Appendix A: Schema Reference

This page is a reference for the objects you can use in your Declarations for Telemetry Streaming. For more information on BIG-IP objects and terminology, see the BIG-IP documentation at Please note: this reference document is currently a work in progress.


No description provided

No properties


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
“Constants” Telemetry streaming constants class


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
“Controls” Telemetry Streaming Controls class
debug (boolean) false true, false
listenerMode (string)
“buffer”, “string” Event Listener events parsing mode. “buffer” is more performant but under the high memory usage events may result in OOM. “string” is less performant but more chance to have lower RSS
listenerStrategy (string)
“drop”, “ring” Event Listener events buffering strategy. “drop” drops all new chunks of data, but keeps pending data to process - less memory usage but loosing data. “ring” keeps buffering data by overriding peding data - higher memory usage but less chance to get data lost.
logLevel (string) “info” “verbose”, “debug”, “info”, “error”
memoryMonitor (Controls_memoryMonitor)
Memory Monitor configuration options allow configuring thresholds for various parameters to help Telemetry Streaming avoid extreme conditions like Out-Of-Memory.
memoryThresholdPercent (integer) 90 [1, 100] Once memory usage reaches this value, processing may temporarily cease until levels return below threshold. Defaults to 90%
runtime (Controls_runtime)
Runtime Configuration Options (V8). Allows to tune the V8 configuration. EXPERIMENTAL!


Controls memoryMonitor possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
interval (reference) “default”
logFrequency (integer) 10 [1, infinity] Number of seconds to use to log information about memory usage. Defaults to 10 sec.
logLevel (logLevel) “debug”
Logging Level to use to log information about memory usage. Defaults to “debug”
memoryThresholdPercent (integer)
[1, 100] Once memory usage reaches this value, processing may temporarily cease until levels return below threshold * “thresholdReleasePercent”. Defaults to 90%. NOTE: the property is the same as the one from parent object but it take precedens over the parent’s one if specified.
osFreeMemory (integer) 30 [1, infinity] Amount of OS Free memory (in MB) below that processing may temporarily ceasae until levels return above theshold. Defaults to 30 MB.
provisionedMemory (integer)
[1, infinity] Amount of Memory in MB. that application should not exceed. Once limit exceed, processing may temporarily cease until levels return below threshold. Defaults to the ‘runtime.maxHeapSize’ value. Maximum should not exceed ‘runtime.maxHeapSize’.
thresholdReleasePercent (integer) 90 [1, 100] Once memory usage reaches value described in “memoryThresholdPercent”, processing may temporarily cease until levels return below threshold * “thresholdReleasePercent”. Defaults to 90%.


Controls runtime possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
enableGC (boolean) false true, false Grants Telemetry Streaming access to the V8 garbage collector, which helps Telemetry Streaming cleanup memory when usage exceeds thresholds. EXPERIMENTAL!
httpTimeout (number) 60
Increases the timeout value in seconds for incoming REST API HTTP requests that allows Telemetry Streaming to avoid TimeoutException error for long lasting operations. Defaults to 60 seconds. EXPERIMENTAL!
maxHeapSize (number) 1400
Increases V8 maximum heap size to enable more memory usage and prevent Heap-Out-Of-Memory error. EXPERIMENTAL!


This property can be used to enable/disable the poller/listener

No properties


No description provided

No properties


No description provided

No properties


No description provided

No properties


No description provided

No properties


No description provided

Type string with possible values: “http”, “https”


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowSelfSignedCert (allowSelfSignedCert)
enableHostConnectivityCheck (enableHostConnectivityCheck)
host (host)
passphrase (secret)
port (port) 80
protocol (protocol) “http”
username (username)


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
cipherText (string)
class (string) “Secret” “Secret” Telemetry streaming secret class
environmentVar (string)
protected (string) “plainText” “plainText”, “plainBase64”, “SecureVault”


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
“Shared” Telemetry streaming Shared class


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
cipherText (string)
class (string) “Secret” “Secret” Telemetry streaming secret class
environmentVar (string)
protected (string) “plainText” “plainText”, “plainBase64”, “SecureVault”


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
application (string)
tenant (string)


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
$schema (string)
class (string)
“Telemetry” Telemetry streaming top level class
schemaVersion (string) “1.37.0” “1.37.0”, “1.36.0”, “1.35.0”, “1.34.0”, “1.33.0”, “1.32.0”, “1.31.0”, “1.30.0”, “1.29.0”, “1.28.0”, “1.27.1”, “1.27.0”, “1.26.0”, “1.25.0”, “1.24.0”, “1.23.0”, “1.22.0”, “1.21.0”, “1.20.1”, “1.20.0”, “1.19.0”, “1.18.0”, “1.17.0”, “1.16.0”, “1.15.0”, “1.14.0”, “1.13.0”, “1.12.0”, “1.11.0”, “1.10.0”, “1.9.0”, “1.8.0”, “1.7.0”, “1.6.0”, “1.5.0”, “1.4.0”, “1.3.0”, “1.2.0”, “1.1.0”, “1.0.0”, “0.9.0” Version of ADC Declaration schema this declaration uses


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
actions (reference)
addTags (reference)
allowSelfSignedCert (boolean) false true, false
apiKey (reference)
apiVersion (reference)
appInsightsResourceName (reference)
authenticationProtocol (reference)
bucket (reference)
class (string)
“Telemetry_Consumer” Telemetry Streaming Consumer class
clientCertificate (reference)
compressionType (reference)
convertBooleansToMetrics (reference)
customOpts (reference)
customTags (reference)
dataType (reference)
enable (boolean) true true, false This property can be used to enable/disable the poller/listener
enableHostConnectivityCheck (boolean)
true, false
endpointUrl (reference)
eventSchemaVersion (reference)
exporter (reference)
f5csSensorId (reference)
f5csTenantId (reference)
fallbackHosts (reference)
format (reference)
headers (reference)
host (reference)
index (reference)
instrumentationKey (reference)
logGroup (reference)
logId (reference)
logScope (reference)
logScopeId (reference)
logStream (reference)
managementEndpointUrl (reference)
maxAwsLogBatchSize (reference)
maxBatchIntervalMs (reference)
maxBatchSize (reference)
method (reference)
metricNamespace (reference)
metricPrefix (reference)
metricsPath (reference)
odsOpinsightsEndpointUrl (reference)
outputMode (reference)
partitionerType (reference)
partitionKey (reference)
passphrase (reference)
path (reference)
payloadSchemaNid (reference)
port (reference)
privateKey (reference)
privateKeyId (reference)
projectId (reference)
protocol (reference)
proxy (reference)
region (reference)
reportInstanceMetadata (reference)
rootCertificate (reference)
service (reference)
serviceAccount (reference)
serviceEmail (reference)
targetAudience (reference)
topic (reference)
trace (boolean | string)
true, false Enables data dumping to file. Boolean uses pre-defined file location, however value could be a string which contains path to a specific file instead
type (string)
“AWS_CloudWatch”, “AWS_S3”, “Azure_Log_Analytics”, “Azure_Application_Insights”, “DataDog”, “default”, “ElasticSearch”, “Generic_HTTP”, “Google_Cloud_Logging”, “Google_Cloud_Monitoring”, “Google_StackDriver”, “Graphite”, “Kafka”, “OpenTelemetry_Exporter”, “Splunk”, “Statsd”, “Sumo_Logic”, “F5_Cloud”
useManagedIdentity (reference)
username (reference)
useServiceAccountToken (reference)
useSSL (reference)
workspaceId (reference)


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
basePath (reference)
class (string)
“Telemetry_Endpoints” Telemetry Streaming Endpoints class
enable (reference)
items (reference)


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
“Telemetry_iHealth_Poller” Telemetry Streaming iHealth Poller class
downloadFolder (reference)
enable (reference)
interval (reference)
passphrase (reference)
proxy (reference)
trace (reference)
username (reference)


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
actions (baseActionsChain | reference) [object Object]
class (string)
“Telemetry_Listener” Telemetry Streaming Event Listener class
enable (boolean) true true, false This property can be used to enable/disable the poller/listener
match (string) “”
port (integer) 8100 [0, 65535]
tag (Telemetry_Listener_tag)
trace (boolean | string)
true, false Enables data dumping to file. Boolean uses pre-defined file location, however value could be a string which contains path to a specific file instead


Telemetry_Listener tag possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
application (string)
tenant (string)


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
“Telemetry_Namespace” Telemetry Streaming Namespace class


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
“Telemetry_Pull_Consumer” Telemetry Streaming Pull Consumer class
enable (boolean) true true, false This property can be used to enable/disable the poller/listener
systemPoller (systemPollerPointerRef | array<systemPollerPointerRef>)
trace (boolean | string)
true, false Enables data dumping to file. Boolean uses pre-defined file location, however value could be a string which contains path to a specific file instead
type (string)
“default”, “Prometheus”


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowSelfSignedCert (boolean) false true, false
class (string)
“Telemetry_System” Telemetry Streaming System class
enable (boolean) true true, false This property can be used to enable/disable the poller/listener
enableHostConnectivityCheck (boolean)
true, false
host (string) “localhost”
iHealthPoller (Telemetry_System_iHealthPoller)
passphrase (Telemetry_System_passphrase)
port (integer) 8100 [0, 65535]
protocol (string) “http” “http”, “https”
systemPoller (Telemetry_System_systemPoller)
trace (boolean | string)
true, false Enables data dumping to file. Boolean uses pre-defined file location, however value could be a string which contains path to a specific file instead
username (string)


Telemetry_System iHealthPoller possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
downloadFolder (string)
enable (enable) true
interval (object)
passphrase (secret)
proxy (proxy)
trace (trace) false
username (username)


Telemetry_System passphrase possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
cipherText (string)
class (string) “Secret” “Secret” Telemetry streaming secret class
environmentVar (string)
protected (string) “plainText” “plainText”, “plainBase64”, “SecureVault”


Telemetry_System systemPoller possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
actions (inputDataStreamActionsChain) [object Object]
Actions to be performed on the systemPoller.
chunkSize (integer) 30 [1, infinity] The maximum number of items to fetch at a time for a given endpoint. Requests with reduced response size can help improve CPU/memory utilization.
enable (enable) true
endpointList (array<endpointsPointerRef | endpointsItemPointerRef | endpointsObjectRef | endpointObjectRef> | endpointsPointerRef | endpointsObjectRef)
List of endpoints to use in data collection
httpAgentOpts (array)
Additional http agent options to use
interval (integer) 300 [-infinity, infinity] If endpointList is specified, minimum=1. Without endpointList, minimum=60 and maximum=60000. Allows setting interval=0 to not poll on an interval.
tag (tag)
trace (trace)
workers (integer) 5 [1, infinity] Number of workers to create, which affects processing of simultaneous requests to device.


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
actions (reference)
allowSelfSignedCert (boolean) false true, false
chunkSize (reference)
class (string)
“Telemetry_System_Poller” Telemetry Streaming System Poller class
enable (reference)
enableHostConnectivityCheck (boolean)
true, false
endpointList (reference)
host (string) “localhost”
httpAgentOpts (reference)
interval (reference)
passphrase (Telemetry_System_Poller_passphrase)
port (integer) 8100 [0, 65535]
protocol (string) “http” “http”, “https”
tag (reference)
trace (reference)
username (string)
workers (reference)


Telemetry_System_Poller passphrase possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
cipherText (string)
class (string) “Secret” “Secret” Telemetry streaming secret class
environmentVar (string)
protected (string) “plainText” “plainText”, “plainBase64”, “SecureVault”


Enables data dumping to file. Boolean uses pre-defined file location, however value could be a string which contains path to a specific file instead

No properties


Enables data dumping to file. Boolean uses pre-defined file location, however value could be a string which contains path to a specific file instead


Name (Type) Default Values Description
path (string)
Path to trace file to write data to
type (string)
“output”, “input” Trace type - output data or input data


Enables data dumping to file. Boolean uses pre-defined file location, however value could be a string which contains path to a specific file instead


Name (Type) Default Values Description
path (string)
Path to trace file to write data to
type (string)
“output”, “input” Trace type - output data or input data


No description provided

No properties