

The F5SPKSnatpool Custom Resource (CR) configures the Service Proxy for Kubernetes (SPK) Traffic Management Microkernel (TMM) to perform source network address translations (SNAT) on egress network traffic. When internal Pods connect to external resources, their internal cluster IP address is translated to one of the available IP address in the SNAT pool.

This document guides you through understanding, configuring and deploying a simple F5SPKSnatpool CR.

Scaling TMM

When scaling Service Proxy TMM beyond a single instance in the Project, the F5SPKSnatpool CR must be configured to provide a SNAT pool to each TMM replica. The first SNAT pool is applied to the first TMM replica, the second snatpool to the second TMM replica, continuing through the list.

_images/spk_warn.png Important: When configuring SNAT pools with multiple IP subnets, ensure all TMM replicas receive the same IP subnets.

Example CR:

 apiVersion: "k8s.f5net.com/v1"
 kind: F5SPKSnatpool 
   name: "egress-snatpool"
   namespace: spk-ingress
   name: "egress_snatpool"
     - -
     - -
     - -

Example deployment:


_images/spk_info.png Note: The SNAT Pool CR supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

Advertising address lists

By default, all SNAT Pool IP addresses are advertised (redistributed) to BGP neighbors. To advertise only specific SNAT Pool IP addresses, configure a prefixList and routeMaps when installing the Ingress Controller. For configuration assistance, refer to the BGP Overview.

Referencing the SNAT Pool

Once the F5SPKSnatpool is configured, a virtual server is required to process the egress Pod connections, and apply the SNAT IP addresses. The F5SPKEgress CR creates the required virtual server, and is included in the Deployment procedure below:


Ensure you have:


Use the following steps to deploy the example F5SPKSnatpool CR, the required F5SPKEgress CR, and to verify the configurations.

  1. Configure SNAT Pools using the example CR, and deploy to the same Project as the Ingress Controller. For example:

    _images/spk_warn.png Important: The spec.name parameter must be set to egress_snatpool, and you must install the F5SPKSNATPool CR first.

    In this example, the CR installs to the spk-ingress Project:

    apiVersion: "k8s.f5net.com/v1"
    kind: F5SPKSnatpool
      name: "egress-snatpool"
      namespace: spk-ingress
      name: "egress_snatpool"
        - -
        - -
        - -
  2. Install the F5SPKSNATPool CR:

    oc apply -f <file_name>.yaml

    In this example, the CR file is named spk-snatpool-crd.yaml:

    oc apply -f spk-snatpool-crd.yaml
  3. Configure the F5SPKEgress CR, and install to the same Project as the Ingress Controller. For example:

    _images/spk_warn.png Important: The spec.egressSnatpool parameter must be set to egress_snatpool.

    apiVersion: "k8s.f5net.com/v1"
    kind: F5SPKEgress
      name: egress-crd
      namespace: spk-ingress
      egressSnatpool: "egress_snatpool"
  4. Install the F5SPKEgress CR:

    oc apply -f <file_name>.yaml

    In this example, the CR file is named spk-egress-crd.yaml:

    oc apply -f spk-egress-crd.yaml
  5. To verify the SNAT pool IP address mappings, obtain the name of the Ingress Controller’s persistmap:

    _images/spk_info.png Note: The persistmap maintains SNAT mappings after unexpected Pod restarts.

    In this example, the CR installs to the spk-ingress Project:

    oc get cm | grep persistmap -n <project>

    In this example, the persistmap named persistmap-76946d464b-d5xvc is in the spk-ingress Project:

    oc get cm | grep persistmap -n spk-ingress 
  6. Verify the SNAT IP address mappings:

    oc get cm persistmap-76946d464b-d5xvc \
    -o "custom-columns=IP Addresses:.data.snatpoolMappings" -n <project>

    In this example, the persistmap is in the spk-ingress Project, and the SNAT IPs are and *

    oc get cm persistmap-76946d464b-d5xvc \
    -o "custom-columns=IP Addresses:.data.snatpoolMappings" -n spk-ingress
    IP Addresses
  7. To verify connectivity statistics, log in to the Debug Sidecar:

    oc exec -it deploy/f5-tmm -c debug -n <project>

    In this example, the debug sidecar is in the spk-ingress Project:

    oc exec -it deploy/f5-tmm -c debug -n spk-ingress
  8. Verify the internal virtual servers have been configured:

    tmctl -f /var/tmstat/blade/tmm0 virtual_server_stat -s name,serverside.tot_conns

    In this example, 3 IPv4 connections, and 2 IPv6 connections have been initiated by internal Pods:

    name              serverside.tot_conns
    ----------------- --------------------
    egress-ipv6                          2
    egress-ipv4                          3


Provide feedback to improve this document by emailing spkdocs@f5.com.