RFC 3588, section 4.5, for valid base numeric codes. Valid names are as follows, in any mix of upper and lower case: “auth-application-id”, “destination-host”, “destination-realm”, “origin-host”, “origin-realm”, “session-id”, “subscription-id”, “subscription-id-data”. | BIG-IP_v10.1.0 |
set_reset_on_timeout_state | Sets the states to indicate whether reset on timeout is enabled. The default value is enabled. When it is enabled and the watchdog failures exceed the max watchdog failure, the system resets the connection. | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
set_retransmit_timeout | Sets the retransmit timeout in seconds. This setting specifies the number of seconds the BIG-IP waits to retransmit the request messages, if it does not receive the corresponding answer messages. The default value is 10. You can specify a numeric value in the range from 0 to 4294967295. The recommended value is in the range of 5 to 30. | BIG-IP_v11.3.0 |
set_watchdog_timeout | Sets the watchdog timeout in seconds. This setting specifies the number of seconds that a connection is idle before the device watchdog request is sent. The default value is zero, which means BIG-IP will not send a device watchdog request to either client or server side. You can specify a numeric value in the range from 0 to 4294967295. The recommended value is in the range of 6 to 30. | BIG-IP_v11.0.0 |
A struct that describes statistics for a particular Diameter profile.
A struct that describes profile statistics and timestamp.
Alias | Type | Description |
ProfileDiameterStatisticEntrySequence | ProfileDiameterStatisticEntry [] | A sequence of ProfileDiameter statistics. |
See Also¶
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Sample Code¶
The BIG-IP API Reference documentation contains community-contributed content. F5 does not monitor or control community code contributions. We make no guarantees or warranties regarding the available code, and it may contain errors, defects, bugs, inaccuracies, or security vulnerabilities. Your access to and use of any code available in the BIG-IP API reference guides is solely at your own risk.