
Use this section to read about known issues and for common troubleshooting steps.

Telemetry Streaming general troubleshooting tips

  • Examine the restnoded failure log at /var/log/restnoded/restnoded.log (this is where Telemetry Streaming records error messages)
  • Examine the REST response:
    • A 400-level response will carry an error message with it
    • If this message is missing, incorrect, or misleading, please let us know by filing an issue on Github.
  • Use Telemetry’s trace option to create a detailed trace of the configuration process for subsequent analysis. Telemetry’s trace option can be a powerful tool to learn about its working details and to review Telemetry’s operations in detail.


I’m receiving a path not registered error when I try to post a declaration

If you are receiving this error, it means either you did not install Telemetry Streaming, or it did not install properly. The error contains the following message:

    "message": "Public URI path no registered. Please see /var/log/restjavad.0.log and /var/log/restnoded/restnoded.log for details.".

If you receive this error, see Downloading and installing Telemetry Streaming to install or re-install Telemetry Streaming.

I’m receiving a limit of total fields exceeded error when Telemetry Streaming forwards statistics to ElasticSearch

If you are receiving this error, it means that Telemetry Streaming is exceeding the maximum allowed number of fields in the ElasticSearch index to which it is forwarding. The error contains the following message:

Tue, 04 Jun 2019 22:22:37 GMT - severe: [telemetry.ElasticSearch] error: [illegal_argument_exception] Limit of total fields [1000] in index [f5telemetry] has been exceeded

If you receive this error, use one of the following methods to correct the issue:

  • Increase the index.mapping.total_fields.limit setting of the failing index to a larger value to compensate for the amount of data that Telemetry Streaming is sending. This can be accomplished using a PUT request to the URI http(s)://<ElasticSearch>/<index_name>/_settings with the following JSON body:

        "index.mapping.total_fields.limit": 2000
  • Create the ElasticSearch index with an increased index.mapping.total_fields.limit value before Telemetry Streaming begins sending data to it. This can be done using a PUT request to the URI http(s)://<ElasticSearch>/<index_name> with the following JSON body:

        "settings": {
            "index.mapping.total_fields.limit": 2000


To see more information about mapping in ElasticSearch, see ElasticSearch mapping documentation.

I’m receiving a SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN error

If you are receiving this error, you are using a self-signed certificate in a declaration. You can use the allowSelfSignedCert parameter set to true to use self-signed certificates (see Advanced Options for more information and usage).

I can no longer find the TS source RPM on GitHub

Beginning with TS 1.7.0, the RPM and checksum files are no longer located in the /dist directory in the Telemetry Streaming repository on GitHub. These files can be found on the GitHub Release, as Assets.

You can find historical files on GitHub by using the Branch drop-down, clicking the Tags tab, and then selecting the appropriate release.

Why is data not showing up in my consumer?

If data is not appearing in your consumer, use the following troubleshooting advice appropriate for your Telemetry Streaming configuration.

If you are using the Event Listener

If you are using the Event Listener to publish events and/or logs to a Consumer, first check the configuration required for the Event Listener to function successfully. There are three individual configuration tasks that need to occur:

  1. Ensure the Telemetry Streaming declaration has a Telemetry_Listener class defined, and that when you submit the declaration, it succeeds.

  2. Ensure you have completed the base configuration of the BIG-IP, which enables logs and/or events to be published to Telemetry Streaming. See Configuring Logging Sources.


    The BIG-IP documentation references a port number used as a part of publishing logs. The port number you use in this configuration must be the same as the port number in the port property of the Telemetry_Listener class in your Telemetry Streaming declaration. The BIG-IP publishes events and/or logs to the IP:PORT defined in the configuration, and Telemetry Streaming listens for events on this port.

  3. Ensure the profiles (AFM/ASM Security Log profiles, or the LTM Request profiles) are attached to the Virtual Servers that should be monitored. Only Virtual Servers that have logging profiles attached publish logs to Telemetry Streaming. See Logging Profiles.

If you are attempting to use the System Poller

If you are using the System Poller to get metrics from your BIG-IP, ensure that your Telemetry Streaming declaration has a Telemetry_System class, and this class has the systemPoller property defined.

Verify the Consumer configuration

Once you have verified your Event Listener and/or System Poller, check the configuration for the Consumer(s) in your declaration, and ensure that any external consumers are reachable from the BIG-IP device. See Push Consumers and Pull Consumers for consumer configuration.

Check the Telemetry Streaming logs

By default, Telemetry Streaming logs to restnoded.log (stored on the BIG-IP at /var/log/restnoded/restnoded.log), at the info level. At the info log level, you can see any errors that Telemetry Streaming encounters. The consumers within Telemetry Streaming also log an error if they are not able to connect to the external system.

For example, the following log line shows that the Fluent_Consumer cannot connect to the external system at

Wed, 01 Jul 2020 21:36:13 GMT - severe: [telemetry.Generic_HTTP.Fluent_Consumer] error: connect ECONNREFUSED

Additionally, you can adjust the log level of Telemetry Streaming by changing the logLevel property in the Controls object (see Controls in the schema reference).

When the log level is set to debug, many more events are logged to the restnoded log. For example, you can see:

  • When the System Poller successfully runs, and if the Consumer(s) were able to successfully publish the System Poller data. The following example log shows the System Poller data (data type: systemInfo) was successfully processed, and where the Fluent_Consumer successfully published that data:

    Wed, 01 Jul 2020 21:46:59 GMT - finest: [telemetry] Pipeline processed data of type: systemInfo
    Wed, 01 Jul 2020 21:46:59 GMT - finest: [telemetry] System poller cycle finished
    Wed, 01 Jul 2020 21:46:59 GMT - finest: [telemetry.Generic_HTTP.Fluent_Consumer] success
  • When the Event Listener publishes events, the type of that event, and whether the Consumer successfully published the event. The following example shows both an ASM and LTM event being successfully processed by Telemetry Streaming, and published by the Fluent_Consumer:

    Wed, 01 Jul 2020 21:48:59 GMT - finest: [telemetry] Pipeline processed data of type: ASM
    Wed, 01 Jul 2020 21:48:59 GMT - finest: [telemetry] Pipeline processed data of type: LTM
    Wed, 01 Jul 2020 21:48:59 GMT - finest: [telemetry.Generic_HTTP.Fluent_Consumer] success
    Wed, 01 Jul 2020 21:48:59 GMT - finest: [telemetry.Generic_HTTP.Fluent_Consumer] success

How can I check if my Telemetry Streaming Event Listener is sending data to my consumer?

Telemetry Streaming v1.19 introduced a new feature that allows you to send arbitrary data to a Telemetry Streaming Event Listener instead of waiting for the BIG-IP to send a message(s) to the Event Listener. This allows you to test that your Telemetry Streaming Consumers are properly configured.

You must have already submitted a declaration that includes the following:
  • An Event Listener
  • In the Controls class, the debug property set to true.
  • You should have a Consumer in your declaration so you can see the test payload successfully made it to your Consumer.

To check that your Event Listener is sending data to the Consumer, you send an HTTP POST to one of the two new endpoints introduced in v1.19, depending on whether you are using Namespaces or not:

  • If not using Namespaces: https://{{host}}/mgmt/shared/telemetry/eventListener/{{listener_name}}
  • If using Namespaces: https://{{host}}/mgmt/shared/telemetry/namespace/{{namespace_name}}/eventListener/{{listener_name}}

You can send any valid (but also arbitrary) JSON body, such as:

    "message": "my debugging message"

Telemetry Streaming sends this JSON payload to the Event Listener you specified, and the Event Listener processes and sends this debugging payload through Telemetry Streaming to any/all of the your configured Consumers.

How can I write an Event Listener’s incoming raw data to a trace file?

In Telemetry Streaming 1.20 and later you can configure TS to write an Event Listener’s incoming raw data to a trace file. This is useful when troubleshooting, as it allows you to reproduce the exact issue instead of relying on the BIG-IP configuration, profiles, and traffic generation.

This feature is enabled using the trace property with values of input and/or output. All data is written to the /var/tmp/telemetry directory (or check logs for the exact file path).


Input tracing data is written in HEX format. If you want to remove sensitive data, you need to decode HEX data, clean or remove the sensitive data, and re-encode it back to HEX format. But this operation does not guarantee 100% reproduction of issue (in the case of input tracing data will be sent to F5 Support for further investigation). Instead of cleaning the data (or complete removal of sensitive data), we recommend replacing it with non-sensitive data (i.e. the exact same size and original encoding).

The following is an example of configuring the Event Listener to trace incoming data:

    "class": "Telemetry",
    "Listener": {
        "class": "Telemetry_Listener",
        "trace": {
            "type": "input"

If you want to enable both input and output tracing, use the following syntax in your Event Listener:

    "class": "Telemetry",
    "Listener": {
        "class": "Telemetry_Listener",
        "trace": [
                "type": "input"
                "type": "output"

Why is my BIG-IP experiencing occasional high CPU usage and slower performance?

If your BIG-IP system seems to be using a relatively high amount of CPU and degraded performance, you may be experiencing a known issue with the restjavad daemon. This is an issue with the underlying BIG-IP framework, and not an issue with Telemetry Streaming.

More information
Restjavad may become unstable if the amount of memory required by the daemon exceeds the value allocated for its use. The memory required by the restjavad daemon may grow significantly in system configurations with either a high volume of device statistics collection (AVR provisioning), or a with relatively large number of LTM objects managed by the REST framework (SSL Orchestrator provisioning). The overall system performance is degraded during the continuous restart of the restjavad daemon due to high CPU usage.

See Bug ID 894593, Bug ID 776393, and Bug ID 839597.

Increase the memory allocated for the restjavad daemon (e.g. 2 GB), by running the following commands in a BIG-IP terminal.

tmsh modify sys db restjavad.useextramb value true
tmsh modify sys db provision.extramb value 2048
bigstart restart restjavad


You should not exceed 2500MB

Where can I find Telemetry Streaming memory threshold information?

This section contains guidance how to configure the Telemetry Streaming memory usage threshold to help prevent restnoded from restarting when too much memory is used. When restnoded restarts, the Telemetry Streaming consumer is unavailable.

Telemetry Streaming v1.18 introduced a change in behavior by adding monitor checks that run by default. Memory usage is monitored to prevent restnoded from crashing and restarting if memory usage becomes too high. By default (without user configuration), this translates to 90% of total memory allocated for restnoded (1433 MB by default, unless you set the db variables as noted in the workaround section of Why is my BIG-IP experiencing occasional high CPU usage and slower performance?).

You can configure your memory threshold using the new memoryThresholdPercent property in the Controls class. For example, to set the memory threshold to 65%, you use:

 "class": "Telemetry",
 "controls": {
     "class": "Controls",
     "logLevel": "info",
     "memoryThresholdPercent": 65


You can disable monitor checks by setting memoryThresholdPercent value to 100.

Monitor checks run by default on intervals depending on %memory usage:

% of total memory usage Interval
0 - 24 30 seconds
25 - 49 15 seconds
50 - 74 10 seconds
75 - 89 5 seconds
90+ 3 seconds

Why do I see memory usage spikes when TS is configured to send data to a Splunk consumer?

By default, Telemetry Streaming compresses data before sending it to Splunk. Depending on the events per second rate (events from the Event Listener and System Poller), you may see spikes in memory usage.

Telemetry Streaming 1.19 and later includes the compressionType property in the Telemetry_Consumer class. You can set this property to none (gzip is the default) to help reduce memory usage.