BIG-IQ Device Discovery for ADC Core Management


API used for discovery task management of a BIG-IP ADC namespace by BIG-IQ. Re-import uses this task as well.

Version information

Version : 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 6.0

URI scheme

BasePath : /mgmt/cm/adc-core/tasks
Schemes : HTTPS


  • application/json


  • application/json


Create a device discovery declare-mgmt-authority task managed by BIG-IQ module (LTM/ADC).

POST /declare-mgmt-authority


Create a device discovery declare-mgmt-authority task and add to collection.


Type Name Description Schema Default
Path objectId Unique id assigned to device discovery task object. required string(UUID) None
Body Json string request body. Input parameter list in json format. required Ex. {} post_declare-mgmt-auth_body None


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 POST a device discovery declare-mgmt-authority task. properties_declare_mgmt_authority_collection
400 Error response “Bad Request” error_collection

List of device declare-mgmt-authority collection tasks managed by BIG-IQ module (LTM/ADC).

GET /declare-mgmt-authority


Returns the collection of device discover declare-mgmt-authority tasks.


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Returns a collection of device discover declare-mgmt-authority tasks. properties_declare_mgmt_authority_collection
400 Error response “Bad Request” error_collection

Used to get a single device discovery declare-mgmt-authority task (LTM/ADC).

GET /declare-mgmt-authority/{objectId}


Returns the device discovery declare-mgmt-authority task identified by a endpoint URI (LTM/ADC).


Type Name Description Schema Default
Path objectId Unique id assigned to this declare-mgmt-authority task object. required string(UUID) None


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Device discovery declare-mgmt-authority task object. (LTM/ADC) properties_declare-mgmt-authority
400 Error response “Bad Request” error_collection



Name Description Schema
errorStack Error stack trace returned by java. optional, read-only string
items Collection of device discovery declare-mgmt-authority task objects. optional < object > array
kind Type information for this device discovery declare-mgmt-authority task collection object. cm:adc-core:tasks:declare-mgmt-authority:dmataskcollectionstate optional, read-only string
message Error message returned from server. optional, read-only string
requestBody The data in the request body. GET (None) optional, read-only string
requestOperationId Unique id assigned to rest operation. optional, read-only integer(int64)


Name Description Schema
copyTaskReference Enable / Disable declare-mgmt-authority copy difference between working-configuration (BIG-IQ) and current-configuration (BIG-IP). optional copyTaskReference
currentStep The current step of device declare-mgmt-authority task as predicated by state. optional string
deviceReference Reference link to resolver for device declare-mgmt-authority to be managed by BIG-IQ. (LTM / ADC) optional deviceReference
differenceReference Reference link to differences object containing differences between working-configuration (BIG-IQ) and current-configuration (BIG-IP) optional differenceReference
differencerTaskReference Reference link to differencer task. Used to manage difference between working-configuration (BIG-IQ) and current-configuration (BIG-IP) optional differencerTaskReference
endDateTime Date/Time when device discovery task declare-mgmt-authority ended. optional ex. 2016-10-11T10:30:17.834-0400 string
generation A integer that will track change made to a device discovery declare-mgmt-authority task object. generation. optional, read-only integer(int64)
id Unique id assigned to a device discovery declare-mgmt-authority task object. optional, read-only string
identityReference Array of reference links to user used to discover device declare-mgmt-authority. mgmt/shared/authz/users/admin optional < identityReference > array
kind Type information for this device discovery declare-mgmt-authority task object. cm:adc-core:tasks:declare-mgmt-authority:dmataskitemstate optional, read-only string
lastUpdateMicros Update time (micros) for last change made to a device discovery task object. time (1476742109026835). optional, read-only integer(int64)
ownerMachineId A unique id string for the BIG-IQ acting as a device owner for declare-mgmt-authority. (LTM / ADC) optional string
reImport Flag to enable / disable re-import configuration. optional boolean
selfLink A reference link URI to the device discovery declare-mgmt-authority task object. optional, read-only string
startDateTime Date/Time when device discovery declare-mgmt-authority task began. optional ex. 2016-10-11T10:30:17.834-0400 string
status Status of device discovery declare-mgmt-authority task during state transistion. (LTM / ADC) optional string
userReference Reference link to user used to discover device declare-mgmt-authority. mgmt/shared/authz/users/admin optional userReference
username User name of device declare-mgmt-authority object to be managed. (LTM / ADC) optional string
validationBypassMode Enable / Disable validation check when importing configuration device. BYPASS_NONE - no bypass (default), BYPASS_FINAL - skip final validation phase, BYPASS_ALL - skip all validation phases. optional string


Name Description Schema
link Reference link to a declare-mgmt-authority copy task object. optional string


Name Description Schema
link Reference link to declare-mgmt-authority adc task device. optional string


Name Description Schema
link Reference link to shared security configuration difference report for adc-core. optional string


Name Description Schema
link Reference link to shared security configuration difference adc-core task object. optional string


Name Description Schema
link Reference link to users. /mgmt/shared/authz/users/admin optional string


Name Description Schema
link Reference link to users. /mgmt/shared/authz/users/admin optional string


Name Description Schema
generation An integer that will track change made to a device discovery declare-mgmt-authority task collection object. generation. optional, read-only integer(int64)
items Array of device discovery task object. optional < object > array
kind Type information for this device discovery declare-mgmt-authority task collection object. cm:adc-core:tasks:declare-mgmt-authority:dmataskcollectionstate optional, read-only string
lastUpdateMicros Update time (micros) for last change made to a device discovery declare-mgmt-authority task collection object. time. optional, read-only integer(int64)
selfLink A reference link URI to the device discovery declare-mgmt-authority task collection object. optional, read-only string


Name Description Schema
deviceReference Reference link to device in resolver group. required string
moduleList List of modules to discover. ex. adc_core, asm, shared_security, firewall required string
userName Username of device. required string
password Password of device. required string
rootUser Root user of device. required string
rootPassword Root password of device. required string
automaticallyUpdateFramework To update rest framework automatically. It is recommended to do so if using REST API. required boolean