Increase disk space for BIG-IP VE

You must increase disk space on most cloud and hypervisor platforms, if you want to provision multiple modules. For more information, refer to the following topics: Disk usage by the BIG-IP modules with application volumes, Getting Started with BIG-IP Virtual Edition, and Overview of BIG-IP VE image sizes. To increase the disk space for BIG-IP VE allowing for additional module provisioning, expand the following VE directory:

  • /appdata
  1. Plan for your disk space requirements.
  2. Extend your disk space for provisioning multiple modules.

Before proceeding with the following steps for expanding configuration disk space, use hypervisor tools to expand the disk size for the BIG-IP VE virtual machine and reboot. Then use the BIG-IP VE tmsh utility to increase the amount of disk space used by the four BIG-IP VE directories:

  • /config
  • /shared
  • /var
  • /var/log


At the time of this release, decreasing the VE disk size is not supported.

For each of the previous directories you want to resize, complete the following steps.

  1. Use an SSH tool to access the BIG-IP VE tmsh utility.

  2. From the command line, log in as root.

  3. List the current size of the directories on your disk so you can determine which ones need to be resized.

    tmsh show sys disk directory
  4. Expand the size of the directories in which you need additional space.

    tmsh modify sys disk directory <directory name> new-size <new directory size in 1KB blocks>

    For example, use tmsh modify sys disk directory /config new-size 3145740 to increase the size of /config directory to 3145740 1KB blocks (or roughly 3,221,237,760 bytes).

  5. To confirm that the command you just submitted is properly scheduled, you can show the new list of directories again.

    tmsh show sys disk directory
  6. If you change your mind about a submitted size change, you can revoke the size change.

    tmsh modify sys disk directory /config new-size 0

    In this example, the size of the /config directory is left as is, revoking any scheduled size changes.

After you submit this sequence of tmsh commands, the directory size changes will be scheduled to occur the next time the BIG-IP VE virtual machine (VM) is rebooted.

The next time the VM running BIG-IP VE reboots, the changes are applied.

See Also