SPK Controller Reference

The SPK Controller and Traffic Management Microkernel (TMM) configuration parameters. Each heading below represents the top-level parameter element. For example, to set the Controller’s watchNamespace, use controller.watchNamespace.


Parameters to configure the Controller.

Parameter Description
image.repository The domain name or IP address of the local container registry.
watchNamespace The Namespace to watch for Service and CRD update events. The watchNamespace parameter accepts multiple namespaces.
serviceAccount.name Specifies the serviceAccount the Controller Pod will use. By default the Controller serviceAccount is autogenerated based on the Helm release NAME: NAME.f5ingress.
fluentbit_sidecar.enabled Enable to disable the fluentbit logging sidecar (true /false). The default is true.
fluentbig_sidecar.fluentd.host The hostname of the Fluentd container. The default is
fluentbig_sidecar.fluentd.port The service port of the Fluend container. The default is 54321.


Parameters to configure Service Proxy TMM.

Parameter Description
image.repository The domain name or IP address of the local container registry.
replicaCount Number of SPK TMMs desired in the replicaset.
hostNetwork Enable TMM pods to use host network namespace.
cniNetworks Comma-seperated list of CNI network interfaces used by TMM.
icni2.enabled Enable OVN-Kubernetes annotations (true/false).
bfdToOvn.enabled Enabled when SPK is used as an egress gateway and OVN Kubernetes uses BFD to monitor gateway nodes.
serviceAccount.name Specifies the serviceAccount the TMM Pod will use. By default TMM uses the default serviceAccount.
resources.limits.cpu The number of TMM threads to allocate.
resources.limits.hugepages-2Mi The amount of hugepages to allocate: 1.5 x TMM CPU count.
resources.limits.memory The amount of memory to allocate. F5 recommends the default 2Gi.
vxlan.enabled Enable VXLAN configuration for this TMM deployment (true/false).
vxlan.name VXLAN tunnel name.
vxlan.localIp VXLAN local IP address.
vxlan.selfIp VXLAN self IP address.
vxlan.port VXLAN port.
vxlan.key VXLAN key.
vxlan.staticRouteNodeNetmask Netmask for static routes to nodes.
vxlan.staticRoutePoolMemberNetmask Netmask for static routes to pool members.


The tmm.dynamicRouting parameters to configure BGP. For configuration assistance, refer to the BGP Overview.

Parameter Description
enabled Enable the TMM dynamic routing container.
tmmRouting.image.repository The domain name or IP address of the local container registry.


The tmm.dynamicRouting.tmRouting.config parameters.

Parameter Description
image.repository The domain name or IP address of the local container registry. Important: Omit the config prefix from this parameter.
bgp.hostname Sets the BGP Hostname.
bgp.logFile Sets the name and location for the BGP log file.
bgp.debugs BGP array of debug.
bgp.asn TMM's BGP Autonomous System Number.
bgp.maxPathsEbgp BGP maximum number of paths for External BGP (2-64). Disable with 'null' value.
bgp.maxPathsIbgp BGP maximum number of paths for Internal BGP (2-64). Disable with 'null' value.
bgp.neighbors BGP router array of neighbors.
bgp.neighbors.ip BGP router neighbors IP.
bgp.neighbors.acceptsIPv4 Advertise IPv4 virtual server addresses neighbors. true enables - empty string disables.
bgp.neighbors.acceptsIPv6 Advertise IPv6 virtual server addresses to neighbors. true enables - empty string disables.
bgp.neighbors.ebgpMultihop Sets the BGP TTL (range: 1-255).
bgp.neighbors.password BGP router neighbors Password.
bgp.gracefulRestartTime BGP graceful restart time.
bgp.routeMap The name of the routeMaps use to filter neighbor routes.
prefixList.name The name of the prefixList entry.
prefixList.seq The order of the prefixList entry.
prefixList.deny Allow or deny the prefixList entry.
prefixList.prefix The IP address subnet to filter.
routeMaps.name The name of the routeMaps object applied to the neighbor
routeMaps.seq The order of the routeMaps entry.
routeMaps.deny Allow or deny the routeMaps entry.
routeMaps.match The name of the referenced prefixList.
bgp.neighbors.fallover Enable BFD fallover between peers: true / false.
interface Selects the BFD peering interface if specified.
interval Sets the minimum transmission interval in milliseconds: 50 (default) - 999.
minrx Sets the minimum receive interval in milliseconds: 50 (default) - 999.
multiplier Sets the Hello multiplier value 3 - 50. The default is 10.
multihop_peer Enables multi-hop BFD to BGP neighbor: true or false (default).


Parameters to send TMM logging data to the Fluentd Logging container.

_images/spk_info.png Note: f5-toda-logging is a subchart of the Ingress Helm chart.

Parameter Description
enabled Enable or disable TMM logging: true (default) or false.
fluentD.host Sets the fluentd service name used as a target to send logging information.
sidecar.image.repository Sidecar regitry name.
tmstats.config.image.repository The path of f5-toda-tmstatsd image.


Parameters for the Debug Sidecar.

Parameter Description
image.repository Debug registry name.