HTTP Super SIDEBAND Requestor (Client) Handles Redirects, Cookies, Chunked Transfer, APM Access, etc¶
Mark’s HTTP Super SIDEBAND Requestor!¶
if {[call /Common/HSSR::http_req -uri $dbURI -rbody xpool
-form [list country [whereis [IP::client_addr] country]]] == 200} { pool $xpool }
Save this iRule in the Common partition under the name HSSR. Other iRules will call procs (mainly http_req) from HSSR, e.g.,
set status [call /Common/HSSR::http_req -uri $someURL -state xyz]
call /Common/HSSR::http_done xyz
If you wish HSSR to query DNS nameservers in a Route Domain other than the default Route Domain 0 you must use the
option to pass HSSR the name of a virtual server which you have configured with a pool of forwarding nameservers for the non-0 Route Domain. See the explanation of the -ns option below.
Usage and Options¶
Every http_req option argument, such as
, takes exactly one value argument, such as
set sts [call /Common/HSSR::http_req -uri "" \
-tag "getX" -rbody rbody]
log "server returned status=${sts}, content=${rbody}"
set sts [call /Common/HSSR::http_req -uri "" \
-virt /Common/vs-HSSR-helper -tag "getX" -rbody rbody]
log "server returned status=${sts}, content=${rbody}"
set sts [call /Common/HSSR::http_req -uri "" \
-form [list srcIP [IP::client_addr] userID $userID] -rbody xpool]
#actual query will look like: /user2pool?srcIP=
if {$sts == 200} { pool $xpool }
for use with subsequent requests. Value of
is also in
set logonform [list username "service_acct_RO" password "g7W2n0m8"]
set s1 [call /Common/HSSR::http_req -state hstate -virt /Common/vs-HSSR-helper \
-uri "" -method POST -form $logonform -redir 0]
if {$s1 == 302} {
#logon succeeded (otherwise server returns 200 with a blank logon form)
set s2 [call /Common/HSSR::http_req -state hstate \
-uri "" -rbody info]
if {$s2 == 200} {
log "server returned info=${info}"
#do something with $info
} else {
#logon failed. Do something?
-(state|rbody|rheader|rcookies|rformat) pqr
name variables
option | value |
-uri | absolute URI of target (required) |
-virt (optional) | name of LTM virtual server to connect to. If given, used in lieu of host:port from -uri
(or host:port from -proxy
URL). Default: none (see explanation below). -virt
value will be reused from -state
info (see below) until you give -virt
option again. To stop using -virt
from state info specify -virt {}
. |
-state (optional) | name of variable in which connection state (plus cookies, credentials, custom headers, -virt
value, -proxy
value, and -ns
value) will be stored between calls to http_req. In use this looks like -state xyz
(no $
before xyz
). Default: none (stateless operation). |
lets http_req perform better by keeping a SIDEBAND connection open between requests when appropriate (http_req will manage connections properly).
-state xyz
you may invoke
call /Common/HSSR::http_close xyz
after your final call to http_req to free SIDEBAND resources immediately (and discard all other state info such as cookies, so be careful). http_close is optional because open connections will close automatically after a while (see
-uri URI
to connect to the host specified in the target URI using HTTP over TCP/IP. (The source IP for each connection will be some BIG-IP Self-IP.) HTTP redirects to different URI hosts (see
-virt VIRT
to query a service provided by a virtual-server on the current BIG-IP device. It doesn’t matter what IP address or port virtual-server VIRT uses, nor whether it has a Client SSL Profile. You must still supply
-virt HELPER
to connect to some service via virtual-server HELPER on the same BIG-IP. A helper virtual server proxies connections to some other host(s) using LTM features (pools, nodes, etc.) and may have a Server SSL Profile so it can connect to TLS-protected (https) services. You must still supply
-proxy PROXY-URI
then a connection is made to the specified HTTP proxy host instead of to the host named in
-uri URI
or any HTTP-redirect URI hosts.
, your
URI must include some hostname or IP address (which by default will be copied into the HTTP
header). If you do not set
, then: ensure your BIG-IP DNS setup is valid so
works; or supply the
option; or put server IP (or IP:port) in
URI. If you put server IP into URI you may use the
option to force a hostname (rather than numeric IP) into the HTTP
header (plus TLS SNI when using HSSR-helper). To make https requests you must use
-virt /Common/vs-HSSR-helper
-tag | a short name for target (e.g., hostname) just for local logging. |
-key | a short ID for this particular request in the local log, such as [ACCESS::session data get sess
ion.user.display_sessionid] . Default is client address:port (if available). |
option | value |
-rbody | name (without $
) of variable to receive (final) response entity body. -rbody
value will be a TCL string in either binary or Unicode-text format (perhaps transcoded, in the latter case, from text in another charset like ISO-8859-1; see -rformat
value to find out which). (This is mandated by the way iRules TCL strings work. See -rformat
and -sniff
options plus Note 1 for more details.) |
-rheaders | name of variable to receive (final) reply headers. A fake header X-HSSR-Charset
will be appended to indicate what charset (if any) http_req thinks was used to encode the response entity body (see the -sniff
option). |
-rcookies | name of variable to receive final summary of cookies (just cookie names and values, so beware of duplicate names). |
-rformat | name of variable which will be set to “binary” or “text” to indicate format of -rbody
value. May be used without -rbody
option. |
-maxbody | longest acceptable response body (octets). Default 1 Mbyte. Before increasing -maxbody
length-limit review SOL6578. |
is optional and
option | value |
-method | [GET|POST|…], default is GET. |
-form | a TCL list of (alternating) form-field names and values to submit to -uri
, like [list "name" "homer" "food" "d
onut”] . The form-field data will be converted to format application/x-www-form-urlenco
ded then appended to URI if -method
is GET or HEAD, uploaded in request body otherwise (e.g., POST). Note that with GET -form
yields standard query-string format like
ng?name=homer&food=donut . Values must be text. A suitable Content-Type
header will be sent. You may not use both -form
and -(body|type)
at the same time. Default: none. |
-body | data to send (e.g., with -method POST
). Default: none (but see -form
option). Also set -type
. |
-type | value of Content-Type
header to send with -body
data, such as “ application/json; charset=utf-
8 ” or multipart/form-data
. It is very important to set -type
when sending -body
data! Default: none. |
-headers | list of alternating HTTP header names and values to add to request, such as {Accept text/* Accept-Language
. These headers override any corresponding defaults except for Host
and Content-(Length|Type)
. Defaults: {Accept */* Accept-Language en
User-Agent {BigIP/nn.xxxx (HSSRv
2)} Accept-Charset {utf-8;q=1, is o-8859-1;q=0.9, *;q=0.8} Accept-E ncoding identity} where nn.xxxx is TMOS version+ build-identifier and (HSSRv2) is version string for HTTP Super SIDEBAND Requestor. Headers set using -headers
will be reused from -state
info until you set -headers
again. To cancel all custom headers give option -headers [list]
. |
-cookies | list of alternating cookie names and values to inject into request. Default: none. (To accumulate cookies between calls to http_req use the -state
option. Do not copy -rcookies
value to -cookies
.) |
-userid | a username for Basic Authentication (default none) and… |
-passwd | …a password (missing -passwd
value defaults to empty string). NB: to gain speed in the normal case, these credentials will be sent preemptively and promiscuously to all servers queried (even after redirection). Credentials will be reused from -state
info until you specify -(userid|passwd)
again. To clear credentials give option -userid {}
. |
-nocache | [false|true] where false=trust upstream caches to do their jobs; true=demand fresh responses from origin servers. Default: false. Note: -nocache true
may cause delays. Also, http_req does not cache content locally; if you need a local cache, use a helper virtual server with a cache profile. |
-ns | IP address of a single DNS nameserver or name (like /Common/vs-dns) of a virtual server having a pool of nameservers, which should be used to resolve hostnames in URI’s to IP addresses. Default: none (use BIG-IP management-plane BIND forwarding nameservers, per SOL12224). To make HSSR query nameservers in a Route Domain other than 0 you should use -ns
with a virtual server using a pool of nameservers in the Route Domain of interest. Value of -ns
will be reused from -state
info until you give -ns
option again. To stop using custom nameserver specify -ns {}
. |
-hostname (optional) | hostname to place in HTTP Host header rather than hostname or IPaddress from -uri
URI. |
-proxy | URL (like
/ ) of HTTP proxy to use for both http and https requests. To access the proxy itself via TLS you will need a helper virtual server. If you access a proxy via plain http you may omit -virt
but your traffic will not be secure en-route to proxy. If proxy wants authentication (Basic AuthN only) place user-ID and password into proxy URL like this: https://userid:password@proxy. . Default: none. The value of -proxy
will be reused from -state
info until you give -proxy
option again. To stop using any proxy specify -proxy {}
. |
option | value |
-redir | [0|**1**|2] where 0=don’t follow redirects; 1=follow redirects and retry POST/PUT/?? after any redir out-and-back (supports POST to an APM-protected resource), but if -virt
is set send all requests to it; 2=like 1 except do not retry POST/etc. Default is 1. |
-expect | [0|100] where 0=send -(body|form)
data with request headers; 100=send request headers then wait for server prompt before sending content (sometimes used with WS+SOAP). Default is 0. |
-sniff | [0|1|**2**|3|4|5] where 0=determine content charset strictly per rfc2616 so text defaults to ISO-8859-1; 1=like 0 but text defaults to UTF-8; 2=when charset is not set by rfc2616 header, determine charset heuristically (W3C method; best); 3=treat response as ISO-8859-1 text regardless of headers or other info; 4=treat response as UTF-8 text regardless; 5=treat response as binary no matter what. Default 2 (see Note 1). You may use -rheaders
option and inspect value of X-HSSR-Charset
to learn http_req’s charset determination (likely easier than parsing reply headers and body yourself). |
-munch | [0|**1**] where 0=enforce cookie origin rules; 1=accept and send cookies liberally when hostname in -uri
is not FQDN (helpful when you access some resource with just IP or a short alias for host in -uri
, perhaps by using -virt
). Default is 1. |
-timeout | maximum wait for connection in milliseconds. Default 7500. |
-wait | maximum wait for server response in seconds. Default 10. The receive-polling interval is proportional to -wait
. Note: to fetch a very large response from a slow server you may have to increase -wait
. |
-idle | maximum idle time on connection in seconds. Default 300. |
-maxtime | number of seconds after which http_req will cease trying to complete request and just return the current status. Use this option to limit “tolerance stacking” whereby a series of redirects and other delays, each of which seems tolerable by itself, may sum to an intolerable delay. Default is roughly 4-1/2 minutes using default -wait
and -timeout
values. Note: setting -maxtime
isn’t mandatory; http_req always terminates even if server is malicious (see Note 2). |
-debug | [0|1] where 1 means log debug info. Default is 0. |
APM+LTM SSO Cookie Example¶
when RULE_INIT {
set static::logon_uri ""
set static::rex {(?i)<input [^>]* name=["']?authenticity_token["']?[^>]*>}
set static::chief_cookie "_webOE_session"
set sid [ACCESS::session sid]
#get logon form with fresh anti-XSRF token
set sts [call /Common/HSSR::http_req -virt /Common/vs-HSSR-helper \
-state hstate -uri $static::logon_uri -rbody logonform]
if { ($sts != 200) ||
![regexp $static::rex $logonform elem] ||
![regexp {(?i) value=['"]?([^ '">]{1,})} $elem junk token] } {
log local0.err "cannot get XSRF token from ${static::logon_uri} for sid ${sid}"
call /Common/HSSR::http_close hstate
ACCESS::session remove
#submit logon form with anti-XSRF token plus name & password
#to obtain application session cookies
set uid [ACCESS::session data get "session.sso.token.last.username"]
set pwd [ACCESS::session data get -secure "session.sso.token.last.password"]
set sts [call /Common/HSSR::http_req -state hstate \
-uri $static::logon_uri -redir 0 -rcookies cookies \
-rheaders headers -method POST \
-form [list authenticity_token $token username $uid password $pwd]]
unset pwd ; #not something to leave lying around
if { ($sts == 302) &&
([lsearch $cookies $static::chief_cookie] >= 0) } {
#pass server cookies to client
set locn [ACCESS::session data get "session.server.landinguri"]
set resp "ACCESS::respond 302 Location ${locn}\x20"
foreach nam val $headers {
if {[string tolower $nam] eq "set-cookie"} {
append resp "Set-Cookie \x7b${val}\x7d\x20"
eval $resp
} else {
log "sid ${sid} user ${uid} logon refused by ${static::logon_uri}"
ACCESS::session remove
call /Common/HSSR::http_close hstate
Note 1: The format of
value (binary or text (=Unicode), see the
option) depends on content-mimetype as well as charset. For textual content-types (explicit or sniffed), if charset is not recognized as one which iRules can transcode to Unicode, then
value will be a binary string. If charset can be transcoded to Unicode, then
value will be a Unicode string no matter what any headers say. (For non-text content like
format will be binary, of course.) The
(fake) header shows approximately what the original character set was (ASCII and Windows-1252 map to ISO-8859-1). (Note: If you control the remote server, make it send a
header with suitable
on every response!) If your server does not indicate charset but you are certain it is always the same for
mimetypes, you may set
-sniff [0|1]
to save a few cycles. You may use
-sniff [3|4|5]
when you are very confident of response format. (Without charset info in headers
-sniff 2
Security Warnings¶
HSSR-helper for Mark’s HTTP Super SIDEBAND Requestor! (v2.1)¶
to your helper virtual server. E.g.,
[call /Common/HSSR::http_req -virt /Common/vs-HSSR-helper -uri ...]
iRule HSSR Source¶
#== Mark's HTTP Super SIDEBAND Requestor! (v2.1) =====================
# Save THIS iRule in the Common partition under the name 'HSSR'. Other
# iRules will "call" procs (mainly 'http_req') from /Common/HSSR, e.g.,
# "set status [call /Common/HSSR::http_req -uri $someURL -state xyz]"
# and "call /Common/HSSR::http_done -state xyz".
# Also install iRule /Common/HSSR-helper (see below) for when you want to
# connect to a TLS-protected (https) service.
# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# // Follow SOL12224 to avert issues resolving hostnames in URI's after //
# \\ you set System:Configuration:Device:DNS:BIND_Forwarder_Server_List \\
# \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
# Changes from previous version: iRules proc implementation; persistent-
# connection support; full/proper cookie support; IPv6 support; universal
# outbound HTTP(S) helper-virtual-server support (including SNI); easy
# HTML form submission; HTTP proxy support; HTTP 100-Continue support for
# Web Services; good RFC compliance; content character-set sniffing; much
# more besides!
# This iRule implements a nifty HTTP client 'http_req' using SIDEBAND.
# It handles challenges like redirects and cookies (lets you access APM-
# protected services!), IPv6, chunked transfer coding, easy HTML forms,
# and Basic AuthN.
# You may connect directly to remote HTTP servers or to virtual servers
# (http/https) on your LTM. To connect to HTTPS remote servers you must
# utilize a simple helper virtual server with a Server SSL Profile. For
# universal outbound HTTP(S) support attach the iRule 'HSSR-helper' to
# your helper virtual server. See 'HSSR-helper' for easy setup details.
# Basic usage example:
# set sts [call /Common/HSSR::http_req -uri "" \
# -virt /Common/vs-HSSR-helper \
# -tag "get-bar" -rbody rbody]
# log "server returned status=${sts}, content=${rbody}"
# NOTE: values for "-(state|rbody|rheaders|rcookies|rformat) pqr" NAME
# VARIABLES $pqr INTO WHICH DATA WILL BE PLACED, destroying any previous
# contents!
# Return value from http_req is HTTP status code ('555' indicates some
# local problem--check the LTM log). You may give options in any order
# but if you repeat an option the later value replaces the earlier.
# You supply:
# -uri = absolute URI of target (required!)
# -virt = (optional) name of LTM virtual server to connect to--if set,
# used in lieu of host:port from -uri (or host:port from
# -proxy url). -virt value will be reused from -state info
# (see below) until you give -virt option again. To stop using
# -virt specify "-virt {}". Note: use of -virt is required to
# make https requests, and is useful when accessing a resource
# represented by a virtual server on your BIG-IP.
# Even when you set -virt, your -uri URI must include some hostname or
# IP address (which by default will be copied into the HTTP Host header).
# If you do not set -virt, then: ensure your BIG-IP DNS setup is valid
# so [RESOLV::lookup] works; or supply the -ns option; or put server IP
# (or IP:port) in -uri URI. If you put server IP into URI you may use
# the -host option to force a hostname (rather than numeric IP) into the
# HTTP Host header (plus TLS SNI when using 'HSSR-helper'). To make
# https requests you must use "-virt /Common/vs-HSSR-helper" or similar.
# Attach the iRule 'HSSR-helper' to your helper-virtual-server.
# IMPORTANT: If you will make multiple requests, either to a single
# server or to various servers which use cookies, PLEASE supply:
# -state = name of variable in which connection state (including cookies,
# credentials, custom headers, -virt value, -proxy value, and
# -ns value) will be stored between calls to http_req. In use
# this looks like "-state xyz" (no '$' before "xyz"). Using
# -state lets http_req perform better by keeping a SIDEBAND
# connection open between requests when appropriate. Storing
# cookies also improves performance in most cases. If using
# "-state xyz" you may "call /Common/HSSR::http_close xyz"
# after your final call to http_req. NOTE: preserve the
# value of $xyz between calls to http_req. Default: none
# (stateless operation).
# You should supply as well:
# -tag = a short name for target (e.g., hostname) just for local logging.
# -key = a short ID for this particular request in the local log, such
# as [ACCESS::session data get session.user.display_sessionid].
# Default is client address:port if available.
# To receive data from the target server into variables, indicate:
# -rbody = name (without '$') of variable to receive (final) response
# entity body. -rbody value will be a TCL string in either
# binary or Unicode-text format (perhaps transcoded, in the
# latter case, from text in another charset like ISO-8859-1);
# see -rformat value to find out which! (This is mandated by
# the way iRules TCL strings work. See -rformat and -sniff
# options plus [Note 1] for more details.)
# -rformat = name of variable which will be set to "binary" or "text" to
# indicate format of -rbody value. May be used without
# -rbody option.
# -rheaders = name of variable to receive (final) reply headers. A fake
# header 'X-HSSR-Charset' will be appended to indicate what
# charset (if any) http_req thinks was used to encode the
# response entity body (see the -sniff option).
# -rcookies = name of variable to receive final summary of cookies (just
# cookie names and values, so beware of duplicate names).
# -maxbody = longest acceptable response body (octets). Default 1 Mbyte.
# Before increasing -maxbody length-limit review SOL6578.
# Each of -(rbody|rheaders|rcookies|rformat) is optional and -(rheaders|
# rcookies) variables, if requested, will be lists of alternating names
# and values.
# For speed, http_req only sniffs content-type when one or more of
# options -(rbody|rheaders|rformat) are specified.
# You may optionally supply the following (use only ASCII characters in
# values of options other than -body and -form):
# -method = [GET|POST|...], default is GET.
# -form = a TCL list of (alternating) form-field names and values to
# submit to -uri, like [list "name" "homer" "food" "doughnut"].
# After conversion to 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
# format the form-field data is appended to URI if -method is
# GET or HEAD, uploaded in request body otherwise. (With GET
# or HEAD, -form yields standard query-string format like
# "".)
# Values must be text. A suitable Content-Type header will be
# sent. You may not use -form and -(body|type) at the same
# time. Default: none.
# -body = data to send (e.g., when method is POST). Default: none (but
# see -form option).
# -type = value of Content-Type header to send with -body data, such as
# "application/json; charset=utf-8" or "multipart/form-data".
# It is very important to set -type when sending -body data!
# Default: none.
# -headers = list of alternating HTTP header names and values to add to
# request, such as {Accept text/* Accept-Language fr-CA}.
# These headers override any corresponding defaults except
# Host and Content-(Type|Length). Defaults: {Accept */*
# Accept-Language en User-Agent {BigIP/nn.xxxx (HSSRv2)}
# Accept-Charset {utf-8;q=1, iso-8859-1;q=0.9, *;q=0.8}
# Accept-Encoding identity} where nn.xxxx is TMOS version+
# build-identifier and (HSSRv2) is version string for HTTP
# Super SIDEBAND Requestor. Headers set using -headers will
# be reused from -state info until you set -headers again.
# To cancel all custom headers give option "-headers [list]".
# -cookies = list of alternating cookie names and values to inject into
# request. Default: none. (To accumulate cookies between
# calls to http_req use the -state option. DO NOT copy
# -rcookies value to -cookies.)
# -userid = a username for Basic Authentication (default none) and...
# -passwd = ...a password (missing -passwd defaults to empty string)
# NB: to gain speed in the normal case, these credentials
# will be sent preemptively and promiscuously to all servers
# queried (even after redirection). Credentials will be
# reused from -state info until you supply -(userid|passwd)
# again. To clear credentials give option "-userid {}".
# -nocache = [false|true] where *false*=trust upstream caches to do their
# jobs; true=demand fresh responses from origin servers.
# Default: false. Note: "-nocache true" may cause delays.
# Also, http_req does not cache content locally--if you need
# a cache, use a helper virtual server with a cache profile.
# -ns = IP of DNS nameserver or name (e.g., /Common/vs-dns) of a virtual
# server having a pool of nameservers to resolve hostnames in
# URI's to IP addresses. Default: none; use LTM nameserver(s).
# Value of -ns will be reused from -state info until you give
# -ns option again. To stop using a custom nameserver supply
# "-ns {}".
# -hostname = (optional) hostname to place in HTTP Host header rather
# than IP address or hostname from -uri URI.
# To utilize an HTTP(S) proxy server, supply:
# -proxy = URL of HTTP proxy (like "") to
# use for BOTH http and https requests. To access the proxy
# itself via TLS you will need a helper virtual server (e.g.,
# "-virt /Common/vs-HSSR-helper"). If you access a proxy
# via plain http you may omit -virt but your traffic will NOT
# be secure en-route to proxy. If proxy wants authentication
# (Basic AuthN only) place user-ID and password into proxy URL
# like this: "".
# Default: none. The value of -proxy will be reused from
# -state info until you give -proxy option again. To stop
# using any proxy supply "-proxy {}".
# In special cases you may wish to supply:
# -redir = [0|1|2] where 0=don't follow redirects; *1*=follow redirects
# and retry POST/PUT/?? after any redir out-and-back (supports
# POST to an APM-protected resource) but if -virt is set send
# all requests to it; 2=like 1 except do not retry POST/etc.
# Default is 1.
# -expect = [0|100] where *0*=send -(body|form) data with request headers;
# 100=send request headers then wait for server prompt before
# sending content. (Used with WS+SOAP). Default is 0.
# -sniff = [0|1|2|3|4|5] where 0=determine content charset strictly per
# rfc2616 so text defaults to ISO-8859-1; 1=like 0 but text
# defaults to UTF-8; *2*=when charset is not set by rfc2616
# header, determine charset heuristically (W3C method--best);
# 3=treat response as ISO-8859-1 text regardless of headers or
# other info; 4=treat response as UTF-8 text regardless;
# 5=treat response as binary no matter what. Default 2. [See
# Note 1] You may use -rheaders option and inspect value of
# "X-HSSR-Charset" to learn http_req's charset determination
# (likely easier than parsing reply headers and body yourself).
# -munch = [0|1] where 0=enforce cookie origin rules; *1*=accept and send
# cookies liberally when hostname in -uri is not FQDN (helpful
# when you access some resource with just IP or a short alias
# for host in -uri, perhaps by using -virt). Default is 1.
# -timeout = maximum wait for connection in milliseconds. Default 7500.
# -wait = maximum wait for server response in seconds. Default 10. The
# receive-polling interval is proportional to -wait. Note: to
# fetch a very large response you may have to increase -wait.
# -idle = maximum idle time on connection in seconds. Default 300.
# -maxtime = number of seconds after which http_req will cease trying to
# complete request and just return the current status. Use
# this option to limit "tolerance stacking" whereby a series
# of redirects and other delays, each of which seems
# tolerable by itself, may sum to an intolerable delay.
# Default is roughly 4-1/2 minutes using default -wait and
# -timeout values. Note: setting -maxtime isn't mandatory;
# http_req always terminates even if server is malicious.
# [See Note 2]
# -debug = [0|1] where 1 means log debug info. Default is 0.
# [Note 1] The format (binary or text (=Unicode), see -rformat option)
# of -rbody value depends on content-mimetype as well as charset. FOR
# TEXTUAL CONTENT-TYPES (explicit or sniffed), IF charset is NOT
# recognized as one which iRules can transcode to Unicode, THEN -rbody
# value will be a BINARY string. IF charset CAN be transcoded to
# Unicode, THEN -rbody value WILL BE a UNICODE string NO MATTER WHAT ANY
# HEADERS SAY. (For non-text content like image/jpeg, -rbody format
# will be binary, of course.) The X-HSSR-Charset (fake) header shows
# approximately what the original character set was (ASCII and
# Windows-1252 map to ISO-8859-1). (Note: If you control the remote
# server, make it send a Content-Type header with suitable charset=XXX
# on every response!) IF your server does NOT indicate charset BUT you
# are CERTAIN it is ALWAYS the same for text/* mimetypes, you may set
# -sniff [0|1] to save a few cycles. You may use -sniff [3|4|5] when
# you are very confident of response format. (Without charset info
# in headers "-sniff 2" may mistake other ISO-8859-* charsets for
# ISO-8859-1; they are very hard to distinguish).
# [Note 2] Do not write to me about the Halting Problem.
# SECURITY NOTES: for performance reasons this code sends Basic AuthN
# credentials promiscuously. Also this code does NOT validate all inputs
# strictly, nor will it prevent a malicious server wasting some BIG-IP
# memory. Do not expect this code to protect correspondent systems; for
# example, this code will accept and repeat cookies with invalid (per
# rfc6265) and probably dangerous names. NB: if you supply bogus options
# this code may produce unsought results.
# Copyright &copr; 2014 Mark Seecof. Permission to modify and distribute
# granted gratis on condition that you include this notice with each copy.
when RULE_INIT {
#IPv6 hostname per rfc2732; we recognize IPv6 but don't validate strictly
set static::HSSR_urlsplit {(?i)^(https?)://(?:([^:@]+):?([^@]*)@)?((?:\x5b[0-9a-f:.]{2,45}(?:%[0-9a-z:.]{1,18})?\x5d)|(?:[0-9.a-z-]{1,255}))(?::([0-9]{0,5}))?([*]|(?:/[^\x23]*)?)(?:\x23.*|)$}
set static::HSSR_ipv6match {(?i)[\x5b]?([0-9a-f:.]{2,45}(?:%[0-9a-z:.]{1,18})?)[\x5d]?}
set static::HSSR_ckymatch {^([^=\x24\x5c\x7b\x7d\x20\t]+)="?([^\x22;,\x20\t\x5c]*)"?(?:[\x20\t]*;[\x20\t]*(.*))?$}
set static::HSSR_quiver {(?i)<meta[\x20\t][^>]*[\x20\t]?http-equiv=['\x22]?content-type['\x22\x20\t]?[^>]*>}
set static::HSSR_csetmeta {(?i)<meta[\x20\t]+charset=['\x22]?([^'\x22>]+)}
set static::HSSR_xmlenc {(?i)<[?]xml[\x20\t]+.*encoding=['\x22]?([^'\x22?>]+)}
#string option names (sort alphabetically)
set static::HSSR_s_opts [list body cookies form headers hostname key \
method nocache ns passwd proxy rbody rcookies \
rformat rheaders state tag type uri userid virt]
#integer options (sort these too)
set static::HSSR_n_opts [list debug expect idle maxbody maxtime munch \
redir sniff timeout wait]
#and these as well...
set static::HSSR_done [list accept accept-charset accept-encoding \
accept-language content-length content-type host \
user-agent x-hssr-helper]
set static::HSSR_nogo [list closed closing failed timeout]
proc http_req {args} {
#set me [lindex [info level 0] 0]
#oops, in TMOS 11.4-5 [info level 0] unavailing and [info frame] undefined
set me "http_req"
set uri ""
set virt "!"
set hostname ""
set state ""
set tag "HSSR"
set key ""
set rbody ""
set rformat ""
set rheaders ""
set rcookies ""
set method "GET"
set form [list]
set body ""
set type ""
set headers [list "!" "!"]
set cookies [list]
set userid "\x19"
set passwd ""
set proxy "!"
set ns "!"
set expect 0
set nocache false
set sniff 2
set redir 1
set munch 1
set timeout 7500
set wait 10
set idle 300
set maxtime 0
set maxbody 1048576
set debug 0
set e ""
set visits 0
while {[incr visits] < 2} {
if {[llength $args] & 1} {
set e "arguments must be '-option value' pairs"
} else {
foreach {n v} $args {
set opt [string range $n 1 end]
set xn -1
if {!($n starts_with "-") ||
( ([lsearch -sorted $static::HSSR_s_opts $opt] < 0) &&
([set xn [lsearch -sorted $static::HSSR_n_opts $opt]] < 0) )} {
set e "option '${n}' not recognized"
if {($xn >= 0) && [regexp {[^0-9]} $v]} {
set e "option ${n} value must be integer"
set $opt $v
#evade iRules checker so we can be called from events
#on different kinds of virtual server, etc
if {($key eq "") &&
![catch {eval "IP::client_addr"} key] &&
![catch {eval "IP::protocol"} pn] &&
([set qry [expr {($pn == 6) ? "TCP::client_port" :
(($pn == 17) ? "UDP::client_port" : "")}]] ne "") &&
![catch {eval $qry} tmp]} {
append key ":" $tmp
set tkm "${tag} ${key}: ${me}"
if {$e ne ""} { break }
#saved state (possibly reuse connection)?
if {$state ne ""} { upvar 1 $state stvar }
if {![info exists stvar] || ([llength $stvar] < 9)} {
set stvar [list false {} "" "" "" "" [list] "" ""]
} elseif {$debug && [lindex $stvar 0]} {
log "${tkm} might re-use conn to [lindex $stvar 2]"
foreach {connected conn cdest vs px nsvr crumbs creds kopf} $stvar { break }
if {$virt eq "!"} { set virt $vs }
if {$proxy eq "!"} { set proxy $px }
if {$ns ne "!"} { set nsvr [expr {($ns ne "") ? "@${ns}" : ""}] }
set ffcount [llength $form]
set bodylen [string bytelength $body]
set auth_hdrs ""
if {$uri eq ""} {
set e "you must supply -uri option!"
} elseif {![regexp $static::HSSR_urlsplit $uri junk schm ruid rpwd host port path] ||
([string length $path] > 2040)} {
set e "malformed -uri ${uri}"
} elseif {([set schm [string tolower $schm]] ne "") &&
[set rTLS [expr {[string index $schm end] eq "s"}]] &&
($virt eq "")} {
set e "SIDEBAND to TLS (https) needs helper virtual-server"
} elseif {$ffcount & 0x1} {
set e "-form value must list pairs of field names and values"
} elseif {$ffcount && ($bodylen || ($type ne ""))} {
set e "option -form precludes options -body or -type"
} elseif {$bodylen && (($method eq "GET") || ($method eq "HEAD"))} {
set e "option -body incompatible with -method ${method}"
} elseif {($path eq "*") && ($method ne "OPTIONS")} {
set e "URI path '*' valid only with -method OPTIONS"
} elseif {$ruid ne ""} {
set e "username+password in request URI not supported"
} elseif {[llength $headers] & 1} {
set e "-headers option invalid"
} elseif {[llength $cookies] & 1} {
set e "-cookies option invalid"
} elseif {$expect && ( ($expect != 100) || !($bodylen || $ffcount) ||
($method eq "GET") || ($method eq "HEAD") )} {
set e "use '-expect 100' only when sending -body or -form data"
} elseif {$proxy ne ""} {
if {![regexp $static::HSSR_urlsplit $proxy junk pxy_s pxy_uid pxy_pwd pxy_h pxy_p]} {
set e "-proxy URL invalid"
set pxy_s [string tolower $pxy_s]
set pxy_h [string tolower $pxy_h]
if {[string index $pxy_h 0] eq "\x5b"} {
set pxy_h [string map [list "%25" "%"] $pxy_h]
regexp $static::HSSR_ipv6match $pxy_h junk raddr
} else {
if {[string index $pxy_h end] eq "."} {
set pxy_h [string range $pxy_h 0 end-1]
if {![catch {IP::addr $pxy_h mask}]} {
set raddr [eval format "::ffff:%02x%02x:%02x%02x" [split $pxy_h "."]]
} else {
if {!( ([set tmp [lindex [eval "RESOLV::lookup ${nsvr} inet -a ${pxy_h}"] 0]] ne "") &&
([set raddr [eval format "::ffff:%02x%02x:%02x%02x" [split $tmp "."]]] ne "")
) &&
([set raddr [lindex [eval "RESOLV::lookup ${nsvr} inet6 -aaaa ${pxy_h}"] 0]] eq "") &&
($virt eq "")} {
set e "cannot resolve proxy host ${pxy_h} to IP address"
if {$pxy_p eq ""} {
set pxy_p [expr {([string index $pxy_s end] eq "s") ? "443" : "80"}]
set xhelper ""
if {$virt eq ""} {
set dest "${raddr}.${pxy_p}"
} else {
set dest $virt
if {$raddr ne ""} {
set xhelper "X-HSSR-Helper: [list $pxy_s $raddr $pxy_p [virtual] $key]\r\n"
if {$pxy_uid ne ""} {
append auth_hdrs "Proxy-Authorization: Basic\x20" \
[b64encode "${pxy_uid}:${pxy_pwd}"] "\r\n"
if {$debug} {
log "${tkm} will send requests via proxy ${pxy_h}:${pxy_p}"
} else {
set xhelper [set dest ""]
} ; #one-visit block
if {$e ne ""} {
log local0.err "${tkm} ${e}"
return -code error "${me} ${e}"
set host [string tolower $host]
if {[set ipv6 [expr {[string index $host 0] eq "\x5b"}]]} {
set host [string map [list "%25" "%"] $host]
regexp $static::HSSR_ipv6match $host junk haddr
} elseif {[string index $host end] eq "."} {
set host [string range $host 0 end-1]
if {$port eq ""} { set port [expr {$rTLS ? "443" : "80"}] }
set server "${host}:${port}"
if {$path eq ""} { set path "/" }
#milk helps us swallow cookies
set milk [expr {$munch && ![regexp {[^.][.][^.]+[^0-9\x5d]$} $host]}]
if {$userid eq ""} {
set creds ""
} elseif {$userid ne "\x19"} {
set creds "Authorization: Basic [b64encode "${userid}:${passwd}"]\r\n"
if {$creds ne ""} { append auth_hdrs $creds }
#reuse headers like User-Agent from saved state unless caller overrides
if {($kopf eq "") || ![llength $headers] ||
([lindex $headers 0] ne "!") || ([lindex $headers 1] ne "!")} {
set kopf ""
set v [expr {([set x [lsearch -regexp $headers {(?i)^Accept$}]] < 0) ? \
"*/*" : [lindex $headers [incr x]]}]
append kopf "Accept: ${v}\r\n"
set v [expr {([set x [lsearch -regexp $headers {(?i)^Accept-Charset$}]] < 0) ? \
"utf-8;q=1, iso-8859-1;q=0.8, *;q=0.6" : \
[lindex $headers [incr x]]}]
append kopf "Accept-Charset: ${v}\r\n"
set v [expr {([set x [lsearch -regexp $headers {(?i)^Accept-Encoding$}]] < 0) ? \
"identity" : [lindex $headers [incr x]]}]
append kopf "Accept-Encoding: ${v}\r\n"
set v [expr {([set x [lsearch -regexp $headers {(?i)^Accept-Language$}]] < 0) ? \
"en" : [lindex $headers [incr x]]}]
append kopf "Accept-Language: ${v}\r\n"
upvar #0 tcl_platform static::tcl_platform ; #SOL14544 workaround
set tmm_vers $static::tcl_platform(tmmVersion)
set v [expr {([set x [lsearch -regexp $headers {(?i)^User-Agent$}]] < 0) ? \
"BigIP/${tmm_vers} (HSSRv2.1)" : [lindex $headers [incr x]]}]
append kopf "User-Agent: ${v}\r\n"
if {[llength $headers] > 1} {
foreach {n v} $headers {
if {($n ne "!") &&
([lsearch -sorted $static::HSSR_done [string tolower $n]] < 0)} {
append kopf "${n}:\x20${v}\r\n"
#$crumbs format {name1 {dom1 path1 pathlen1 val1 exp1 secure1} name2 ...}
if {[llength $cookies]} {
set cdom [expr {$milk ? "***" : \
[expr {([string first "." $host] > 0) ? \
"*.${host}" : $host}] }]
set cpth "/"
set cpsz 1
set cexp 2147485546 ; #we yield one second to propitiate Saturn
set cscr 0
foreach {n v} $cookies {
set repl 0
#cookie names and paths ARE case-sensitive
foreach x [lsearch -all -exact $crumbs $n] {
set c [lindex $crumbs [incr x]]
if {([lindex $c 0] eq $cdom) && ([lindex $c 1] eq $cpth)} {
set crumbs [lreplace $crumbs $x $x [lreplace $c 3 5 $v $cexp $cscr]]
set repl 1
if {!$repl} {
lappend crumbs $n [list $cdom $cpth $cpsz $v $cexp $cscr]
if {$ffcount} {
#prepare to submit form
set w3c [list "%20" "+" "%0a" "%0d%0a"]
set utf8 0
set payload ""
set sep ""
foreach {n v} $form {
append payload $sep [string map $w3c [URI::encode $n]]
append payload "=" [string map $w3c [URI::encode $v]]
incr utf8 [expr {![string is ascii "${n}${v}"]}]
set sep "&"
if {($method eq "GET") || ($method eq "HEAD")} {
append path [expr {([string first "?" $path] < 0) ? "?" : "&"}]
append path $payload
} else {
set body $payload
set bodylen [string bytelength $body]
set type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
#we only assert charset= if payload contains non-ASCII so server
#will (generally) assume an acceptable charset, since we don't
#really know what server wants and ASCII is broadly compatible
if {$utf8} { append type "; charset=UTF-8" }
if {$wait < 0.2} { set wait 0.2 } ; #some eager-beager will try "-wait 0"
set wait_ms [expr {$wait * 1000}]
if {$maxtime} {
set maxclock [expr {[clock seconds] + $maxtime - ($timeout + $wait)}]
#max redirects we will follow
set rtry 7
set rslt 555
set hlist [list]
set booty "" ; set bootylen 0
set mimetype "unk/unk"
set charset "unk"
set who [set where [set how [set what [set when ""]]]]
while {[incr rtry -1] >= 0} {
#to whom will we connect?
if {$dest eq ""} {
if {$ipv6} {
set raddr $haddr
} elseif {![catch {IP::addr $host mask}]} {
set raddr [eval format "::ffff:%02x%02x:%02x%02x" [split $host "."]]
} else {
if {!( ([set tmp [lindex [eval "RESOLV::lookup ${nsvr} inet -a ${host}"] 0]] ne "") &&
([set raddr [eval format "::ffff:%02x%02x:%02x%02x" [split $tmp "."]]] ne "")
) &&
([set raddr [lindex [eval "RESOLV::lookup ${nsvr} inet6 -aaaa ${host}"] 0]] eq "") &&
($virt eq "")} {
set e "cannot resolve ${host} to IP address"
set rtry -2
set xhelper ""
if {$virt eq ""} {
set dest "${raddr}.${port}"
} else {
set dest $virt
if {$raddr ne ""} {
set xhelper "X-HSSR-Helper: [list $schm $raddr $port [virtual] $key]\r\n"
#canonicalize path
regsub -all {(?://)|(?:[^/]+/[.][.]/)} $path "/" path
#retry POST/whatever after redirect(s)?
if {($what ne "") && ($who eq $server) && ($path eq $where)} {
set method $how
set body $what
set what ""
set expect $when
set when ""
#cons up HTTP request
set req [expr {($proxy eq "") ?
"${method} ${path} HTTP/1.1\r\n" :
"${method} ${schm}://${server}${path} HTTP/1.1\r\n"
append req $xhelper
append req $auth_hdrs
if {$hostname eq ""} { set hostname $server }
append req "Host: ${hostname}\r\n"
if {($method ne "GET") && ($method ne "HEAD")} {
#we handle Content-Length because caller might confuse chars and bytes
append req "Content-Length: ${bodylen}\r\n"
if {$bodylen} {
if {$type ne ""} { append req "Content-Type: ${type}\r\n" }
set dyt [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT" -gmt 1]
append req "Date: ${dyt}\r\n"
if {$expect} { append req "Expect: 100-Continue\r\n" }
if {$nocache} { append req "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n" }
#purge expired cookies
set tmp [list]
set now [clock seconds]
foreach {n c} $crumbs {
if {[lindex $c 4] > $now} { lappend tmp $n $c }
set crumbs $tmp
#assemble Cookie header
if {[llength $crumbs]} {
set tmp ""
set plen [string length $path]
foreach {n c} $crumbs {
set cdom [lindex $c 0]
set cpth [lindex $c 1]
if {($rTLS || ![lindex $c 5]) && (
($ipv6 && ([string index $cdom 0] eq "\x5b") &&
[IP::addr [string range $cdom 1 end-1] equals $haddr]) ||
[string match $cdom $host] ||
( ([string index $cdom 0] eq "*") &&
([string range $cdom 2 end] eq $host)
) && (
($path starts_with $cpth) &&
( ($plen == [set cpsz [lindex $c 2]]) ||
([string index $path $cpsz] eq "/") ||
([string index $cpth end] eq "/")
)} {
append tmp "\x20${n}=[lindex $c 3];"
#possibly jar holds no cookies for this host
if {$tmp ne ""} { append req "Cookie:${tmp}\r\n" }
#bring in previously-prepared standard and custom headers
append req $kopf
append req "\r\n" ; #headers complete
#Are we already or still connected?
if {$connected &&
( ($cdest ne $dest) ||
[catch {connect info -status $conn} sts] ||
([lsearch -sorted $static::HSSR_nogo [lindex [lindex $sts 0] 0]] > -1)
)} {
catch {close $conn}
set connected false
#otherwise a little race...
if {!$connected} {
if {$debug} {
log "${tkm} attempt connect to ${dest} '${server}' ${timeout} msec timeout"
if {[catch {connect -timeout $timeout -idle $idle -status sts $dest} conn] ||
($conn eq "")} {
set e "connect to ${dest} '${server}' fails: ${sts} (${conn})"
set rtry -2
set connected true
set cdest $dest
if {$debug} {
log "${tkm} send to ${dest} '${server}' ${bodylen}-octet body, headers=${req}"
#we accept only one 100-Continue per POST/PUT attempt
set pending 0
set bites 2 ; #at the apple, lover
while {[incr bites -1] >= 0} {
if {$expect} {
if {!$pending} {
#I see you shiver with antici...
set pending $bodylen ; set bodylen 0
} else {
set bodylen $pending ; set pending 0
if {$req ne ""} {
if {$debug} {
log "${tkm} connected to ${dest} '${server}' sending [string length $req]-octet req headers"
if {$pending} {
log "${tkm} expecting 100-Continue before sending body"
if {[catch {send -timeout $wait_ms -status sts $conn $req} sent] ||
($sts ne "sent") || ($sent != [string length $req])} {
set e "send [string length $req]-octet req to ${dest} '${server}' fails: sent ${sent}, got status ${sts} (${sent})"
if {$bodylen} {
if {$debug} {
log "${tkm} sending ${bodylen}-octet body to ${dest} '${server}'"
if {[catch {send -timeout $wait_ms -status sts $conn $body} sent] ||
($sts ne "sent") || ($sent != $bodylen)} {
set e "send $bodylen-octet body to ${dest} '${server}' fails: sent ${sent}, got status ${sts} (${sent})"
#default recv-poll interval is 50ms with max wait 10 secs
#We adjust interval to -wait option
set ctr 200
set intvl [expr {int($wait_ms / $ctr)}] ; #keep this with initial ctr value
set hdrs [set booty ""]
set sts "unk"
while {($ctr > 0) && ($sts ne "failed") && ($sts ne "closed")} {
if {[catch {recv -peek -timeout $intvl -status sts $conn} reply]} {
set e "peek hdrs fails: ${sts} (${reply})"
if {[set hbrk [string first "\r\n\r\n" $reply]] > 0} {
#TODO: support rfc5987 header-value charsets (priority: quite low)
if {[catch {recv -status sts [incr hbrk 4] $conn} hdrs]} {
set e "recv hdrs fails: ${sts} (${hdrs})"
set hdrs ""
if {$debug} {
log "${tkm} reply hdrs [string map [list "\r\n" ",\x20"] $hdrs]"
#extract HTTP status code to $rslt
if {([string length $hdrs] < 16) ||
![regexp {^HTTP/1[.][01]\x20([0-9]+)[^\r]*\r\n} $hdrs skip rslt]} {
set e "server data unrecognized (not HTTP?), initial bytes:\x20"
append e [URI::encode [string range $hdrs 0 31]]
set hdrs ""
set hdrs [string range $hdrs [string length $skip] end]
if {($method eq "HEAD") || ($rslt == 204) || ($rslt starts_with "1")} {
if {[regexp {(?i)Transfer-Encoding:[\x20\t]*Chunked} $hdrs]} {
set bootylen 0
set trail false
while {$ctr > 0} {
if {[catch {recv -peek -timeout $intvl -status sts $conn} chunk]} {
set e "peek chunksz fails: ${sts} (${chunk})"
if {$trail} {
#flush optional trailing headers
if {[string length $chunk] > 1} {
if {( ($chunk starts_with "\r\n") && [set flush 2] ) ||
( ([set flush [string first "\r\n\r\n" $chunk]] >= 0) &&
[incr flush 4] )} {
if {[catch {recv -status sts $flush $conn} junk]} {
set e "skip trailing headers fails: ${sts} (${junk})"
set trail false
incr ctr -1
set hex ""
if {[regexp {^(?:[\r\n])*([0-9A-Fa-f]+)[^\r]*\r\n} $chunk skip hex] &&
($hex ne "0")} {
if {[catch {recv -status sts [string length $skip] $conn} junk]} {
set e "skip chunksz fails: ${sts} (${junk})"
scan $hex "%x" chunksz
if {$chunksz > 0} {
if {($bootylen + $chunksz) > $maxbody} {
set e "chunked body length exceeds -maxbody ${maxbody}"
set z [expr {$ctr * $intvl}]
if {![catch {recv -timeout $z -status sts $chunksz $conn} chunk] &&
([string length $chunk] == $chunksz)} {
set booty [binary format a*a* $booty $chunk]
incr bootylen $chunksz
} else {
set e "recv 0x${hex}=${chunksz}-octet chunk fails: ${sts} (${chunk})"
} elseif {$hex eq "0"} {
if {[catch {recv -status sts [string length $skip] $conn} junk]} {
set e "skip final chunksz fails: ${sts} (${junk})"
set trail true ; #ignore optional trailing headers
incr ctr -1
} ; #chunks loop
if {$e eq ""} {
if {$hex ne "0"} {
set e "timed-out awaiting additional (or terminating zero-size) chunk"
} elseif {$trail} {
set e "timed-out while flushing optional trailing headers"
} elseif {(![set clh [regexp {(?i)Content-Length:[\x20\t]*([0-9]+)} $hdrs junk clen]] &&
[set clen $maxbody]) ||
(($clen > 0) && ($clen <= $maxbody))} {
set z [expr {$ctr * $intvl}]
if {[catch {recv -timeout $z -status sts $clen $conn} booty] ||
([set bootylen [string length $booty]] < 0)} {
set e "recv ${clen}-octet body fails: ${sts} (${booty})"
} elseif {$clh && ($bootylen < $clen)} {
set e "recv body fails (${sts}), got only ${bootylen} of Content-Length: ${clen} octets"
} elseif {$clen > $maxbody} {
set e "Content-Length: ${clen} exceeds -maxbody ${maxbody}"
if {$e ne ""} {
set booty "" ; set bootylen 0
#here we have reply headers, plus body if any, so stop polling
incr ctr -1
} ; #receive-poll (ctr) loop
if {$e ne ""} {
set rslt 555
catch {close $conn}
set connected false
if {($hdrs eq "") && $expect && $pending && ($sts eq "timeout")} {
if {$debug} {
log "${tkm} wait for 100-Continue timed out--per rfc2616 send data now"
set req ""
if {$debug} {
if {$ctr < 1} {
log "${tkm} timed out awaiting response from ${dest} '${server}'"
log "${tkm} status ${rslt}, got [string length $hdrs] headers octets and ${bootylen} content octets"
if {$rslt != 100} {
set bites -1
} elseif {!$expect} {
#rfc2616 allows unexpected 100-Continue
set req ""
set bodylen 0
if {$debug} {
log "${tkm} got unexpected 100-Continue from ${server}"
if {$maxtime && ([clock seconds] > $maxclock)} {
if {$debug} {
log "${tkm} hit maxtime ${maxtime} secs after [expr {7 - $rtry}] redirects"
set rtry -1
#compute default cookie path
regexp {^/[^?#]*} $path ckypath
if {[set x [string last "/" $ckypath]] > 0} { incr x -1 }
set ckypath [string range $ckypath 0 $x]
#remove LWS from headers
set hdrs [regsub -all {[\x20\t]*\r\n[\x20\t]+} $hdrs "\x20"]
#parse headers
set mimetype "unk/unk"
set charset "unk"
set hlist [list]
set hdrs [string map [list "\r\n" "\n"] $hdrs]
set rlist [split $hdrs "\n"]
foreach rline $rlist {
if {![regexp {^([^:]+):[ \t]+(.*)} $rline junk n v]} { continue }
set v [string trim $v]
#I wish (September 2013) iRules had "switch -nocase"
switch -- [string tolower $n] {
"set-cookie" {
set cky [set val [set opts ""]]
#unlike some browsers we reject nameless cookies
while {([string bytelength $v] < 4480) &&
[regexp $static::HSSR_ckymatch $v junk cky val opts]} {
if {[regexp {(?i)Domain=[.]?([^.;\x20\t][^;\x20\t]*)} $opts junk cdom]} {
set cdom [string tolower $cdom]
if {[string index $cdom 0] eq "\x5b"} {
if {!$ipv6 || ![regexp $static::HSSR_ipv6match $cdom junk caddr] ||
![IP::addr $caddr equals $haddr]} {
if {!$milk} { break }
set cdom "***"
} elseif {[string first "." $cdom] < 1} {
if {$cdom ne $host} {
if {!$milk} { break }
set cdom "***"
} elseif {![string match [set cdom "*.${cdom}"] $host]} {
if {!$milk} { break }
set cdom "***"
} else {
set cdom [expr {$milk ? "***" : $host}]
#rfc6265 has ?query in cookie-path but not MS-IE and not us
if {![regexp {(?i)Path=(/[^?#;]*)} $opts junk cpth]} {
set cpth $ckypath
regsub -all {(?://)|(?:[^/]+/[.][.]/)} $cpth "/" cpth
set cpsz [string length $cpth]
set cexp 2147485546
if {[regexp {(?i)Max-Age=([0-9]+)} $opts junk expdt]} {
set cexp [expr {$expdt + [clock seconds]}]
} elseif {[regexp {(?i)Expires=([^;]+);?} $opts junk expdt] &&
![catch {clock scan $expdt -gmt 1} expdt]} {
set cexp $expdt
set cscr [regexp {(?i)\ySecure;?\y} $opts]
#cookie names and paths ARE case-sensitive
set repl 0
foreach x [lsearch -all -exact $crumbs $cky] {
set c [lindex $crumbs [incr x]]
if {([lindex $c 0] eq $cdom) && ([lindex $c 1] eq $cpth)} {
set crumbs [lreplace $crumbs $x $x [lreplace $c 3 5 $val $cexp $cscr]]
set repl 1
if {!$repl} {
lappend crumbs $cky [list $cdom $cpth $cpsz $val $cexp $cscr]
#expired cookies will be purged before next request
"location" {
if {$redir && ($rslt > 300) && (($rslt < 304) || ($rslt == 307))} {
if {($rslt <= 302) && ($redir == 1) && ($what eq "") &&
(($method ne "GET") && ($method ne "HEAD"))} {
set who $server
set where $path
set how $method
set what $body
set when $expect
if {$rslt <= 303} {
set method "GET"
set body ""
set expect 0
if {$v starts_with "/"} {
#relative path so contact same host
if {![regexp {^/[^\x23]*} $v a] || ([string length $a] > 2040)} {
set e "bogus redirect from ${dest} '${server}'"
set rtry -2
set s $schm
set r $rTLS
set h $host
set p $port
} elseif {[regexp $static::HSSR_urlsplit $v junk s toss lose h p a] &&
([string length $a] < 2041) && ($a ne "*")} {
set s [string tolower $s]
set r [expr {[string index $s end] eq "s"}]
set h [string tolower $h]
if {[string index $h 0] eq "\x5b"} {
set h [string map [list "%25" "%"] $h]
} elseif {[string index $h end] eq "."} {
set h [string range $h 0 end-1]
if {$p eq ""} { set p [expr {$r ? "443" : "80"}] }
if {$a eq ""} { set a "/" }
} else {
#oops, Location not HTTP URI or path bogus
set e "cannot follow redir from ${dest} '${server}' to ${v}"
set rtry -2
#don't molest host/port/etc before swallowing all cookies
"connection" {
if {$connected && ($rslt != 100) && [regexp {(?i)\yclose\y} $v]} {
catch {close $conn}
set connected false
"content-length" {
if {($v != $bootylen) && ($method ne "HEAD")} {
#rfc2616 sec4.4 commands us to log
log local0.err "${tkm} ${bootylen}-octet chunked body != Content-Length: ${v} from ${dest} '${server}'"
"content-type" {
set v [string tolower $v]
regexp {^[^/;\x20\t]+/[^;\x20\t]+} $v mimetype
if {![regexp {(?i)charset=([^;\x20\t]+)} $v junk charset] &&
(($mimetype starts_with "text/") ||
($mimetype eq "application/javascript") ||
($mimetype eq "application/ecmascript")) && ($sniff != 2)} {
set charset [expr {($sniff == 0) ? "iso-8859-1" : "utf-8"}]
"www-authenticate" {
if {($rslt == 401) && ($creds ne "") && [regexp {(?i)Basic\x20} $v]} {
#We already sent "Authorization: Basic XXX" header but some servers
#(f5 APM) will 401 first request and only look for creds on second
#request (and change cookies too)
set rslt 455
"proxy-authenticate" {
if {($rslt == 407) && ($pxy_uid ne "") && [regexp {(?i)Basic\x20} $v]} {
set rslt 455 ; #what, again?
"retry-after" {
if {[regexp {^(503|(30[1237]))$} $rslt] && (
([regexp {^[0-9]+} $v delay] && $delay) ||
( ![catch {clock scan $v -gmt 1} dttm] &&
([set delay [expr {$dttm - [clock seconds]}]] > -1) )
) && (
[set delay [expr {int(min($delay,($rtry * $wait / 2)))}]] &&
( !$maxtime ||
(($delay + [clock seconds] + $timeout + $wait) < $maxclock) )
)} {
if {$debug} {
log "${tkm} Retry-After, sleep ${delay} seconds"
after $delay ; #sleep
if {$rslt == 503} { set rslt 455 }
#otherwise follow redirect
} ; #header name switch
lappend hlist $n $v
} ; #header parsing loop
} ; #100-continue loop
if {$e ne ""} {
set rtry -2
if {$rslt == 455} {
#retry Basic authz, or after server-requested delay
#do we follow a redirect, or are we finished?
if {!$redir || ($rslt < 301) || (($rslt > 303) && ($rslt != 307))} { break }
#yay, redir!
set path $a
if {($schm ne $s) || ($host ne $h) || ($port ne $p)} {
set schm $s
set rTLS $r
set host $h
if {[set ipv6 [expr {[string index $host 0] eq "\x5b"}]]} {
regexp $static::HSSR_ipv6match $host junk haddr
set port $p
set server "${host}:${port}"
set hostname ""
if {$proxy ne ""} {
#one benefit of proxy is single persistent connection
if {$virt eq ""} {
set dest ""
} ; #rtry loop
if {$rtry == -1} {
set e "too many redirects for -uri ${uri}"
if {($e eq "") && (($rslt == 401) || ($rslt == 407))} {
set e "missing/unsupported credentials for (WWW|Proxy)-Authenticate demand"
if {$state ne ""} {
set stvar [list $connected $conn $dest \
$virt $proxy $nsvr $crumbs $creds $kopf]
} elseif {$connected} {
catch {close $conn}
set connected false
#NOTE: as of August 2013 f5 has not corrected an awkwardness affecting
#all data obtained from SIDEBAND recv, which involves string content
#conversions between Latin-1 and UTF-8. The code in this proc *assumes*
#the presence of that glitch and will work around it, but when f5 does
#fix the issue we may have to revisit this code.
if {($rbody ne "") || ($rformat ne "") || ($rheaders ne "")} {
if {$sniff > 2} {
incr sniff -3
set charset [lindex [list "iso-8859-1" "utf-8" "binary"] $sniff]
while {$charset eq "unk"} {
if {$mimetype eq "application/json"} {
set charset "utf-8"
set charset "binary" ; #fallback, plus ensures loop-exit
set take "a[expr {$bootylen & 0x3ff}]"
set odor [binary format $take $booty]
binary scan $odor c* miasma ; #scan *before* regexp or someone mangles
if {$odor starts_with "\xef\xbb\xbf"} {
set charset "utf-8"
if {($odor starts_with "\xfe\xff") || ($odor starts_with "\xff\xfe")} {
set charset "utf-16" ; #we neglect UTF-32
if {[regexp $static::HSSR_quiver $odor contag] &&
[regexp {(?i)[\x20\t]content=['\x22]?([^'\x22>]+)} $contag junk contype]} {
set contype [string tolower $contype]
regexp {^[^/;\x20\t]+/[^;\x20\t]+} $contype mymtype
if {$mimetype eq "unk/unk"} { set mimetype $mymtype }
if {![regexp {charset=([^;\x20\t]+)} $contype junk charset] &&
(($mimetype starts_with "text/") ||
($mimetype eq "application/javascript") ||
($mimetype eq "application/ecmascript")) && ($sniff != 2)} {
set charset [expr {($sniff == 0) ? "iso-8859-1" : "utf-8"}]
if {$charset ne "binary"} { break }
if {[regexp {/((xml)|([^;\x20\t]+[+]xml))} $mimetype]} {
set charset "utf-8" ; #text/xml dfl is ASCII; UTF-8 common, incls. both
#but next we check for overrides...
if {[regexp $static::HSSR_csetmeta $odor junk charset] ||
[regexp $static::HSSR_xmlenc $odor junk charset]} {
set charset [string tolower $charset]
if {$charset ne "binary"} { break }
set may_ascii true
set may_utf8 true
set may_latin true
set p 0
foreach c $miasma {
set c [expr {$c & 0xff}]
if {$c > 0x7f} {
set may_ascii false
if {($c < 0xc0) && (($p < 0xc2) || ($p > 0xf4))} {
set may_utf8 false
if {!$may_latin} { break }
if {($c == 0x81) || ($c == 0x8d) ||
($c == 0x8f) || ($c == 0x90) || ($c == 0x9d)} {
set may_latin false
if {!$may_utf8} { break }
set p $c
#no time/space here to sniff for, say, Big5
if {$mimetype starts_with "text/"} {
if {$may_utf8} {
set charset "utf-8"
} else {
if {$may_latin} { set charset "iso-8859-1" }
} elseif {$may_ascii} {
set charset "utf-8"
if {($charset eq "windows-1252") ||
([string first "ascii" $charset] >= 0)} {
set charset "iso-8859-1"
if {$rformat ne ""} {
upvar 1 $rformat rtn_fmt
set rtn_fmt [expr {(($charset eq "utf-8") || ($charset eq "iso-8859-1")) ?
"text" : "binary"}]
if {$rbody ne ""} {
upvar 1 $rbody rtn_body
if {$charset eq "utf-8"} {
set rtn_body [URI::decode [URI::encode $booty]] ; #don't a-ask me why!
} elseif {$charset eq "iso-8859-1"} {
#What is it?
#Evil, pure and simple, from the Eighth Dimension!
set rtn_body ""
append rtn_body $booty
###regexp {.*} $booty rtn_body
} else {
set rtn_body [binary format a* $booty]
if {$rheaders ne ""} {
upvar 1 $rheaders rtn_headers
lappend hlist "X-HSSR-Charset" $charset
set rtn_headers $hlist
if {$rcookies ne ""} {
upvar 1 $rcookies rtn_cookies
set cookies [list]
set now [clock seconds]
foreach {n c} $crumbs {
if {[lindex $c 4] > $now} {
lappend cookies $n [lindex $c 3]
set rtn_cookies $cookies
if {$e ne ""} {
log local0.err "${tkm} ${e}"
return $rslt
#At this point, http_req return value is HTTP status and
#you may inspect your -(rbody|rheaders|rcookies|rformat)
#variables for the results of your request
} ; #http_req
# After final [call /Common/HSSR::http_req -state xyz ...]
# SIDEBAND connection to remote server may remain open.
# Close it thusly: [call /Common/HSSR::http_close xyz]
# (For lagniappe we also support [call /Common/HSSR::http_close $xyz])
proc http_close {stvar} {
if {[catch {llength $stvar} varlen] || ($varlen == 1)} {
upvar 1 $stvar state
} else {
set state $stvar
if {[catch {llength $state} stlen] || ($stlen < 9)} {
set e "http_close argument must be xyz (or \x24xyz) from: http_req -state xyz"
log local0.err $e
return -code error $e
if {[lindex $state 0]} {
catch {close [lindex $state 1]}
set state [list false {} "" "" "" "" [list] "" ""]
} ; #http_close
#== End of Mark's HTTP Super SIDEBAND Requestor! (v2.1) ==============
iRule HSSR-helper Source¶
#== HSSR-Helper for Mark's HTTP Super SIDEBAND Requestor! (v2.1) ======
# Save this iRule in the Common partition under the name 'HSSR-helper'.
# You will use this iRule '/Common/HSSR-helper' along with iRule proc
# '/Common/HSSR::http_req' (the HTTP Super SIDEBAND Requestor v2.1) to
# greatly simplify access from your own iRules to arbitrary http and
# https resources.
# To make a SIDEBAND connection to a TLS-guarded service you need a
# helper virtual server (at least through TMOS 11.5).
# Configure your helper virtual server (say, "/Common/vs-HSSR-helper")
# with a suitable Server SSL Profile, an HTTP Profile, and either
# SNAT-Automap or a SNAT Pool. Attach this iRule to the virtual server.
# Give your helper virtual server a non-routeable virtual IP address
# and non-standard port (say, don't want any
# accidental non-SIDEBAND connections to it. Do not configure any pool.
# Do not apply any Client SSL Profile.
# When you call /Common/HSSR::http_req to send web requests to servers
# off your BIG-IP, set -virt to your helper virtual server. E.g.,
# [call /Common/HSSR::http_req -virt /Common/vs-HSSR-helper -uri ...]
# The "HSSR::http_req" proc will add an "X-HSSR-Helper" header to each
# of its outbound requests. This iRule will read (and elide) that
# header, then use the 'node' command (and possibly an 'SSL' command)
# to connect each request to the proper server (supporting persistent
# HTTP 1.1 connections in normal fashion).
# (Yes, we could build a full HTTP proxy to handle this. That would
# be overkill for our purposes.)
when RULE_INIT {
#shall we emit debug messages?
set static::HSSR_helper_debug false
set h ""
set prevdest [list]
set dest [list]
set v [list]
regexp {^[^\x5b:][^:]*} [HTTP::header value Host] h
if {[set v [HTTP::header value X-HSSR-Helper]] ne ""} {
HTTP::header remove X-HSSR-Helper
if {$static::HSSR_helper_debug} {
log "prevdest='${prevdest}', h='${h}', v='${v}'"
#NB: before comparing lists as strings you must be
#very, very careful about canonical format (and in
#the other iRule too)
set dest [lrange $v 0 2]
if {$dest ne $prevdest} {
if {[string index [lindex $dest 0] end] eq "s"} {
SSL::enable serverside
} else {
SSL::disable serverside
if {$static::HSSR_helper_debug} {
log "selecting node [lrange $dest 1 2] for [lrange $v 3 4] to '${h}'"
if {[catch {node [lindex $dest 1] [lindex $dest 2]} err]} {
log local0.err "'node' command failed ($err) while selecting node [lrange $dest 1 2] for [lrange $v 3 4] to '${h}'"
HTTP::respond 502 Connection close
set prevdest $dest
when LB_FAILED {
if {[catch {LB::status} lbstatus]} { set lbstatus "unknown" }
log local0.err "cannot connect to node [lrange $dest 1 2] for [lrange $v 3 4] to '${h}', LB::status is '${lbstatus}'"
HTTP::respond 502 Connection close
#shamelessly derived from Kevin Stewart's admirable work:
if {$h ne ""} {
set k [string length $h]
set bin [binary format S1S1S1S1ca* 0 [expr {$k + 5}] [expr {$k + 3}] 0 $k $h]
SSL::extensions insert $bin
#== End of HSSR-Helper for Mark's HTTP Super SIDEBAND Requestor! (v2.1) ==
Implementation Details¶
This iRule requires TMOS v11.4 or higher.
The BIG-IP API Reference documentation contains community-contributed content. F5 does not monitor or control community code contributions. We make no guarantees or warranties regarding the available code, and it may contain errors, defects, bugs, inaccuracies, or security vulnerabilities. Your access to and use of any code available in the BIG-IP API reference guides is solely at your own risk.