Installing F5 BIG-IP Automation Config Converter (BIG-IP ACC)

Installing BIG-IP ACC can be completed 2 ways; either by performing a docker pull or by downloading the .tar file then using docker load. Whichever method you use, Docker must first be installed using the information in the Note below.

Docker pull method

docker pull f5devcentral/f5-automation-config-converter:latest

Download method

  1. Download the .tar file from the Assets section on the Releases tab of the GitHub repo. It is recommended to install the latest version listed.
  2. Load the image using the following command, replacing x.x.x with the version of BIG-IP ACC you are installing: docker load -i f5-automation-config-converter-x.x.x.tar.gz


Docker must be installed prior to using BIG-IP ACC. See Docker Desktop for information on installing Docker.