

Causes the specified server node (IP address and port number) to be used directly, thus bypassing any load-balancing.
If the node command is called prior to the LB::server command a null string is returned by LB::server as the node command overrides any prior pool selection logic.


node <addr> [<port>]
node <addr>:<port>

node <addr> [<port>]

  • Causes the specified server node (IP address and port number) to be used directly, thus bypassing any load-balancing. Since statistics and health monitoring are tied to pool membership, node status and statistics for this connection will not be available. Use the LB_FAILED event to catch server response failure.

Note: If is omitted, the client’s destination port is used for the serverside connection.

node <addr>:<port>

  • Causes the specified server node (IP address and port number) to be used directly, thus bypassing any load-balancing. Since statistics and health monitoring are tied to pool membership, node status and statistics for this connection will not be available. Use the LB_FAILED event to catch server response failure.

Note: is required when using this syntax.
Note: When using the option on a virtual server with a destination port of “any”, port translation must be enabled. Port translation is disabled by default when a virtual server has a destination port of “any”.


  if { [HTTP::uri] ends_with ".gif" } {
     node 80
when LB_FAILED {
  log local0. "Selected server [LB::server] did not respond. Re-selecting node from myPool"
  pool myPool

 if { [HTTP::uri] ends_with ".gif" } {
     node ""

when LB_FAILED {
  log local0. "Selected server [LB::server] did not respond. Re-selecting node from myPool"
  pool myPool