
This iRules command returns tcp header information.
Note: throws an error if L4 protocol of the current connection is not TCP


DATAGRAM::tcp flags
DATAGRAM::tcp option [option-code]
DATAGRAM::tcp option_count [option-code]

DATAGRAM::tcp flags

  • This command returns TCP header flags as an integer value.

DATAGRAM::tcp option

  • This command returns a Tcl list of TCP options. See DATAGRAM::ip option for details on behavior.

DATAGRAM::tcp option [option-code]

  • This command returns a Tcl list of TCP option values for TCP option with a given option code. See DATAGRAM::ip option for details on behavior.

DATAGRAM::tcp option_count

  • This command returns a number of TCP options in the TCP header of IP datagram.

DATAGRAM::tcp option_count [option-code]

  • This command returns a number of TCP options with specified option code in the TCP hesder of IP datagram.
