Document Revision History

Doc Rev Description Date
1.20.1 Released Telemetry Streaming v1.20.1 as a LTS (Long Term Support) version. See the Telemetry Streaming Support information on GitHub for information about the Telemetry Streaming support policy. 6-30-21
1.21.0 Updated the documentation for Telemetry Streaming v1.21.0. This release contains the following changes:
* An experimental property for the StatsD consumer (see StatsD addTags)
* A number of minor bug fixes, stability enhancements, and foundational elements for some upcoming features.
1.20.0 Updated the documentation for Telemetry Streaming v1.20.0. This release contains the following changes:
* Added support for customizing the Telemetry Streaming payload (see Customizing the Telemetry Streaming payload and the related example)
* Added a new troubleshooting entry for writing an Event Listener’s incoming raw data to a trace file (see Troubleshooting), also added a new note to the description of Event Listener class about tracing.
* Added data tracing and ‘success’ message to Google Cloud Monitoring consumer
* Added system.configSyncSucceeded to default output and f5_system_configSyncSucceeded to Prometheus output, GitHub #74
* Added Capacity_Float to system.diskStorage, GitHub #119

Issues Resolved:
* Fixed issue where ‘long’ fields in ASM events were causing ASM events to become malformed. Individual event fields are now permitted to be <= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE (16k), GitHub #127
* AWS S3 date path was incorrect
* Should not create multiple Tracer instances that point to the same file
1.19.0 Updated the documentation for Telemetry Streaming v1.19.0. This release contains the following changes:
* Added a new troubleshooting entry providing memory threshold information (see Memory Threshold)
* Added new Event Listener endpoints for sending debug messages to an Event Listener (see Event Listener endpoints)
* Updated the Splunk Consumer documentation with the new compressionType property, and added a related troubleshooting entry (see Troubleshooting)
* totNativeConns and totCompatConns are now exposed on SSL profile stats
* Added the swap metric to the system group (System Poller output), see System Information)
* Trace full payload now sent to StatsD Consumer
* System Poller recurring scheduling changed so that System Poller executions do not overlap
* Added a note to iHealth Poller stating it must be attached to a System
* Added a bullet item to About Pull Consumer stating if a poller was attached to two systems, the response contains data from both
* Added a note to the Important list for Namespaces about naming objects

Issues Resolved:
* Fixed Route Domain ID handling for Virtual Server and Pool stats
* Splunk debug output does not log HTTP Response payload, GitHub #109
* Update example output for maxConns, pktsIn, pktsOut, and totConns
* Tracer unable to access destination directory
* Tracer(s) from other namespaces should not stop when namespace-only declaration posted
* Removed excessive data formatting from tracer
Unreleased This documentation only update contains the following change:
* Updated the note in Splunk multi-metric format to add that custom endpoints are not supported with multi-metric format (added the same note to Configuring Custom Endpoints).
1.18.0 Updated the documentation for Telemetry Streaming v1.18.0. This release contains the following changes:
* Added new endpoints for individual namespaces (see Namespace endpoints)
* Added support for TLS client authentication for the Generic HTTP consumer (see the TLS Client example and the Generic HTTP consumer page)
* Added response logging to Event Listener page (see LTM Request Log profile and the updated AS3 Logging example)
* Added a note to the Splunk consumer and a new section in Custom Endpoints for Including hostname information (GitHub #107)
* Added a note to AWS CloudWatch and AWS S3 about root certificates for AWS services being embedded within Telemetry Streaming

Issues Resolved:
* Fix Event Listener startup errors that might cause restnoded to crash
* Splunk multiEvent format should ignore ‘References’
1.17.0 Updated the documentation for Telemetry Streaming v1.17.0. This release contains the following changes:
* Added support for configuring proxy settings on Generic HTTP consumers, GitHub #92 (see Specifying proxy settings for Generic HTTP consumers)
* Added support for configuring proxy settings on Splunk consumers, GitHub #85 (see Specifying proxy settings for Splunk consumers)
* Added a timestamp for APM Request Log output, GitHub #91 (see APM Request Log)
* Added support for TLS client authentication to the Kafka consumer, GitHub #90 (see Kafka)
* Added an F5 Internal Only push consumer for F5 Cloud (see F5 Cloud)
* Added the ability to use the Splunk multi-metric format, currently EXPERIMENTAL (see Splunk multi-metric format)
* Added a new reference for the Telemetry Streaming Default Output (see Default Output Appendix)
* Tracefile now stores up to 10 items
* Added a note to the System Information output page stating there is new pool and virtual server information collected (see System Information)
* Deprecated TS support for the Splunk Legacy Format
* Posting a declaration while a previous declaration is still processing now returns an HTTP 503 status code

Issues Resolved:
* Fixed error where unavailable Custom Endpoint would return HTTP 500
1.16.0 Updated the documentation for Telemetry Streaming v1.16.0. This release contains the following changes:
* Added support for the Telemetry_Namespace class in declarations posted to the /declare endpoint (see Appendix B: Telemetry Streaming Namespaces)
* Added new Namespace PullConsumer endpoint (see Appendix B: Telemetry Streaming Namespaces)
* Added support for Custom Endpoints. Moved the Custom Endpoint page from an Appendix to Using Telemetry Streaming (see Configuring Custom Endpoints)
* TS now includes _ResourceId if available for Azure Log Analytics consumer, and metadata calls are now only happening upon consumer(s) load

Issues Resolved:
* Fixed issue when TS incorrectly processing iRule stats with multiple events
1.15.0 Updated the documentation for Telemetry Streaming v1.15.0. This release contains the following changes:
* Updated the default hostname for the StatsD consumer (see the Important note in StatsD)
* Added a note to the Prometheus Pull Consumer consumer on how to access the consumer endpoint with a user other than admin
* Added a new FAQ entry on why you may see a decrease in some pool statistics (see Pool Statistics)

Issues Resolved:
* Fixed syslog event hostname parsing for VCMP hosts
* Resolve memory leak in ElasticSearch consumer, by replacing ‘elasticsearch’ library with ‘request’ library
1.14.0 Updated the documentation for Telemetry Streaming v1.14.0. This release contains the following changes:
* Added support for AWS CloudWatch Metrics (see AWS CloudWatch Metrics)
* Added an EXPERIMENTAL feature to specify fallback hosts for generic HTTP consumers (see Specifying fallback hosts for Generic HTTP consumers)
* Added F5 Beacon as a Generic HTTP consumer (see F5 Beacon)
* Added cipherUses stats for Client and Server SSL profiles (see the cipherUses lines in System Information)
* Added a troubleshooting entry for a restjavad issue (see Why is my BIG-IP experiencing occasional high CPU usage and slower performance?)
* Added a note to the Exporting data from AVR page about AVR caveats with TS and BIG-IQ (see the AVR note)
* Updated the introduction for the experimental Configuring Custom Endpoints
* Added support for BIG-IP 16.0

Issues Resolved:
* Fixed Event Listener parsing when receiving multiple events
1.13.0 Updated the documentation for Telemetry Streaming v1.13.0. This release contains the following changes:
* Added statusReason and monitorStatus fields to System Poller output for BIG-IQ Analytics (see System Information)
* Added comprehensive troubleshooting entry for why data may not be showing up in a consumer (see Troubleshooting)
* Updated the Event Listener page (see Event Listener class)

Issues Resolved:
* Fixed inconsistency in GSLB output: return empty object instead of ‘undefined’
* Fixed Azure consumer memory leak when calling metadata service on an instance where it is unavailable
* Updated Azure Log Analytics dashboard example (GitHub #39)
* Fixed lodash Prototype Pollution vulnerability
* Fixed Splunk legacy format missing poolMemberStat data
1.12.0 Updated the documentation for Telemetry Streaming v1.12.0. This release contains the following changes:
* Added a new consumer for Prometheus (see Prometheus Pull Consumer)
* Updated the Pull Consumer page and added an example for using push and pull consumers in the same declaration (see Pull Consumers)
* Added support for IAM Roles with AWS_S3 Consumer (see AWS S3)
* Added TCP support to the StatsD consumer (see StatsD)
* Added a note to Splunk Legacy format (Deprecated) stating if the legacy format is used, it ignores events from the Event Listener

Issues Resolved:
* Added a timeout to Azure metadata service HTTP requests to fix an issue where the Azure Consumer was slow when running in a non-Azure environment
* Fixed renameKeys for networkInterfaces with multiple digits (GitHub #18)
Unreleased Documentation only update. This update contains the following change:
* Added an important note to the ElasticSearch consumer section stating TS currently does not support sending data to ElasticSearch 7 (see ElasticSearch).
1.11.0 Updated the documentation for Telemetry Streaming v1.11.0. This release contains the following changes:
* Added a new consumer for Azure Application Insights (see Microsoft Azure Application Insights)
* Added support for Azure Managed Identities for Azure Log Analytics and Azure Application Insights
* Added support for AzureGov for Azure consumers using an optional region property (see Region property)
* Added a new page for the Pull consumer (see Pull Consumers) and renamed the original Consumer page to Push consumer
* Added a new page detailing how to delete the configuration produced by TS (see Deleting the Telemetry Streaming configuration)
* Renamed Google StackDriver to Google Cloud Monitoring

Issues Resolved:
* Fixed Regular Expression Denial of Service vulnerability and improved start up time on node v4.x and v6.x
* Fixed error when Splunk consumer (configured with ‘legacy’ format) tries to forward event from Event Listener (GitHub #30)
* Fixed crash in Kafka consumer on attempt to close idle connections to brokers (GitHub #17)
1.10.0 Updated the documentation for Telemetry Streaming v1.10.0. This release contains the following changes:
* Added a feature (currently EXPERIMENTAL) for configuring custom endpoints (see Configuring Custom Endpoints)
* Added ifAnyMatch functionality to the existing value-based matching logic (see Value-based matching)
* Added support for F5 devices with multiple hosts (see the FAQ)

Issues Resolved:
* Event Listener unable to classify AFM DoS event
* Splunk legacy tmstats - include last_cycle_count
* Splunk legacy tmstats - add tenant and application data
* Declarations with large secrets may timeout
* Passphrases should be obfuscated in consumer trace files
* Add ‘profiles’ data (profiles attached to Virtual Server) to ‘virtualServers’
* Use baseMac instead of hostname to fetch CM device (GitHub Issue 26)
* cipherText validation when protected by SecureVault
* Caching data about the host device to speed up declaration processing
1.9.0 Updated the documentation for Telemetry Streaming v1.9.0. This release contains the following changes:
* Added support for gathering configuration information and statistics for GSLB Wide IP and Pools (see System Information example output)
* Username and passphrase are now optional on the AWS CloudWatch consumer (see the important note in AWS CloudWatch)
* Added detailed information about character encoding and Telemetry Streaming (see Character Encoding information)
* Added a FAQ entry to define the F5 Automation Toolchain API contract (see What is the Automation Toolchain API Contract?)

Issues Resolved:
* Basic auth does not work with ElasticSearch consumer
* Some Splunk legacy tmstats datamodels have a period in property name instead of underscore
1.8.0 Updated the documentation for Telemetry Streaming v1.8.0. This release contains the following changes:
* Added support for Google StackDriver as a consumer (see Google Cloud Operations Suite’s Cloud Monitoring)
* Added a new page for Data Modification, which includes support for Action Chains, and includeData and excludeData filtering (see Action Chains for information on these items).
* Added machineId to System Poller output
* Added reference to pools in virtual server data

Issues Resolved:
* Improved error handling to preserve stack traces
1.7.0 Updated the documentation for Telemetry Streaming v1.7.0. This release contains the following changes:
* Added a new Consumer for Fluentd (see Fluentd)
* Added a note to Splunk Legacy format (Deprecated) stating TS 1.7.0 and later gathers additional data from tmstats tables to improve compatibility with Splunk Legacy consumers
* Added a troubleshooting entry and other notes about the /dist directory going away on GitHub, and the TS RPM being available as a release Asset (see Troubleshooting)
* Added an FAQ entry about TS collecting non-identifiable usage data (see Usage data)
* Updated the maximum number of concurrent established TCP sockets per consumer to 5

Issues Resolved:
* Splunk Tmstat table data is being overwritten when forwarded to Splunk
* Broken promise chain when loading config file.
1.6.0 Updated the documentation for Telemetry Streaming v1.6.0. This release contains the following changes:
* In version 1.6.0 and later, tagging is now an array inside of which you can add tagging objects (see Tag Property).
* Added the facility parameter for the Splunk Legacy format (see Splunk Legacy format (Deprecated))
* Added a Schema Reference appendix
1.5.0 Updated the documentation for Telemetry Streaming v1.5.0. This release contains the following changes:
* Added support for Carrier Grade NAT (CGNAT) event logs (see Configuring CGNAT logging)
* Telemetry Streaming now collects mask and ipProtocol for virtual servers (see the virtualServers lines of System Information Output for example output.
* Telemetry Streaming now collects the system status information: devicegroup, asm_state, last_asm_change, apm_state, afm_state, last_afm_deploy, ltm_config_time, and gtm_config_time (see the System Information Output for example output)
* Added iRules support to system poller stats (see the iRules lines of System Information Output for example output)
* Added a Troubleshooting entry about a self-signed certificate error. Also added a related allowSelfSignedCert row to the Advanced Options table.

Issues Resolved:
* Elastic Search Unable to parse and index some messages with previously used keys
* Elastic Search event data objects containing consecutive periods will be replaced with a single period
* Splunk Host property is null for TS events
1.4.0 Updated the documentation for Telemetry Streaming v1.4.0. This release contains the following changes:
* Added a new troubleshooting entry for an error that can occur with the ElasticSearch consumer (see Troubleshooting).
* Added the schema files from previous releases to the GitHub repository
* Updated Validating a declaration to clarify the schema URL to use
* Updated the documentation theme and indexes.

Issues Resolved:
* System Poller throws unhandled exception “socket hang up” on attempt to fetch stats.
1.3.0 Updated the documentation for Telemetry Streaming v1.3.0. This release contains the following changes:
* TS now exports AVR data. See the Exporting data from AVR section for configuration notes.
* Added documentation for the tag property.
* Added support for Kafka SASL-PLAIN authentication.
1.2.0 Updated the documentation for Telemetry Streaming v1.2.0. This release contains the following changes:
* Changed the System Poller class to the Telemetry System class.
* Added support for iHealth polling.
* Added support for IPsec Tunnel statistics.
* Added Event Listener log profile configuration example using a single AS3 declaration.
* Updated the Event Listener log profile configuration examples to use non-mgmt-IP-based endpoints.
* Updated example output.
1.1.0 Updated the documentation for Telemetry Streaming v1.1.0. This release contains the following changes:
* Added reference links for importing the example Azure dashboard to the Push Consumers section.
* Added a section for Validating a declaration.
* Updated the Kafka example declaration to include binaryTcp as an alternate protocol option.
* Added UDP as a protocol for the event listener.
* Added StatsD and generic HTTP as consumers. See the Push Consumers section for declaration examples.
* Added System Log to the Event Listener class section.
* Updated GitHub links.
1.0.0 Initial release of Telemetry Streaming documentation. 02-05-19
0.9.0 Initial internal release of Telemetry Streaming documentation. 12-27-18