
Introduced : BIG-IP_v11.4.0
The Subscriber interface allows you to create (or provision) static subscribers using Policy Enforcement Manager. Subscribers are typically mobile device users that purchase service plans from service providers. To identify the subscriber, you can specify the subscriber ID type, subscriber ID, and optional IP address. You also associate one or more policies that define actions to take for that subscriber.


Method Description Introduced
add_policy Add a set of policies for the specified subscribers. BIG-IP_v11.4.0
create Creates a set of PEM subscribers. BIG-IP_v11.4.0
delete_all_subscribers Deletes all user defined subscribers. BIG-IP_v11.4.0
delete_sessiondb_entry Resets/deletes the SessionDB entries associated with the specified keys. Subscriber ID or session IP could be the key. Subscriber ID takes precedence. The session IP is searched based on the subscriber ID first. If the result is not empty, the returned session IP is used as the key to search entries. If the result is empty, the user specified session IP is then used. Users must specify the keys; in other words, wild deletion is not supported currently. BIG-IP_v11.4.0
delete_subscriber Deletes the specified subscribers. BIG-IP_v11.4.0
get_ip_address Gets the IP addresses for the specified subscribers. BIG-IP_v11.4.0
get_list Gets a list of all subscribers. BIG-IP_v11.4.0
get_policy Get a set of policies for the specified subscribers. When you associate a policy with a subscriber, the system enforces the rules in the policy on that subscriber. The policy rules specify criteria for traffic to meet, then apply actions to that traffic. For example, a rule can say all P2P traffic for this subscriber must be blocked or sent to a pool of servers meant to handle this type of traffic. BIG-IP_v11.4.0
get_sessiondb_entry Gets the SessionDB entries associated with the specified keys. Subscriber ID or session IP could be the key. Subscriber ID takes precedence. The session IP is searched based on the subscriber ID first. If the result is not empty, the returned session IP is used as the key to search entries. If the result is empty, the user specified session IP is then used. Users must specify the keys; in other words, wildcard query is not supported. BIG-IP_v11.4.0
get_subscriber_id_type Gets the subscriber id types for the specified subscribers. BIG-IP_v11.4.0
get_version Gets the version information for this interface. BIG-IP_v11.4.0
load_subscribers Loads static subscribers into this PEM. The static subscribers file is a csv file with the following fields: Subscriber ID, Subscriber ID Type, IP address, Policy 1, Policy 2, …, Policy N. For example, here is a sample from such a file: subscriber1, e164,, bronze, gold, silver. The filename is either an absolute file name with the full path or a base file name under the folder: /var/local/pem/subscribers/. For more information about static subscriber, please refer to the PEM subscriber interface. BIG-IP_v11.4.0
remove_policy Remove a set of policies for the specified subscribers. BIG-IP_v11.4.0
set_ip_address Sets the IP addresses for the specified subscribers. The subscriber is identified by subscriber ID type, subscriber ID (it&aposs often a phone number like 4081112222 for E.164). The system can obtain subscriber identity by looking at RADIUS traffic (if present), or by analyzing subscriber data traffic. RADIUS provides much more information about the subscriber. Although analyzing subscriber traffic is more limited, it does provide the subscriber IP address. The system must have the subscriber IP address in order for PEM to do policy enforcement. BIG-IP_v11.4.0
set_subscriber_id_type Sets the subscriber id types for the specified subscribers. The subscriber ID type describes the format of the information used to identify a subscriber in the subscriber ID. The best practice is to delete and re-create the subscriber with a compatible key, and optionally use a transaction to do it if desired. BIG-IP_v11.4.0





A struct that contains the policy information.


A struct that describes a SessionDB entry and related statistics.


A struct that describes a key used to query/delete SessionDB entries.


Enumeration Description
SessionDBPolicyType An enum type that describes the policy types.
SessionDBSubscriberType An enum type that describes the subscriber types.
SubscriberIdType Specifies a unique identifier (up to 64 characters) for the subscriber, such as a phone number. The subscriber ID type determines the format of the subscriber ID value.


Exception Description


Constant Type Value Description


Alias Type Description
PolicyInformationSequence PolicyInformation [] A sequence of PolicyInformation.
SessionDBEntrySequence SessionDBEntry [] A list of SessionDBEntries.
SessionDBEntrySequenceSequence SessionDBEntry [] [] A sequence of sequence of SessionDBEntries.
SessionDBKeySequence SessionDBKey [] A list of SessionDBKey structs.
SubscriberIdTypeSequence SubscriberIdType [] A sequence of subscriber id types.

See Also


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